Page 87 of Brute & Bossy

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“You’re so dramatic,” Wade teased.

“It’s not dramatic when it’s true.”

He lifted his arm and turned his head in my direction before placing a soft, quick kiss against my temple. “I’m sorry.”

I blinked with confusion. We were back together, right? But he hadn’t gone so far as to kiss me yet. At least not on the mouth.

I gently pressed my lips to his, just for a moment, solidifying him as real in my mind.

Mom chuckled from the other side of the sofa. “You guys remind me of your father and me at your age.”

My eyes fluttered open as I pulled back from him, those words tugging at every soft spot in my heart. That was always my goal—to find someone that would love me the way my father loved my mother, that gave me the same feeling I got when I looked at the two of them. And as I met Wade’s gaze, his goofy little smile warming every inch of me, realization slinked down my spine.

I’d done that. I’d found him.

He’d been there all along.

“Come on, lovebirds,” Mom teased. “The brownies should have cooled by now.”

Chapter 40



“And here, we’ve got the third living space with an attached smaller kitchen.”

The realtor’s voice faded as she rounded the corner without us. I gripped Ray’s hand in mine and held her in place, mouthing a silent don’t follow her. With one finger to my lips in a shushing gesture, she cracked a grin wide enough to split my heart in two as I slowly began to back up, pulling her with me.

“What are you doing?” she whispered, one eyebrow cocked.

“Seeing how long it takes her to find us in our new home,” I answered.

We rounded the corner of the great room, magnificent in its entirety. Wooden floors, a grand staircase, intricate carvings in the handmade banister. I’d had my eye on this place for a while. I loved the rustic appeal and the mountainside location. A guesthouse for Ray’s mom was the selling point, though.

Ray had been over the moon when we’d pulled up out front, even more so when I told her it was hers if she wanted.

I dragged her up the staircase to the second story. The hallway split in two directions, but only one led to the master suite—an area of the house the realtor had yet to show us. It was the best possible place I could think of to christen the new house. Even if it wasn’t ours yet.

“Wade,” she giggled as I spun her around, picking her up with ease. She was barely beginning to show, just the tiniest little bump, but I made sure to be careful. “We can’t hide forever.”

“Watch us,” I teased.

I carried her to the end of the hallway and gently kicked the slightly ajar door open. A bed sat in the middle of the room, a model just for show, but it was a bed all the same.

“Wade,” she warned, a hint of seriousness to her voice. She knew exactly where this was heading.

“You just looked so goddamn tempting, baby,” I whispered in her ear before nibbling below it, her favorite spot.

“And I’m not even wearing makeup,” she laughed. I set her down on the mattress. Tens of little, barely noticeable freckles covered her bare cheeks, her beaming smile infectious.

“Since when do you need to be wearing makeup to drive me crazy?” I put my knee on the bed beside her for leverage as I leaned down, lifting her chin to kiss her. “Let me have my way with you. It’ll be ages until she realizes we’re gone.”

She rolled her eyes. “You could be right. She wasn’t really paying us any attention.”

“I think it’s because she knows I’m going to buy it.”

Ray sucked her lip between her teeth as she glanced at the closed door behind us. “Fine. But not on the bed.”
