Page 81 of Brute & Bossy

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“It’s fine,” I shrugged. Giving him my best fake smile, I looked him up and down. I could understand why Wade thought that I could be interested in Hunter; he was a fantastic looking man. Chiseled jaw, perfectly styled hair, strong body. A farm boy that didn’t look like one. But there wasn’t a hint of chemistry between us. I’d been overly nice to him at the wedding because I’d been overly nice to everyone in the interest of giving a good impression. But he wasn’t my kind of man.

“Can I ask you something?”

His eyes lit up, his brows raising. “Anything.”

“Wade said that Zane told him I had my accident near your ranch because I was on my way to see you,” I explained. “Is that what you told him?”

His shoulders slumped as he leaned back in his chair, releasing a sigh. “Absolutely not,” he said. “I’m not really friends with Zane anymore. I only called him because he was the only one I had the contact details for. I wouldn’t be surprised if he made that up just to get under Wade’s skin.”

It made sense. I figured that was the case, anyway. Hunter didn’t seem like the kind of person to do something like that. “Apparently he said that I called you baby.”

Hunter shook his head. “I mentioned you said the word baby, but as soon as I realized how that might sound, I told him I didn’t know what you meant. It’s not my place to give that information out for you.”

“So you didn’t tell him I’m pregnant?”

“God, no. I’m sorry that word slipped out in the first place. I was panicked and was just trying to give him enough information to give to Wade.”

“I appreciate that,” I sighed.

“Have you told him yet?”

I pursed my lips together. “No,” I admitted. “I know I need to, he has every right to know. It’s just hard when things are so… messy between us. I don’t know who or what to believe when it comes to him.”

Hunter leaned forward, elbows on his knees, and set his coffee down on the little table between us. “Do you want to talk about it?”

“There’s not a lot to talk about,” I chuckled. “I don’t know if he’s genuine. I guess he doesn’t know if I’m genuine. It’s hard to keep track at this point.”

“Are you?” Hunter asked, blinking at me as if his question was obvious. I waited for more details. “Genuine, I mean.”

I sighed and blew on my coffee, hoping it would cool soon so I could suck it down and leave. “Yeah,” I said quietly. “He told me he loved me and I almost said it back. I wanted to. The words were there, you know? They just wouldn’t come out. And then I started overthinking again, wondering if he only said that to sleep with me again and the whole thing blew up. I do love him, Hunter, I just don’t know if the feelings are mutual or manipulative.”

My phone buzzed in my pocket. I fished it out, fully convinced it would be another call from Wade that I’d send to voicemail, but instead, Mandy’s face flashed on the screen.

“I’m sorry, do you mind if I take this?”

Hunter shook his head.

I swiped to answer the call. “Hey, Mandy, what’s up?”

A giggling baby answered me before she did. “Hey! Sorry, Cassie wanted to say hello first.”

Cassie. Somewhere in all of this, I’d forgotten about her. Forgotten how closely we were beginning to mirror Jackson and Mandy. “That’s okay. Is everything alright?”

“Yes, of course. Sorry if my calling worried you,” she replied. “I don’t really get a spare second to text nowadays and I’m better when I can use speakerphone.”

“I get it.”

“Basically, I was wondering if I could set you up on a date,” she said. The smile in her voice was audible. “A double date, actually. You, me, Jack.”

“Mandy,” I breathed. “You don’t think I’m going to fall for that, do you?”

“What?” she asked, painting her tone in innocence as Cassie cooed.

“The person you’re setting me up with is obviously Wade.”

“Shhh,” she shushed, and I wasn’t entirely sure if she was talking to me or Cassie. “Can’t we just pretend that it isn’t until you get there? Like a blind date?”

“It’s not a blind date if I know it’s Wade.”
