Page 74 of Brute & Bossy

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I’d never felt more at home in my life.

She groaned at the fullness, her muscles clenching around my cock. I shifted her into a better position, lifting her legs and pushing them toward her chest before I began to move.

I would never, ever, tire of this. Of her.

Her fingers knotted around the back of my neck, pulling me down toward her and leaving little divots in my skin. I kissed her as much as I wanted to, as deeply as I wanted to. She returned it just as ferociously, her hips locked in place as I drove myself into her over and over, her thighs squeezing around my sides.

“I missed you,” I grunted against her lips. She tasted like heaven, like a single glass of wine with a hint of salt from whatever her dinner had been. It only heightened the pleasure, making every thrust that much more intoxicating. “Every fucking second of the last few weeks, I missed you.”

A little whimper broke past her lips, hovering in the space between us.

“I missed you in my bones.” Fuck, I’d only just entered her and already I could feel myself building. It really had been too long. I needed to do something, both for me and for her. I wasn’t ready for this to end so soon, and if this was going to be anything like the last twenty or so nights we’d spent together, I knew damn well it wouldn’t be. Still, I didn’t want to be a disappointment.

I dragged my cock out of her reluctantly, every part of my body screaming to stay in. “No,” she mewled, fingers tightening around my neck.

“Flip over,” I said. Backing up an inch or two, I wrapped my hands around her hips and steadied her as she rolled, mind and body struggling through the haze of excitement. “Put your hands on the headboard, baby.”

Watching her fingers curl around the black iron frame nearly made me feral. She was going to need it for stability.

I grabbed her by the hips, forcing her ass back toward me, and lined myself up with her entrance once again. In this position, the options were endless—I could reach around her to play with her, could pull at her hair, could have her screaming with pleasure. But all I wanted to do was be back inside of her and make her body fucking sing for me.

“Please,” she begged, her hips pressing back enough to slide the tip of my cock inside. I nearly keeled over just from the sensation.

Taking one deep, steadying breath, I drove myself in up to the hilt, her silken walls clenching around me. “Fuck,” I groaned. The rush of it all, of her, was enough to make my knees weak.

I slipped one hand around her hips to her front, my fingers delving between her lips and rubbing gently at her clit in little circular motions. She shivered at the intrusion, her body twitching as I slowly began to move.

Flushed cheeks appeared over her shoulder as she turned to look at me. “Do you like that?” I asked, knowing damn well exactly what her answer would be. “You like watching me fuck you, Raven?”

She gave me a tiny nod in return as my hand roamed up her spine, the lightest of touches. Her rear hit against my hips as my thrusts picked up speed and depth, need and desperation snaking their way into every part of me. I wrapped my fingers around the base of her neck.

“Tell me,” I rasped. “Tell me what you want me to do to you.”

“Anything,” she breathed, her voice barely above a whisper as she gasped for breath. “Everything.”

Fuck why did that fill my head with so many filthy ideas of her on her knees for me, hands behind her back, my cock in her mouth… too many things that focused wholly around me. I wasn’t that type of person but she made me untamed.

“Wade,” she groaned, her body jerking with little movements as she grew closer to her first finish line of the night. Just the way she said my name made my hips stutter.

Digging my fingers into the back of her neck just a little harder, I used them as leverage to lift her head slightly back, bringing her closer to me. My lips, my teeth, my tongue met her skin in an instant, needing to taste the sweat on her flesh.

Satisfied that she would stay in position on her own, I dragged my free hand around to her front, kneading the thickness of one of her breasts as I sucked and kissed at the nook between her shoulder and neck. Her breathing halted, her walls closing in, and a second later a shriek tore through her as her body shook, wave after wave of an orgasm washing over her.

“Oh my God,” she cried. Her knuckles went white around the black frame of her bed.

I didn’t stop, though.

My fingers carried on, dragging her to new heights, making her squirm and moan from the overstimulation. “Please,” Ray said through clenched teeth, one hand meeting mine where it refused to move. “You can’t… I can’t!”

“You can handle it,” I rasped, my lips just a hairsbreadth from her ear. Every twitch, every pleading cry from her only brought me that much closer.

Hips moving in rhythm, pleasure lit my veins on fire, tearing through me in an instant as I shoved myself as deep as I could go inside of her. I groaned as my fingers finally stilled, allowing Ray to catch her breath and calm herself. I was muttering incoherently, had no idea if they were words or groans of ecstasy, but I knew one thing for certain—I never, ever wanted to leave.

As I slowly floated back to earth, chest heaving and cock twitching, I held her against me. I placed little kisses against the top of her head, the sides of her ears, anywhere my lips could reach. I couldn’t let go. I wouldn’t.

“I love you.” I gripped her just a little bit harder as I let myself sink down into the bed. “I fucking swear it, Ray.”

Chapter 33
