Page 50 of Brute & Bossy

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I couldn’t stop my answering groan at the possibility. “You can’t do that,” I chuckled. “I’ll just get my hopes up.”

“That’s not a bad thing,” was her reply.

The little smile she gave me was enough to set my pulse racing. I wanted this with her, all of it. I’d take any version, but this one, this soppy little mess, was my favorite.

“Are you going to fuck me now or do I need to ask?”

I grinned. “You don’t need to ask.”


Ray had barely caught her breath when her sweat-covered body collapsed against my chest. “I can’t,” she rasped, her voice whiny. “I’m too tired. I can’t.”

I glanced at the clock on the bedside table. Nearly four in the morning, and she had to be up at eight. Even though we both knew the consequences, we’d thrown it to the wayside, because it was as if nothing was enough. No matter how many times I’d made her climax, no matter how many times she’d emptied my cock, she was insatiable, and so was I. We were dead to the world, but she still wanted more, and I was a pleaser.

I grabbed her by the hips and bucked mine, fucking her with the last few drops of energy I had. It was enough, just barely, to pull one more orgasm from her and then I was spent, my cock too raw and sore to move. I would never be able to get enough of the sounds she made every time.

“I think I get it,” she mumbled, her head buried in the hollow of my chest between my ribs as her trembling body slowly calmed down. “Why your bunnies obsess over you. If this is how you are with them?—”

“It’s not,” I cut her off. Her muscles stilled within a second. “I am not like this with them.”

That wasn’t a lie. I’d never gone this long, never been so intensely desperate for a woman to the point where nothing felt like enough. I’d lost count of how many times I’d brought her to climax, but somewhere after the sixth, I’d had to carry her to the bathroom just so she could pee because her legs had given out. It was adorable.

But I wasn’t ready to dive deeper into my mind to figure out the why. I knew what it was, could feel it lingering near the surface, and in truth, it scared the living shit out of me. There was a reason I didn’t give anyone this much of myself.

“What do you mean?” she asked, the words so soft, so tired. She lifted her leg, her foot dragging along my calf, and I couldn’t help but wince as it skated over the scars.

“Not now,” I whispered. I trailed my fingers up and down her slick spine, hoping that the exhaustion from our evening was enough to send her to sleep before she asked me more questions, harder questions. “You need sleep, Ray. Do you want to shower now or in the morning?”

“I don’t want to shower,” she replied. She picked her head up, resting her chin on my chest so she could look me in the eyes. I didn’t have the heart to tell her it hurt. “I don’t want to do anything. I just want to stay here with you. Is that bad?”

Pushing a stray curl behind her ear, I dragged my fingers across her cheek, memorized the little smile she gave me. This was Ray with her walls down, this was Ray without a hint of animosity. I wanted to bottle it and keep it for myself forever, and that fucking terrified me.

I shook my head. “I love it when you’re like this,” I whispered. The words fell out too easily before I could think twice, but thankfully, sleepy-Ray didn’t find it angering. “Makes me think you need a new nickname.”

The little snort she gave set my pulse racing for the millionth time. I had to be at risk of a heart attack at this point. “God, not another one.”

Flattening my palm against her back, I held her to me and flipped us, gently placing her down on the soft sheets as she giggled. “Yes, another one,” I laughed, pressing a kiss to her lips, her cheek, her jaw, “because you’re right. You’re not a bunny.”

Her head tilted back, burying itself in the soft cotton and offering me her neck. I gladly took it, claiming every inch I could get my lips and teeth on.

“A nickname that matches this version of you,” I whispered. “Needy, insatiable, fucking ravenous.”

“You made me like this,” she breathed, every little moan and whimper daring me to go another round, but I knew neither of us could take it.

“Ray…” I said, dragging my hand up the side of her body as my lips found her ear. “We made each other like this.”

A shiver coursed through her, pushing her hips up into mine. We can’t. Not again.

“I want you,” she begged.

“You’ve wanted me all night long.” My cock, limp and practically beaten to a pulp, still managed to twitch at her plea. “And I’ve wanted you all night. But neither of us can take another round, little Raven.”

Her answering giggle made my chest ache. “Raven? Is that what you’ve decided on?”

My lips curled up into a smile as I looked down at her. I wanted this. I wanted her.

“I think it’s as good a name as any.” I pressed my lips to hers, once, twice, three times. “Ravenous Raven.”
