Page 49 of Brute & Bossy

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Slowly, she climbed onto the bed, sinking down beside me. Her skin felt like velvet beneath my fingertips, each little blonde hair standing on end, every nerve ending firing. I kissed, nipped, and licked at the skin of her breasts, dragging myself ever closer to her nipple, and cherished the way she shuddered as I finally took it in my mouth.

“You make it too easy to want you,” she whined, the end of her words ending in a gasp as I bit down gently. “Fuck, yes.”

I didn’t care about the ache in my cock, didn’t care about how much I wanted to sink myself inside of her. Not when she spoke to me like that, not when she moaned against the top of my head, not when her hips slid back and forth against my slacks in a desperate search for friction. All I cared about was her, the sounds she made, the pleasure she received. She wanted me, and that was enough to send me over the edge on its own.

I swirled my tongue around her hardened nipple and grasped her other breast with my hand, kneading it with my fingers, rolling the bud between my thumb and forefinger. Every gasp, every cry, every movement of her hips had my head swimming with need. Need to please her. Need to devour her. Need to keep her as my own.

“Wade,” she mewled, pressing down harder against my slacks. “Please.”

“Say what you want,” I said around the curve of her breast. “Tell me, baby.”

“I need you.” Her fingers sunk into my hair, fisting the strands as she tugged me backward so she could look down at me. Every single inch of her face looked pristine except the little bit of lipstick I’d smudged. “I need you,” she repeated.

“You need me to what?”

She scowled at me as a chuckle escaped my lips. I loved seeing her like this. Frustrated, angry, horny, desperate. “Touch me,” she pleaded. “I need you to touch me.”

“Ray,” I said, dragging my free hand down her back and tweaking her nipple playfully. “I am touching you.”

The glare she leveled at me was too much to bear. I laughed as I wrapped my arm around her, flipping her over within a second. I savored the little shriek that escaped her, the wide-eyed expression on her face before spreading her legs. I reached down to release the button on my slacks, aching for more space for my cock, and gave her a wry little smirk when my hand felt warm and damp.

“I’m going to need to have these dry-cleaned now.”

The blush that spread across her cheeks reached down her neck and across her collarbones. “Sorry, not sorry,” she mumbled with a wicked smile.

Pushing my slacks down my legs, I breathed a sigh of relief at one less layer pressing down on me. “It’s okay,” I chuckled. I shifted her higher on the bed as I hovered over her, hooking her legs over mine so she couldn’t close them, and leaned down to her ear. “I’ll just explain that the woman in my bed was far too greedy to wait for me to touch her and just couldn’t help herself. I’m sure they’ll get a kick out of that.”

“You wouldn’t.”

“Oh, darling, I absolutely would.” I snaked my hand down between our bodies, gliding my fingers through her slickness, memorizing the way her body shook and her back arched. “Do you know how fucking sexy you looked when you did that? How hard you made me as your clit rubbed against my pants?”

I slowly circled her entrance with the tip of my finger, teasing her, winding her up even more.

“I’d tell anyone that listened,” I continued. Her hips bucked, a silent plea for more, but I didn’t give her the satisfaction just yet. “Claim you as my fucking own.”

A breath left her lungs in the form of a little cry as I finally pushed two fingers in, curling them up and going deep enough to hit my knuckles against her skin.

“Yes,” she moaned.

“Yes?” I chuckled. I found her clit with my thumb, circled it as I slowly began to move my fingers in and out. “That’s what you want, Ray? You want me to tell everyone how good of a girl you are for me?”

“If it means you won’t stop, then yes, that’s what I want,” she whimpered, her back arching further, her breasts dragging against my chest.

“I won’t stop.” Her walls trembled around my fingers as I found the little pad of roughness inside and pressed against it, ensuring each thrust hit true. Feeling her like this was enough to make me wild. The warmth, the ease, the way she welcomed me so desperately. She was my nectar and I was starving. “I’ll never fucking stop, baby.”

Her nails pressed into my back and made me seethe, but I bit through it. I could feel her walls cave in, could barely move my fingers, and as she gasped for breath and her body shook, I watched in fucking awe while she came undone beneath me. Every muscle twitching then relaxing, every sound a cry of pleasure. She looked beautiful, drunk off my fingers. Drunk off of me.

“That’s it baby, come for me,” I growled. I stilled inside of her and pressed my lips to hers, breathing into her, reminding her to catch her breath. She kissed me lazily, every movement slowed, even her tongue barely working against mine.

I dragged my fingers out from her and lifted them to her lips.

“Taste yourself, baby.”

She didn’t hesitate. Her lips wrapped around my fingers, pulling them in. Every lash of her tongue made me ache more, made me want to take what I wanted, but it wasn’t about me, even if she was humming her approval.

“I’m never going to be able to stop thinking about this,” I said. “Your mouth feels like paradise. I’d never want to leave if you let me in.”

Her answering giggle was enough to tell me I’d fully broken down her walls again. She made a pop sound as she let go of my fingers, her breathing steady, her eyes soft. “Maybe I will.”
