Page 39 of Brute & Bossy

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“Fuck,” he rasped. His knuckles met his mouth, his tongue dashing out to lick the extent of my mess. “You taste unreal.”

I was going to fucking die.

He pulled my pants all the way off, leaving me entirely bare after I kicked off my heels to help him. One hand met the top of my chest between my breasts, pushing me gently back, laying me down across his desk as if I were some kind of feast for him. I didn’t know what I expected when this started, but my god, I was not disappointed.

He pulled me to the edge of the desk, his hips slotted between mine, and I could feel the excessive rigidness hidden under his slacks press against the most sensitive part of my body. “What do you want me to do to you, Ray?” he asked, half-lidded eyes meeting mine as he leaned down over me. He cupped my breast with one hand, bringing my nipple to his mouth, wrapping his lips around it. Just the sensation of his tongue was enough to have my back arching.

“Fuck me,” I whined, and I knew damn well my blush was spreading down my chest. I’d never begged before. Never been asked to speak those words.

His teeth came down on my nipple, gentle yet firm as he looked up at me. “Just that?”

“I…” I blinked through the haze of adrenaline pumping through my system. I didn’t know what else to ask for. I just wanted him to touch me, to use me, to draw out the pleasure I so desperately needed. “Do anything you want to me,” I breathed.

He chuckled, the vibrations of it electrifying every nerve ending from my breast to my core. “Anything?”


His teeth tugged at my nipple before releasing it, pain and pleasure mixing and shooting straight down. Lips pressed against my stomach, gentle but demanding, as he kissed his way down my body skipping right over the spot I was aching for him to kiss the most. Instead, he backed up and knelt down, nipping and licking at my inner thigh, absorbing every bit of moisture there as if it was water and he was a man stuck in the goddamn desert.

My hips bucked, a silent plea, and mischievous eyes met mine. “Ask me nicely,” he growled.

“Please,” I begged, the word barely anything more than a whisper. “Please, Wade.”

“God, my name sounds so fucking sexy when you whimper it.”

His mouth claimed me, closing over my clit. It was like his body kicked into overdrive, a beast of a man feasting on what was his, like he’d been starving for me. Every stroke of his tongue felt like heaven and my body no longer felt like my own, just a mere vessel for whatever he wanted to do. Fingers found my entrance, curling their way inside, becoming exactly what I needed.

The sounds that escaped my mouth were ones I’d never before made with a man. Every cry, every moan I made seemed as if it fed him, making him more accurate, more perfect. It wasn’t fair and he put my vibrator to shame.

“You look so fucking sexy when you writhe for me like that,” he said around a mouthful, his hand digging into my thigh as he held on for dear life.

My release began to build when he curled his fingers up inside of me, hitting that perfect spot deep inside that made me absolutely feral. As if he knew every signal my body was giving, he kept it up, kept giving me exactly what I needed, driving me further and?—

The world fucking stopped as everything broke. Wild, black eyes looked up from between my thighs as I dug my fingers into his hair, holding on as if I would fall into the pits of hell if I let go. Cries ripped from my throat as my entire body shook. Wade didn’t stop, though, he kept going until he was absolutely positive he’d drawn everything out, licked up every last drop I had to give.

Slowly he drew his fingers from me and licked them clean while he stood. The haze of pleasure was too much, too good, that I only found myself wanting more as I watched him unlatch his belt with one hand. Within a second he was leaning over me again, pressing kisses against my lips and jaw, everything below his waist out of sight. “Breathe, baby,” he mumbled.

Am I not?

The sensation of something warm and uncompromising against my entrance made me gasp in air to my aching lungs. Shit, I hadn’t been breathing.

“Am I alive?”

Wade laughed then, the sound dragging me back down to earth, filling my chest and calming me. “Of course you are.” His hands wrapped around the backs of my thighs, pushing my legs up. “You good?”

“I… I think so,” I rasped, reaching up for him as he lifted himself to his full height. I didn’t want the space, didn’t want the distance between us. I wanted him, needed him like I needed air. “Please. Please.”

He eased himself in slowly, inch by glorious inch. He nearly split me in half in the exact right way, my muscles easing to let him in, inviting him. He gave in to my needs, leaning back down to me, using my legs as leverage and closing that distance that felt too large for me to handle alone.

Warm lips met mine as he filled me to the hilt, a guttural groan escaping his throat and stopping against my mouth.

“You feel just as fucking incredible as you taste,” he growled, his grip tightening. Within a second, he was moving, his hips grinding into mine, and fuck he felt perfect. I was done, gone, ensnared in him. I couldn’t come back from this. This was too much. Absolutely flawless.

I threaded my fingers into his hair, holding him to me, driving the kiss deeper. This wouldn’t be enough. I would never be able to get enough. He was unreal, something out of my fantasies, filling me in a way no one ever had and likely never would again.

I moaned into him, the sound more like a cry than anything else.

“I imagined this,” he said against my lips. “Every time I looked at you through that fucking glass I imagined this. Imagined what you’d feel like, what you’d taste like, how you’d sound when I fucked you.”

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