Page 26 of Love Notes

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His brow furrowed; he hadn’t. He went to move past me, and I held my hand up to stop him. “It’s okay, I’ll go and get it. I could do with a piss break anyway. Everything’s all secure back here anyway, right?”

“Yeah.” He nodded. “But if you’re not back in about two minutes, I will be coming in after you.”

I rolled my eyes and smirked. “Back in less than two minutes then!”

Leaving them outside in the wings, I made my way back down the corridor and into my dressing room. I first nipped into the attached bathroom, and no sooner had I started to pee when I heard the outer door of my dressing room being opened.

“Jesus, Levi, I’m sure even you can’t piss that fast!” I laughed, flushed, zipped up, and washed my hands before walking out to find a complete stranger standing in my dressing room.

“Who the fuck are you?” I panicked. My heart started to pound in my chest, and I thought for a second about how I could disarm him and escape.

He held his hands up in surrender in an attempt to calm me. “Relax, Mr Love! Levi is waiting for you in the car outside. He told me to come back here and tell you they’ve had a possible sighting of the Gibson woman and to take you to him. The car is just outside the fire exit opposite here.”

I stared at him. This. This was what my instincts had been telling me. Feeling validated, I listened to what I was being told. I slipped across the corridor, out into the night, into the awaiting car.

Before I could realise what was happening, the man slammed the door closed behind me. I wasn’t alone in the car. Sitting pressed against the driver’s door so as to not be noticeable from the outside was Natasha. A split second after I realised it was her, I also noticed the glimmer of metal in her hand and saw the gun she had pointed directly at me.

Bile rose to my throat. My heart started hammering against my ribs. It was her. I was in the car with Natasha Gibson. My blood ran cold. This was going to be how I died.

“The doors are locked, so are the windows. Don’t try anything. We’re just going to go somewhere where we can have a little chat in private.”

I stared at her, my mouth dry, my pulse throbbing in my ears. I was so damn stupid. I listened to someone I didn’t know after everything Tom had told me and now I was the victim of my own stupidity. Words wouldn’t form; I gave her a nod. She smiled, seemingly satisfied with my compliance as she turned to the steering wheel and nodded. Seconds later she drove us out into the streets of Glasgow and the darkness.



“Levi, what the fuck do you mean he’s gone? Gone where?” I bellowed down my phone.

“I don’t know, boss. He went to get his toy ray, take a leak, and never came back. I went to his dressing room after five minutes and he wasn’t there. We’ve combed the building, he’s nowhere to be found. He’s not anywhere in the building.”


A moment of fear gripped me; the what if of several scenarios flooded my mind. My military training took over. I pushed my feelings into my boots; my mind focused on the task at hand and everything I needed to do to get Lennox back in one piece.

“Levi, CCTV, I need every exit they have, the corridor of his dressing room. Check them all. Cars, anything at all that looks out of place. The man hasn’t just disappeared, something will show us what’s happened. I’m on my way back, ETA about eight minutes.” I didn’t wait to hear Levi’s reply before I hung up.

The last miles back to the venue passed without me even really registering how I arrived there. My mind was racing with everything that I would need to do to make sure that I got Lennox back safely. My heart was down in my belly, filling it with nervous knots in a way that I had never experienced before.

I thought about everything that had happened between Lennox and I over the last few weeks. I thought about what had happened between us just a few nights ago in Belfast. It wasn’t long before my mind also raced with thoughts about everything I should have said that day and didn’t have the balls to. What if I never got the chance to say them to him now?


That could not happen. I would get Lennox back or else.



A few miles from the gig, on the edge of Glasgow, we pulled into a deserted car park and waited. Soon, another car pulled in and parked beside us. Natasha rolled down the window.

“Are you sure you weren’t followed?” she asked them impatiently.

“Yes Tasha, I’m sure I wasn’t followed. Now hurry up and open the door. You know it won’t be long before they go looking for him,” a male voice reminded her.

She rubbed her forehead and waved the gun at her accomplice. “I know.”

“Make sure you do, love. We had a deal, remember?”
