Page 14 of Love Notes

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“Is that why you divorced?”

“Honestly, everything was fine with us until Lennox started to come back onto the music scene. It was as though it sparked something within her. Until then, she’d struggled a bit with her mental health from time to time, but it was like once he was back in the public eye again, old feelings that she had buried became unlocked. I’ve never seen her so obsessed about anything like that in the twelve years that I’ve known her. To be honest, it just all got too much. I was living in another man’s shadow, no one can compete with a fantasy.”

Trevor paused to take a drink of his coffee. I had to admit, I felt sorry for him. Here he was in love with his wife, only to have her obsessing about someone else. It didn’t make for a healthy marriage at all. I wasn’t surprised he had decided to call it a day.

“Thanks, Trevor, I really appreciate your honesty.”

He shrugged. “I still love her, and I worry about her, especially with what she’s been up to recently. But it was just too much.”

“Do you think that she’s violent, or that she could be if pushed?”

“Christ, no,” he answered without hesitation. “He’s everything to her. She’d never forgive herself if anything happened to him. She thinks she’s in love with him.”

I nodded, drinking my coffee and thinking about what the hell could have pushed someone to be so detached from reality. She was lucky to have an ally in the man who was pushed out for a celebrity. But there was still something about it all that made me wonder if Trevor was actually telling me the truth. I had no way of knowing if he was covering for her. I hoped not, he seemed like he might have more sense than that.

Setting the mug on the coffee table, I moved to stand up. “Thank you very much for talking to me about Natasha. I appreciate it and your honesty.” I pulled my business card from my pocket and handed it to him. “If you hear anything else from her, anything that you think could help us at all, I would really appreciate it if you would give me a call.”

He took the card from me and glanced at it. “I will, Tom. Tell Lennox I’m sorry that this is happening to him. I really am. Tasha is just a bit lost at the minute, and I wish there was some way of getting through to her. If I hear anything that can help, I’ll be sure to give you a call.”

Again, I thanked him for his time and left the poor man in peace. Once back in my car I called Levi.


“How’s the venue looking?”

“All good. You get what you needed?”

Pausing to reflect on how I was feeling about what Trevor had shared, I had to be honest. “I’m not sure, mate. I’m coming to Sheffield now; I’ll see you in about an hour and forty-five minutes.”

“All good here. See you in a while.”

I started the car and pulled away from the home of Trevor Gibson, wondering if he would actually call me about Natasha. The next seventy odd miles couldn’t pass quickly enough. I just wanted to get back to Lennox before the start of the next concert.



When we arrived at the Lyceum Theatre I was buzzing. The tour was going well and every gig was sold out. Aside from that first night, we were a week into travelling around the country and there had been nothing more from Natasha, nor had she been seen. Everything was feeling good.

Tom hadn’t said much about where he had been, but he didn’t seem as stressed as he had been in the last day or so. I assumed that whatever he knew, it was a good thing. It was probably best not to push him and wonder where he had been and what he had learned. It wouldn’t do me any good, and to be honest, if he thought I needed to know, I trusted that he would actually tell me.

I waved to Levi. He joked and headed down the corridor to the main backstage area as I opened the door to my dressing room and went inside, feeling hyped about getting ready for another of the intimate gigs I’d been doing.

Alex, Johnny, and I had talked about what kind of atmosphere I wanted when we planned the tour. I told them that I had done a lot of big arena gigs, and while they were great for the ego, they really didn’t feel as personal to me. With that in mind, we found a lot of venues that had a capacity somewhere between one and five thousand. Intimate, small, friendlier in my book. Even standing at the back of the gig, someone would very clearly see me on stage without the need for binoculars. That was important to me. I wanted my audience to be connected to me, and me to them.

My eyes met a massive floral display sitting in front of the mirror. A stark white envelope stood out in the midst of the swathe of colour around it. In that instant, every single drop of hype and energy I had for the gig ahead of me was ripped away. My stomach dropped into my feet, my mouth was instantly dry, my chest tightened, and I couldn’t take my eyes off the white card.

I thought about calling for Tom, but I couldn’t move. I thought about just turning back around and finding Levi, telling him to get these things out of my dressing room. Instead, my morbid curiosity for the better of me. I held my breath and pulled the card from where it was nestled in the envelope.

At that moment, everything felt like it was collapsing on top of me.

My darling Lennox,

I’ve been to every concert so far; the crowd loves you, just like I do. Not long now, my darling.

All my love as always,

Your Natasha
