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I turned towards Rafe, who was still standing on his circle. “Come on brother. Join us in the sunshine.”

Rafe glanced around at his family and inhaled sharply through his nose. “All right.”

Roman offered Rafe his hand and Rafe stepped off the circle. His knees were shaking and they almost gave out, but between Rose and Roman, Rafe stabilized and we all moved to the couches to sit.

“So what’s next?” Bella asked. “If you don’t have to shift into a gargoyle every day, I suppose we don’t have to go to Whitehorse anymore?”

“We don’t know anything about this new... development.” Roman said, “We’ll need to wait and see what happens I think.”

I pulled Rose into my arms, my mind expanding with possibilities. “Well, I don’t know about all of you, but I think I’m going to take my Beloved for a walk in the sunshine.”

“You want to go outside? In the sun? Already?” Rose asked, sounding worried.

“I do.” I stood up and stretched my back. “Seems like as good a time as any.”

Rose got to her feet and together we walked over to the front door and opened it up. A tingle of fear shot down my spine, but I shook it away. There was no room in our life for fear. Not anymore.

I stepped across the threshold and closed my eyes as the sunshine hit my human face for the very first time.

I inhaled deeply, loving the scent of the trees on the wind. “This is amazing.”

Tears burned my eyes and I let them fall. Never, in all of my dreams, had I thought that this moment would ever become a reality.

She giggled and grabbed hold of my hand. “Come on. Let’s go.” After one hundred and thirty years in the dark, my Beloved pulled me outside and into the light.

Epilogue: 10 years later.


Jenni’s wedding was absolutely beautiful and everything went off without a hitch. We’d gone all out and hired incredible caterers and hosted the whole day at our country estate. Our home that so long ago had been attacked by men trying to destroy my Gabriel.

But not today, not since in fact, had darkness fallen over our family.

“It’s time to see them all off,” Gabe said, holding out his hand to me.

I jumped up from the table and walked with the huge family over to the main door. Jenni and her new husband rushed down the stairs, twin grins on their faces.

“Thank you, Mom. So much.” Jenni hugged me tight and I squeezed her back.

“I love you. Stay safe.”

The couple headed off to their cars. They were driving straight to the airport and heading out to Europe tonight.

“Shall we all retire to the living room?” I asked, as the ushers began seeing the rest of the visitors off.
