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“Why?” Roman asked. “What are you thinking?”

Bella went on, “Well... I was thinking that none of you have ever done anything to deserve the curse, and that most shifters can just, you know... shift when they want to. They’re not bound to a time, or a day, or anything.”

Roman crossed his arms over his chest. “That’s true.”

“So, I was thinking that maybe if your curse was broken, you might be able to just shift when you felt like it.”

Roman looked at me, then back to Bella. “Okay... so if we’ve broken this curse does that mean that we can turn into a gargoyle when we want to?”

I shrugged, happy to be the guinea pig. “I’ll try. Why not?” I walked back over to my stone circle and crouched into my normal position. “So how do you think it’ll work? Do I just concentrate? Or...”

Roman’s lips quirked into a smile, “I don’t know. Maybe just think about yourself as stone?”

I closed my eyes and visualized my wings and my claws and my teeth. When I opened my eyes, I felt exactly the same. Well, that hadn’t worked. But when I went to move, I couldn’t.

“Oh. My. God.” Bella said as she walked slowly around me. “You did it!”

I couldn’t move, and when Rose came over and put her hands on mine, I wanted to speak to her, but I had no voice.

“Are you okay, my love?” Rose asked.

Frustration built inside of me, so I used the same technique in reverse, and imagined my human body. My arms, my legs, my voice speaking to my beautiful Rose.

A loud gasp rose in the room as I turned to look at Rose, “Now that’s cool.”

The room burst into clapping, laughter and hugs.

“But how?” Rose whispered, reaching out to touch my face once more.

“I think it was us.” Chrissy said, speaking for the first time.

“What do you mean?” I asked her. “You... being, our Beloveds?”

She nodded her head. “Ever since I met Roman, I felt... like he was my missing piece, and I was his. And when they came for him I...”

Angelique reached out and grabbed Chrissy’s hand. “What did you do?”

“I tried to protect him, but they hit me...”

Angelique persisted, “But when they tried to shoot him, where were you?”

Chrissy blinked at me. “I was... I was...”

“In the firing line?” Bella asked.

Chrissy spun around to look straight at Bella. “Well... yes.”

I fought back tears. “Rose protected me too.”

“And Bella me.” Rafe whispered.

Gabe walked up to Angelique and threw his arm over her shoulders. “So you’re saying that you think that we broke the curse by finding women who would truly die for us?”

Rose nodded. “Well... yeah.”

I wrapped my arms around my Beloved and said, “I love that idea. That you all saved us and we were given... what?”

“The choice to shift when we want?” Roman said. “The freedom to walk in the day?”
