Page 85 of Shadowvale Secrets

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Muffled screams coming from the bedroom.

My eyes widen in disbelief, my mind racing with a newfound hope. I break free from Declan's grasp and rush toward the bedroom, my heart pounding in my chest.

“Eva!” I shout, my voice raw with desperation. “Eva, are you in there?”

As I throw open the door, relief floods through me like a tidal wave. There she is, bound and gagged but alive, her eyes wide with fear and desperation.

My chest tightens with emotion as I rush to her side, frantically working to free her from her restraints. “Hang on, Eva,” I whisper, my voice choked with emotion. “We're getting out of here.”

I scoop her up in my arms, holding her to my chest as the sound of Declan fighting Ryder and Oliver in the next room reaches our ears.

Eva hugs tightly onto me, a moan escaping her. I look down, concerned she’s injured, but her brow is damp with sweat and she looks as pale as a ghost.

“Eva, are you alright?” I ask, brushing her hair out of her eyes.

“Theo, help,” she cries out, grabbing at my shirt. “The baby, she’s coming!”

“It’s too early!” I say, my eyes widening with real panic. “It’s like… a month early!”

“I felt the pain start when Declan took me away,” she says, panting through a contraction. “But I thought it was false labor. That can happen.”

“How do you know it’s labor, then?” I press, trying to keep my composure.

“My water broke,” she admits. My eyes widen.

“We need to get you to the hospital,” I tell her. “Urgently. I don’t even know if there is one out here. We’re so far from the city.”

“Get Oliver,” Eva huffs out. “He knows who my doctor is. He’s been to my appointments.”

I leave Eva on the bed and peek my head out of the room to see that Declan is still holding his own against Ryder and Oliver.

“Oliver!” I yell, drawing his attention away. Ryder steps in to block a punch from Declan, and Oliver rushes over to us.

“Eva is in labor,” I explain in a rush. “We need to get her to the hospital.”

“Call my doctor,” Eva says, arching her back as another contraction hits.

“Shit!” Oliver exclaims. “Okay, just sit tight, baby. We’ll take care of everything.”

“Ryder,” I call out. “We can’t do this right now. Eva is in labor!”

Declan lunges for Ryder, but Ryder dodges him and sidesteps, swinging his fist out to connect with Declan’s cheek. The man stumbles backward, letting out a grunt of pain.

“Fucking hell,” Ryder curses. “Now, of all times?”

“It’s not my fault your daughter is ready to see you guys,” Eva protests, laughing weakly before tensing again.

Declan uses the opportunity to escape, rushing past Ryder and out the door of the cabin. Ryder moves to go after him, but I grab him by the wrist. “We have to let him go,” I say.

Ryder exhales, anger bleeding out of him as he stares after Declan’s retreating form. “Okay,” he says, resigned. “Let’s get Eva and go.”

I rush back to the room and pick Eva up again, carrying her out to the car.

The tension in the car is palpable as we speed away from the cabin, the urgency of the situation clear to us all. Eva sits in the backseat, her face contorted with pain as she grips my hand tightly, fingers like a vise.

“You can do this," I urge, my voice laced with concern. “Don’t let our baby come out while Ryder is driving, or she’ll be a little road maniac.” Eva gives me a wet laugh, then tightens her grip again as another contraction hits.

Ryder's hands tighten around the steering wheel, his knuckles turning white with the strain. “Have we discussed names yet?” he asks, trying to help distract Eva. “Declan is right out the window, for the record.”
