Page 84 of Shadowvale Secrets

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“Got something,” he declares triumphantly, tapping on the keyboard with renewed fervor. "Declan owns a small cabin outside the city. He purchased it two years ago under the business holdings.”

Relief floods through me like a tidal wave, mingled with a surge of adrenaline. “You think he’s taken her there?” I ask, desperate to find her again.

“I’m sure of it,” Daniel says, sitting back with a grim look. “It’s the perfect place. Remote, unknown, difficult to access… but if he’s smart, he’s using her as bait to lure you guys out there, so he’d want you to be able to find it too.”

Realization dawns. “Didn’t Declan buy that place as a hunting cabin?” I ask. “I doubt he used it much. I think that’s where he’d be taking her.”

Theo’s hand goes to his gun holster, touching it lightly as though thinking about putting a bullet through Declan’s head. “We need to get out there right now.”

“Do you want me to come?” Daniel offers, standing up from his chair.

“No.” Oliver shakes his head. “You stay here. If we’re wrong and he’s taken her elsewhere, we need you to keep digging in case you find something.”

“I can do that,” Daniel promises. “Good luck.”

“Eva needs us,” Oliver says as we head back to the car. “I can’t take this. She’s out there, she needs us, and we’re so far away.”

“Declan used our weaknesses against us once again,” Theo mutters. “He knew that we’d be distracted by the fight, so as soon as he found out, however he found out, he took the opportunity to strike.”

“We’ll figure this out,” I assure him. “Eva is smart, and she’s resourceful. She’ll figure out a way to keep herself alive until we can get there. I know it.”

But the adrenaline inside me pushes me forward, urging me to get to her as soon as possible. We need to get her back, to keep her safe, to make sure nothing happens to her or our baby. If Declan harms one hair on either of their heads, he’s going to lose his life.

All that matters right now, though, is getting to Eva and getting her out of there alive. We can deal with Declan when the time comes, but right now, we need to save the woman we love.



As we tear through the winding roads, racing to get to Eva before it’s too late, the engine's roar punctuates the tense silence within the car. My hands grip the steering wheel with a white-knuckled intensity, every nerve in my body electrified with urgency.

Ryder and Oliver sit beside me, their faces etched with a mixture of the same determination and fear mirrored in my own. We share a common purpose—to rescue Eva from Declan’s clutches, but the uncertainty gnaws at my insides like a ravenous beast.

My mind races with a barrage of questions, each more harrowing than the last. Has Declan harmed her? Is she safe? And what about the baby? Panic threatens to consume me whole, but I force myself to maintain a façade of composure.

Outside the window, the darkness stretches endlessly, a stark contrast to the turmoil raging within me. If we can’t find Eva at the cabin, I don’t know what I’m going to do. She has to be there.

“She’s there,” Ryder says, as if reading my thoughts. “We’re going to find her, and we’re going to get her back, Theo.”

“Let us take care of Declan,” Oliver says, the road speeding past us as we push the car to its limits.

“We can handle him. You get Eva,” Ryder agrees. “She needs someone to get her out of there. You’ve already done so much for our family today. Let us help you.”

“Yeah, you stood up to the DeLuccis for us all and fought side-by-side with us,” Oliver points out. “If you hadn’t gotten everyone rallied together, the DeLuccis would have taken over the territory and killed us all.”

I feel a little better, but even still, as we pull up to the secluded cabin, the tension in the air is palpable.

Readying ourselves for the oncoming fight, we jump out of the car and approach the cabin, ready for whatever awaits us inside.

I take the lead, my jaw clenched in determination. As I burst through the door, Declan is standing in the center of the room, a sinister smile on his lips. The cabin is dimly lit for early afternoon and smells dusty, as though no one has been here in a long time. I can see now why Declan chose this place.

“You're too late,” Declan sneers, his voice dripping with contempt. “I've already won. I killed Marcus, and now I'll finish what I started by killing you.”

My eyes narrow, fists clenched at my sides. “You're a coward, Declan. Attacking a pregnant woman? You're lower than I even thought possible.”

Declan chuckles darkly, raising a gun in his hand. "You should have stayed out of my way. Your precious girlfriend is already dead, boys.”

My heart sinks like a stone in my chest, a wave of despair crashing over me. In a blind rage, I lunge at Declan, my fists raining down on him with ferocious intensity. But then, I hear something that stops me dead in my tracks.
