Page 73 of Shadowvale Secrets

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Continuing to pump my hips into hers, I let my hands roam over her back, down her spine, cupping and squeezing her ass before moving to the front to let one finger slip between us, toying with her clit.

“Oh, God!” Eva cries out, rolling her hips down into mine. “Theo, oh, God, Theo!” My name falls from her lips in a repeated prayer, and it spurs me on as I pick up the pace, our bodies moving together in desperation to chase the release.

Just as I feel like I’m on the verge, Eva leans down and bites my shoulder, sending shockwaves through my body as it pulls my release from me. I cry out and kiss her, my fingers moving more incessantly against her bud as I coax her to her own release.

She comes just after me, shouting my name, before leaning back against my knees to catch her breath.

“Thank you,” she says, giving me a gentle kiss. “That felt amazing. I missed that. I missed you.”

Though I missed her too, the words feel stuck in my throat. I want to tell her how much I care, but I can’t. There’s still so much out there that threatens this peace we’ve been living under. If I don’t take out the DeLuccis or Declan, Eva’s life will continue to be in danger.

I love this woman, and if it’s the last thing I do, I’ll protect her and our baby with my life.



Now that things have settled for all of us, Ryder proposes a night out, like the last time, but with Eva joining us.

“She’s been working so hard with Aunt Bridget,” he points out. “I think she deserves to relax and unwind. Plus, she might be able to help us with the plan.”

As we gather outside Eva's door, the anticipation crackles between us, an unspoken agreement driving our collective resolve. Tonight is about our connecting and strengthening the bonds between us.

Theo's knock breaks the silence, the sound echoing down the hallway with a sense of purpose. When Eva opens the door, there's a flicker of surprise in her eyes, quickly replaced by a warm smile.

“What’s up?” she asks.

“We’re going to the nightclub,” I tell her. “We thought we’d take you out with us so you can get away from the manor for a night and we can enjoy ourselves. One last hurrah before the baby comes.”

There’s a moment of hesitation in Eva’s eyes, as though weighing the responsibilities she’s carrying on her shoulders, but as she looks at each of us in turn, I see a glimmer of excitement, a longing for connection that mirrors our own.

“Okay, I’m in,” she says, her smile widening into a genuine grin. “Sounds fun.”

Eager anticipation fuels us as we all start getting ready. Eva claims to have the perfect dress for our night out, and I can’t help the sense of excitement that builds within me as I stand outside her door to wait to escort her downstairs.

Theo and Ryder are waiting for us when Eva emerges, and she smiles at me, looking entirely too beautiful in the dress she picked out. It’s a stunning dusty blue dress with a sweetheart neckline, and the waist sits just above the baby bump. The sleeves are puffy, coming down to just past her elbows, and the dress is fairly short. She looks like a sexy little angel come down from Heaven to corrupt our mortal souls.

“Do you like it?” she asks, tugging at the hem. I take her by the arm, a smile on my face.

“You look stunning, dollface,” I assure her, escorting her down the stairs.

Theo and Ryder give appreciative looks when we approach, their eyes lighting up at Eva in her dress.

“You look good, baby,” Ryder says, coming forward to kiss her cheek. Theo winks, and Eva giggles, a blush staining her face.

We take a Town Car, having a driver drop us off just outside the club. The flashing lights are a welcome sight, a distraction in this nightmare we’ve been living in for the last few months.

“Is this the infamous Evangeline?” the bouncer asks, checking her out. I give him a warning look, and he smiles, shaking his head. “Just appreciating true beauty,” he offers, holding up his hands.

We escort Eva inside and take our places in the VIP section before the waitress comes over to bring us drinks. I discretely arrange for her to bring Eva a colorful, fun mocktail so she doesn’t feel like she’s missing out.

“I haven’t been here in a while,” Eva confesses. “I forgot how nice this place is.”

“It’s our favorite place to come to get away,” I confess, holding her hand under the table. “But it’s better to share it with you.”

As the conversation ebbs and flows, I catch Theo exchanging a meaningful glance with Ryder, a silent communication passing between them. It's time to address the elephant in the room, to confront the looming threat of Declan and his hold over our lives.

“We need to talk about Declan," Theo declares, his voice cutting through the chatter with a sense of urgency. “You’re with us now, so you deserve to know what’s happening. We plan to take him out.”
