Page 72 of Shadowvale Secrets

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“Sorry,” I mutter, looking down at the contents of the table. She’s got so much more stuff in here now than the first time I came into her room. She’s made a home here and a life, and I suddenly realize I don’t want her to leave.

“I have been avoiding you,” I admit. “I was scared. I’ve never been scared before. Not like that. I was raised by the head of a crime Family. Our father made sure that we were prepared to deal with any circumstances with a cool and level head and that we could tough it out with the worst of the lot.”

“Why did you wait so long to talk to me?” Eva asks, a plaintive note in her voice. “Ryder came and talked to me, and even Oliver talked to me within a few days of the whole thing. But you stayed away.”

I know she’s not trying to hurt me, but I feel bitterness wash over me. “You don’t think I wanted to come see you?” I say, my voice rising. “You don’t think I wanted to check on you, make sure you and the baby were alright? So many times…” I stand up, unable to sit still any longer. “So many times, I wanted to come to you, but I thought that you’d hate us after what happened.”

“You’re the ones who saved me,” Eva said, lip jutting out, eyes filling with tears. “I could never hate you for rescuing me.”

“The only reason we had to rescue you is once again, due to our own arrogance,” I point out.

“It’s not the mistake you make but the way you chose to handle it,” Eva says, quiet determination in her voice. Her words punch me in the gut, leaving me reeling. “You screwed up the first time, but you made it right. This time, it wasn’t even your fault, but you still came for me.”

“Because you’re ours,” I say, steel in my voice. “You belong to me, to us. I want to be there for you. I want to be a father to that little girl inside you.”

Eva’s eyes are shiny with unshed tears, and I step forward, wanting to prove that I’m not the cold-hearted bastard I always thought of myself as. Pulling her to my chest, I bend down and give her a soft, gentle kiss.

It’s exhilarating having her close to me like this again. I’ve needed this for so long, and at the moment, I can’t remember why I wanted to stay away for so long. She’s what I want.

“I need you,” I whisper. “Please, let me have you, Eva.”

“I’m yours,” Eva whispers. “Take me, I’m yours.”

Picking her up carefully, I walk backward a few steps and place her on the bed before easing myself next to her. Our mouths meet again, kissing each other slowly, savoring the taste. I thought I would be feral for Eva after spending so long apart, but right now, I just want to take my time with her.

Each flick of my tongue against her lips has her shivering, her mouth parting for mine. Slipping my tongue inside, I dominate her mouth, enjoying having her at my mercy. Her leg comes up, hooking around my waist, and our bodies press together, little jolts of electricity running down my spine as we grind together, fully clothed.

“Want you,” Eva whines. “Please, Theo.”

Hearing my name on her lips is enough to drive me crazy. Our bodies rock together, my clothed erection rubbing against her damp panties. She’s wearing a cotton maternity dress, making it all too tempting to pull the dress up, push her panties to the side, and sink into her immediately.

But I want to take my time, so I resist, holding back and continuing to kiss her languidly, not wanting to rush this pleasure.

Eva’s body is growing more frantic, her movements more erratic as we continue to kiss and rock against each other. “May I come?” she begs, desperation in her words.

“Come for me,” I whisper, pulling her against me. She bucks her hips, and I press myself at just the right angle, enjoying the way she grips me tightly as she shudders through her release. “Good girl,” I tell her, stroking her back. “Good girl.”

Her cheeks flush, and she sniffles, pressing her face to my shoulder, a few tears leaking out.

“Eva, are you alright?” I ask, lifting her chin.

“You didn’t get to come,” she says, starting to cry. “I was selfish and you didn’t get to enjoy yourself!”

I chuckle, realizing this must be the hormones talking. “Shh, it’s okay,” I reassure her. “I did enjoy myself. I like making you feel good, baby girl.” Wiping away her tears, I kiss her softly and sit up.

“Besides, just because you enjoyed yourself already doesn’t mean we can’t keep going,” I add. Eva smiles, tears forgotten as she sits up as well.

Divesting ourselves from our clothing, we fall back into bed together. I lie down and carefully help Eva climb onto me, mindful of her belly. I lean up against the pillows while she sits herself on my lap, bending down to kiss me.

With careful movements, I line myself up at her entrance, letting her sink down onto me at her own pace. I press a kiss into her belly, turned on at the sight of her so full and round with our baby inside.

“Let me do the work,” I tell her. “You just relax. Let me take care of you.” Eva moans as I begin to work my hips, flexing them up and down as she sits atop me like a queen.

“You feel so good,” she cries out, clamping down around me as I slide in and out of her wet entrance. Her grip is like a vise, and I bend my knees, driving as deeply as I can.

My head is spinning as we come together over and over, her inner walls rubbing me in just the right way. “You feel good too, dollface,” I reply breathlessly as I carefully pull her into me for another kiss.

Our mouths mimic our bodies, my tongue plunging into her mouth while she sucks on it, trapping it inside. I want to get lost in this sensation, to let this moment drag on forever.
