Page 65 of Shadowvale Secrets

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I can’t talk to Liam. He’s Declan’s most trusted man, so even if I thought something was up within our ranks, I couldn’t ask without it getting back to the man himself.

With a frown, I raise a hand and signal that the raid is off. My men grumble, but they know not to question me, so they leave without too much fuss.

Liam raises an eyebrow as I approach. “Tell Declan that they were one step ahead again,” I order. Liam nods silently.

I turn to face the five remaining men. “Doyle, I want you and Seamus to suss out where they moved the chop shop.” These are the men I trust the most, the ones I know will never question my orders, the ones who would fight and die by my side.

My goal now is to follow the next trail and see where it leads. Even if it’s got us chasing our tails, I need to know that my suspicions are correct.

I’ve been tasked with going tonight with some men to the docks and intercepting a shipment of contraband weapons. It would be a critical hit to the DeLuccis in this ongoing power struggle.

The night air is thick with tension when we arrive later, my footsteps echoing against the concrete. I check my gun, ensuring it's ready for whatever might go down.

But when we approach the shipping containers, a row of them are sat front and center, doors swinging open with ominous creaking, devoid of any sign of the expected shipment. My jaw clenches in frustration as I realize the DeLuccis have caught wind of our plans again and forged ahead.

I curse under my breath, mind racing with possibilities. It’s a setback, a clear indication that they’re still one step ahead of us, but at the same time, it confirms what I already knew.

Declan has to be playing with me. He’s been putting me on futile, useless errands all over the city, sending me on wild goose chases while he closes the trap around us with every move I make.

The question is, does he know what we know or is he just suspicious and trying to keep us busy so we don’t look deeper into him?

I wish I knew who I could speak to. I don’t know who to trust anymore, who might be in Declan’s pocket, or who might be bending his ear on the side. The only two people I can trust are my brothers, and they’re both just as busy on fool’s errands.

With steely resolve, I retreat into the shadows, formulating my next move in this deadly game of cat and mouse.

There’s only one person I know who isn’t part of the Callahan gang and isn’t on Declan’s side that I can talk to at this point.

Striding back to the sleek, black sedan, I get inside and grip the steering wheel under my fingers so tightly that my knuckles are white. A warning echoes through my mind, reminding me of what I’m risking if I do this, but I ignore it, pushing it to the back of my mind as I take off for the police station.

Daniel is in the middle of an interrogation when I arrive, so I wait in the lobby for him to finish, legs jiggling with nerves.

This is a long shot, but Daniel might be able to find some information we’ve missed so far. He and Ryder dug up the intel on Declan’s connection to Francesca DeLucci together. Maybe there’s more that he’s gleaned since then.

But when Daniel comes out, he looks harried. “I need a cup of coffee,” he says, pushing past me to walk toward the coffee maker. I follow behind, irritation rolling off me in waves. I recognize Daniel is a busy man, but I don’t have all day to wait, either.

“Did you find anything else?” I ask, leaning on the wall as I cross my arms and stare at him. “We were planning on raiding one of the DeLucci operations today, and they had already cleared out. They know something we don’t. Declan has to be the one feeding them information. The question is, why, and what’s he planning?”

“I can’t help you,” Daniel says through gritted teeth. “I’m not your little lapdog, Theo. I don’t come running when you snap your fingers. I’ve got work to do, actual work.”

“You’re our friend,” I point out. “If Declan is the reason our father is dead, you owe it to him to help us. He looked after you and helped you get into the police academy,” I remind him.

“I became a detective on my own merit,” Daniel snaps, turning to face me with a sharp look. “I’m sorry I don’t have more for you, but I can’t chase this case all the time. I have other jobs to do, other criminals to catch.”

I know Daniel has been trying to help, but I can’t stop the anger from bubbling up inside. “If more people get hurt, it’s on you!” I yell.

“Don’t you put this on me!” Daniel yells, turning to face me. “I already told you…” his voice drops, and he looks around, making sure no one else is around. “I told you that the Feds are investigating him. You’re risking everything if you keep poking around in this.”

“I don’t care,” I say, curling my lip. “They fuckin’ took Eva, Daniel. They took her. She’s carrying our baby. If Declan is behind it… I’d move Heaven and Earth to take him down.”

Daniel pinches the bridge of his nose. “Then you’ll have to do it on your own. I’ve given you everything I have. If you need more, don’t even think about going into my desk for the files.”

I blink, surprise etching across my features. Is Daniel trying to hint?

“Fine,” I say, shoving my hands in my pockets. “I’m leaving.”

“You interrupted my coffee break,” Daniel says, turning back to the pot. “I need a cup before I go back to my desk.”

Taking the hint, I nod and head back into the bullpen to his desk. Pulling open his bottom drawer, I spot a stack of files there and reach inside, grabbing them and stuffing them into my briefcase.
