Page 64 of Shadowvale Secrets

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Her cunt is steadily producing slick now, and I lap it up eagerly, nosing along the length while she rides me. As her movements grow more erratic, I hug her toward me around her lap, keeping her in place.

Her body pushes down against me one final time as her cunt flutters, body tensing as she comes with a strangled cry.

“Fuck!” she curses, all but collapsing as soon as she’s done. I help her off me, pulling her to my chest as my fingers move down to continue to torment her, slipping two inside at once as I finger her to another release.

“Oh, God,” she whines. “Fuck, Ryder, don’t stop!”

Chasing her orgasm, I work her through it, rubbing my thumb against her clit. She’s a mess now, tears of pleasure leaking from her eyes, drool on her chin, eyes hazy and unfocused.

“You look beautiful,” I murmur, pressing a kiss to the top of her head.

“I feel sticky,” she says with a soft laugh. We lie together for a few minutes, catching our breath.

After a few moments, Eva’s hand reaches out, grabbing my cock and wrapping her fingers around it, stroking up and down. Her hand is soft around me, reminding me of the silky feeling of her inner walls and the way she feels when I’m inside her. I groan, bucking up as her fingers move faster.

I’m so worked up now that it doesn’t even take long before I’m tensing, arching my back as I spill all over her fingers.

“Wanted to return the favor,” she murmurs, licking it up. I groan, the sight far sexier than it has any right to be.

Once we’re cleaned up and lying back in her bed together, I take her hand in mine and bring it up to my lips to give her a kiss.

“I missed you,” she says, voice low. “You and Oliver and Theo. You’ve been avoiding me.”

It isn’t mean or vicious, but it still stings, knowing she’s not wrong. I wince and give her a sheepish look.

“It might have been hard, seeing you kidnapped,” I admit. “I’ve never been good in relationships. I don’t really do that kind of thing, so when I saw you there, it was like my heart was ripped out of my chest. I felt like I’d failed at protecting you.”

“Do you think this was a mistake?” Eva asks, a note of uncertainty in her voice.

“In normal circumstances, I’d probably just walk away,” I tell her, being completely honest. “I’m shit at relationships. There’s a reason I usually only have one-night stands. But everything has happened in such a backward order that my brain is still trying to play catch up.”

Eva stares into my eyes for a long moment. “If you want to take things slower, that’s okay. I understand. You don’t have to rush into anything with me just because of the baby.”

I turn, cupping her face between my hands. “But that doesn’t mean I’m running away. I just need you to be patient with me. Can you be patient? Can you wait for me to figure all this out?”

Silence hangs in the air between us as I await her answer.



“Dammit!” I yell, running a hand through my hair. The warehouse has been cleared out, and not a trace of the DeLucci operations is in sight.

I glance back at Liam, my eyes burning in anger. Every time we’ve tried to close in on the DeLuccis, they’ve been one step ahead of us.

“We’ll get them back,” Liam promises, steel in his gaze. “They can’t anticipate every single one of our movements.”

I’m not so sure about that, though. This was supposed to be an easy raid, take down the DeLucci chop shop nearest Callahan territory. They shouldn’t have even known we were coming, but once we arrived, it was clear that they’d gotten wind and closed shop in a hurry.

“Our source was fucking foolproof this time,” I mutter, turning on my heel and marching out of the deserted warehouse toward the car.

My men, awaiting instructions, are standing around when I exit. “They cleared out,” I announce. “Someone tipped them off.”

Paddy narrows his eyes. “There’s a rat in the ranks, then,” he declares. “They have to have someone on the inside.”

“You know, you’re probably right,” I say, squinting as the sun beats down on our heads. And I have a feeling I know exactly who the rat is.

Casting my eyes toward Liam, he meets my gaze with a neutral expression, but I’ve been in this game far too long to not see the tightness in his lips, the tension in his posture. He knows something, but he’s not going to tell me.
