Page 53 of Shadowvale Secrets

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“I want you to fuck me,” I say to him in a low, seductive voice. “And I want Theo and Oliver to sit on either side of you so I can touch them both at the same time with my hands.”

Chancing a glance at Oliver, I see him swallow hard, taken aback by my sudden boldness. Theo groans and unbuckles his belt as he moves forward to join Ryder on the couch.

I feel Oliver sinking into the couch next to us as Ryder begins to kiss me hard, sucking on my tongue as his fingers move over the cups of my bra to reach inside and pull my breasts out. I’m spilling over the top now, and he bends his head down, taking one nipple in his mouth and sucking on it as his fingers keep skating down, over my belly and down into my underwear, tracing the outline of my lips, teasing me.

Theo’s hand reaches out, squeezing my ass, and I move my hand down to grasp his length, enjoying how he feels under me. Oliver’s thigh presses against me as I reach over and take him in my other hand, marveling over how different they feel from each other.

Ryder’s fingers slip in between my folds, searching out my bud immediately as he begins to tease me, then slip down to test how ready I am for him. His fingers slip inside easily, and he begins to move them in and out, mimicking the rhythm of my hands on Oliver and Theo.

The three of us are moving together now, heated desire spilling from our lips, whimpers, and moans filling the room from all sides.

Ryder’s fingers are working me up to ecstasy, but just as I’m starting to feel the pleasure mount, he pulls out.

A whimper escapes me, and he chuckles, the sound low and dark. Lining himself up with my entrance, he pushes in slowly, taking his time as he pulls back, using his cock to tease my clit, grinding the tip against me in a way that has me shuddering in pleasure.

He starts sinking in again, then pulls back out, rubbing the head over my clit once more, teasing me incessantly. Theo leans into me, biting a kiss into my shoulder. Oliver’s fingers find my ass, toying with the sensitive hole as Ryder finally, mercifully, sinks into my waiting pussy.

I’m caught between the three of them, overwhelmed with the sensations on my body to the point where I don’t feel like a person anymore but a being of pure feeling.

Every drag of Ryder’s cock inside me is intensified by the gentle, teasing touches of Oliver’s fingers against my ass and Theo’s tongue and teeth on my shoulder and neck.

My own hands continue to work over their cocks, moving up and down, twisting, rubbing over the sensitive spot on the head, and repeating it all over again. Their bodies move in unison, rising off the couch as my hand travels back up the length of the shaft, chasing the pleasure.

“Fuck!” Theo cries out, leaving a deep, bruising bite on me. Oliver’s fingers slip inside me just as Ryder begins to work his hips faster, our moans increasing in volume.

My body feels as though it’s flying as Ryder’s cock pumps in and out of me, Oliver’s fingers tease inside, and Theo lathes marks into my skin. I never want this feeling to end. I rock my hips, chasing the electrifying sensation that starts deep in my core.

“Oh, God,” I cry out, desperation pushing my hands to move faster on Oliver and Theo while Ryder grips me with his hands and begins setting a fast pace, snapping his hips into mine.

Everything is too much and not enough all at once, and without warning, my body tenses and I come, crying out with a gasping moan.

Theo’s orgasm hits him next, warm, sticky cum shooting out to coat my hips and thigh. Underneath me, Ryder’s cock is pushing deep inside as he comes with a shout.

Oliver is last, hips rocking with my hand as his cum coats my hands. I take my hand away, bringing it up to my mouth to lick it clean.

Before we can relax, Oliver flips me, Ryder moves so he’s underneath me, and Theo is kneeling next to me on the couch. They have me on my hands and knees as Oliver gets behind me, flicking his tongue into my ass.

“Fuck!” I curse, gripping Ryder tightly. He smirks and pulls me down for a kiss while Oliver continues to tease me, tongue flicking around my tight opening. Theo’s fingers search out my clit and begin tormenting it, setting a quick pace as he circles the bud.

Everything feels like a blur as the three of them tease and torment me into another shattering orgasm. I nearly collapse on top of Ryder, but Oliver and Theo hold me up, helping me to sit up in Oliver’s lap.

“God,” I breathe out, coming down from the intense high. The three of us catch our breath, a sense of satisfaction emanating from the brothers.

Even though I told them I knew what I was getting into, after this, I’m not so sure. Can I handle the attention of all three men on me at the same time?

And what’s more, am I getting in over my head by being with them? I know I said I could handle it, but what am I getting into if we’re together?



As I get ready for the day, I mull over the recent turn of events. Eva’s acceptance shifted the dynamics between us, moving us from the tentative peace from before to a more solid foundation.

But beyond the newfound sense of shared joy, something else more sinister lurks under the surface. Declan’s betrayal still looms over us, a spectral presence we can no longer ignore.

With a sigh, I head out, traveling into Havencrest to meet with Aunt Bridget. If anyone can give us better insight into things, it’s Bridget. She’s an intelligent and perceptive woman with a soft heart for her family.

Determination fuels my steps as I navigate the busy streets, focused on protecting my family and uncovering the truth.
