Page 52 of Shadowvale Secrets

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I ignore his comment about Eva. “I’ll be here bright and early,” I tell him.

Declan points a finger-gun at me and winks as the two of us leave. An unsettled feeling settles in my gut as we take the elevator down. Silence stretches between us until we’re nearly at the ground floor.

“You don’t think he suspects anything, do you?” Oliver asks as we exit, speaking in a low tone.

I shrug. “He did seem to think our questions were odd, but I’m hoping he chalks it up to our being nervous to tell him about our situation with Eva.”

“Let’s hope you’re right,” Oliver says, a frown on his face.

My mind goes back to our meeting, and something jumps out at me. The pen that Declan was tapping was on top of something, but what was it?

I try to picture it in my mind, reforming the paper right-side-up, and let out a gasp. Was Declan writing a check to someone from the DeLucci Family?



As I step through the doors of Shadowvale, exhaustion weighing heavily on my shoulders after a long day's work, I'm met with an unexpected sight—Theo, Ryder, and Oliver, standing in the foyer with stern expressions etched upon their faces.

“Hey, Evangeline,” Ryder greets me, his tone unusually serious as he gestures toward the den. “We need to talk.”

My heart skips a beat as I follow their lead, a gnawing sense of apprehension growing inside me. Is something wrong?

Once inside the den, the atmosphere grows tense as the boys take up positions before me, their expressions unreadable.

Theo’s gaze fixes on me with an intensity that sends shivers down my spine, but there’s also something else in there—a hint of vulnerability in his eyes.

“We owe you an apology,” he begins, voice grave as he speaks. “We treated you like shit when you came here.”

“Yeah, we were real bastards,” Ryder interjects, his tone unusually somber as he shifts uncomfortably on his feet. “And for that, we're sorry.”

I blink in surprise, the weight of their words sinking in as I struggle to process their unexpected admission. After all the turmoil and heartache we've endured, their apology comes as a welcome surprise.

Oliver speaks up, his voice soft but resolute. “They're right, Evangeline,” he says, his gaze unwavering as he meets my eyes. “We haven't treated you with the respect you deserve, and for that, I'm truly sorry.”

I swallow hard, the gravity of their words sinking in. “Let’s get one thing straight, though,” Theo adds. “We may be trying, but let's get one thing straight, Eva,” he continues, his gaze unwavering as he meets my eyes. “We might be ready to move forward, but we're still part of a crime family. And that means we've got darkness in us—darkness that you need to be aware of.”

As I stand there, absorbing the weight of their apologies, a surge of courage courses through me.

“I appreciate the apologies,” I begin, my voice steady and calm. “But you should know that I’ve seen that darkness in you. I know what you are and who you are, and I also know that you no longer scare me. I’ve been through far worse in my life than anything you could throw at me.”

Their expressions soften at my words, a flicker of surprise mingling with genuine remorse as they take in the steely resolve in my gaze.

“You think you’re dark warriors, but I’ve seen the light in you,” I add. “I’ve seen the good sides of you. The passion, the drive, the protective instincts that run deep within your veins. You’re thoughtful where it counts. Like when Oliver picked up that book he thought I'd like, or when Ryder took care of me when I was sick.”

I step forward, hand reaching out to bunch into the fabric of Theo’s shirt, pulling him down for a kiss. “I’ve seen every side of you, and I’m not going anywhere.” Our lips meet in a heated exchange, and I pull back, glancing across my shoulder at Oliver, giving him a sultry look as I crook a finger at him and summon him closer.

He moves in, kissing up my neck, and I turn my head, licking my lips as I watch Ryder move toward me as if hypnotized by my gaze.

I want these men. I want all of them. The good and the bad. Even if it’s dangerous, even if I get burned, I want to play with fire.

Ryder’s hands come up to rest on my waist from behind, pressing himself against me as he kisses my neck on the opposite side. They’ve got me surrounded now, Theo at my front and Ryder and Oliver flanking each side of me, and their mouths and tongues are doing things to me that make me want to roll over and beg.

I push the three men off me, biting my lip as I grasp the hem of my dress. I’ve got on a pink, silky dress with red roses all over it and puffy bishop sleeves. Bridget called my recent style choices “coquette” fashion. I’d never been allowed pretty dresses growing up, so for me, it felt more like reclaiming my girlhood.

But now as I stand in front of the three of them, I feel more like a sexy woman as I start lifting the hem of my dress up, showing my matching pink lace bra and panties.

Their eyes are fixed on me, identical hungry expressions like wolves ready to devour a lamb. I continue lifting my dress over my head and toss it to the side, approaching Ryder and pushing him backward until his knees hit the couch, then I climb on his lap, straddling him.
