Page 39 of Shadowvale Secrets

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We bought it almost on a whim, but it’s been a great place for us to conduct business and enjoy pleasure at the same time.

Heading inside, we nod to the bouncer. Cal is one of the most loyal employees we have. He always keeps an eye out and makes sure any of the girls we bring upstairs don’t overstay their welcome.

“Hey, guys,” Cal says. “It’s been a while since the three of you were here at the same time.”

I smile. “Yep, a few months now, I think.”

“Last time, you were here with that chick, right?”

We glance at each other. We’ve taken a lot of women to the club over the years, and spent the night with a few, but I don’t remember that offhand.

“I guess.” I shrug.

“Have fun, guys!”

We head inside, the speakers pounding out the music.

Taking our seats in our usual spot, we sit above the club, watching the comings and goings. “How was work?” Theo asks Oliver.

“Bullshit, as usual,” Oliver grumbles. “I saw Declan’s car passing as I was leaving,” he adds. “What was he doing at the house?”

I roll my eyes. “He was confronting Eva about the time she’s been spending with us. I don’t know why he’s got it in his head that she’s distracting us. He said something about that to me the other day because I was dealing with some club business when he called and couldn’t deal with an issue he needed dealt with right away.”

Theo sits up straighter, and Oliver leans in, eyes blazing. “What? How dare he confront her?” Oliver snaps out.

“He doesn’t need to go talk to Eva. If he thinks we’re neglecting our work, then he needs to talk to us,” Theo declares. “It’s none of his business, anyway. Whatever we do or don’t do with Eva has no bearing on our work.”

“We’ve done everything he’s asked of us,” Oliver says, fingers clenched around his glass. “I don’t understand where this is coming from.”

“Maybe he’s just stressed with all the bullshit going on with the DeLucci Family,” I speculate. “He’s looking for someone to take his frustrations out on.”

“Well, Eva is the wrong person to do that to,” Theo says, his eyes dark. “If he touches her…”

“I don’t think he’d hurt her,” I interrupt, trying to get my more hot-headed brothers to calm down. “I think since she’s pregnant, we should still keep a closer eye on her, though.”

“We can take turns,” Oliver agrees. “Maybe one of us should always be at the manor at all times from now on.”

“We can’t do that,” Theo says, shaking his head. “If Declan is already thinking we’re neglecting our shit to spend time with Eva, then he’s going to lose his shit if we do this. Besides, even if Eva is pregnant, it’s not our baby. We have no claim to her, remember?”

I take a sip of my drink, contemplating that. It’s true. None of the three of us have even talked about what it is we want from her or why we’ve been so obsessed with her since day one.

“I’m going to go dance,” I murmur, pushing my drink away. I need to get out of my head, stop stressing about everything going on, and not think for once.

Oliver follows but Theo stays, ordering another drink. He’s not much of a dancer, and it’s hard to get him onto the dance floor most of the time.

As I dance, my mind drifts back to Eva. I hope she’s alright there at home by herself. I don’t know why I’m suddenly so damned soft for her, but I guess I don’t want any shit to happen to her. Not after we put her through hell once already.

Our father had impressed on us that women were nothing more than a distraction, something to keep us warm on a cold night, people who could entertain us for a few hours, but who weren’t to be trusted.

But I’m starting to realize he was wrong. He’d married a woman and then discarded her after Oliver was born, satisfied with the three heirs he had to continue his legacy. There was no love there. We barely knew our mother.

But being around Eva hasn’t made me tired of her. If anything, it’s made me want to be around her more. She makes me feel like I want to be a better version of myself around her.

Oliver nudges me, pulling me from my thoughts. A girl dances in between us with long, dark hair, and I put my hands on her waist, a sudden memory popping up.

Cal had mentioned us being here last time with a girl, and I feel like I vaguely remember that now, recalling silky hair and a soft smile. We’d danced together that night, her and me and Oliver.

I wonder why that popped into my head all of a sudden.
