Page 26 of Shadowvale Secrets

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“I grew up with them,” Daniel says. “We were childhood friends. They protected me from bullies back then, and then they helped me pass my detective exam. I owe them so much.”

I’m still trying to process the fact that they have real, actual friends outside of the Callahan gang. “That… is very nice of them,” I agree.

“Theo talked about you when we went for coffee last week,” he adds. “He seemed quite taken with you.”

I let out a snort, and Daniel tilts his head, confusion washing over him.

“Nothing,” I say, shaking my head. “It’s nothing. They’ve been taking care of me,” I say, bending the truth a little.

“Good,” Daniel nods. “Let me buy your drink, and then I’ll let you get on your way. You’ve really seemed to be good for them. They seem so much less stressed than they have in a long time.”

I have no idea how to respond to that, so instead, I nod, keeping my mouth shut, and let him pay for my smoothie.

Once I’m done, I head out and try to wrap my brain around the new information I just learned. The Everharts are actually capable of being nice people? When do I get to see that side of them? Will I ever get to see this soft side that others seem to see?

I shake my head and walk down the street to the drugstore, still chuckling over Daniel’s comments.



Traveling across the country to settle business affairs always leaves me incredibly drained. I took the first opportunity to get away that Declan offered, though, because I felt guilty for doubting his loyalty. I didn’t want Theo to bring up the questions I asked, or Liam to discuss my momentary doubts with him, so I threw myself into work.

Unfortunately, that meant that I missed everything that happened at the manor while I was gone. Theo and Ryder explained that they kept it from me in order to keep me from overreacting, but it still pissed me off when I came home to find out that Evangeline had tried to run away and had nearly died in the middle of the forest outside the manor.

But I wasn’t angry at her. I am angrier with myself and my brothers for letting our petty antics get so far. If we hadn’t been cruel assholes, she wouldn’t have gotten so sick trying to run away.

Ryder has been staying at her bedside, nursing her back to health, which I’m grateful for, but I feel like I ought to do something for her as well.

She’s back in her own room now that she’s recovered, so I knock softly on her door, heart pounding in my chest.

“Come in,” she calls out. Her voice is so soft, almost musical. I open the door, and she sees me and freezes up, shoulders hunching.

Fuck. I really fucked this all up, didn’t I? Guilt has wormed its way into my stomach, eating at me from the inside. “So… Ryder told me what happened,” I say, leaning against the door frame, trying not to appear too threatening. “I’m sorry I wasn’t here to help out. Declan had me away on business.”

“Thank you,” Evangeline says, posture stiff. “I’m okay now, though.”

“Still…” I take a tentative step inside. “We were the ones who pushed you there. We were so focused on being cruel that we never even tried to get to know you.” I take a deep breath. “And I’d like to change that.”

“Oh?” Evangeline asks, looking up at me. Her icy blue eyes are wide, as though surprised by my admission. To be frank, I’m also surprised.

“Yeah,” I stammer. “Yes. Starting now. How can I make it up to you? What can I do to help you feel more comfortable here at Shadowvale?”

Evangeline clicks her tongue as she thinks it over. “Well… I don’t have a whole lot to do in my free time. Maybe you could pick up some books for me to read?”

I feel a pang in my chest at that. Of all the things she could have asked for—and there is plenty we owe her—to ask for a few books? I nod, an ache settling inside me. “I can do that,” I tell her. “In fact, what if I took you to town and let you pick some out?”

Evangeline’s eyes light up at that suggestion, and my heart beats faster, making me wonder why I was so determined to hate this sweet, innocent creature.

“Can we go today?” she asks, almost trembling with excitement. “I have two more days until the doctor says I can start working again, so I’ve been bored out of my mind.”

I give a soft chuckle and nod. “Sure. We can take my car. Is that okay?”

She nods and follows me as I head down the stairs and out to the garage, grabbing the keys to the Bentley from the hook. Her eyes widen as she slips into the car, running a finger over the soft leather seat.

“I’ve never ridden in anything this nice before,” she admits. Some part of me gets a thrill from the idea that I get to be the first to show her this experience.

“It will be fun,” I promise, revving the engine as the garage door opens up. I race down the long, winding drive and take us out to the streets, pushing the car to a cool 100.
