Page 25 of Shadowvale Secrets

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The corner of Ryder’s mouth tugs upward into a small smile. “You like being bossed around?” he asks, leaning forward.

“I guess maybe a little,” I say, blushing. I feel so self-conscious now, admitting that I liked the way they told me what to do and how to do it.

“What about the baby’s father?” Ryder asks, changing the subject as though he picked up on my discomfort.

“He… he’s not… involved,” I tell him, choosing my words carefully. Guilt eats at me for concealing the truth, but our relationship has just started to improve. I can’t bring myself to throw a grenade on it and shake up the rocky foundation.

“I see.” Ryder nods, a small frown on his face. “He run out on you or something?”

“No,” I say, shaking my head. “More like he just can’t be involved for certain reasons.” Ryder sits back, mulling this over.

“A good guy would make it work if he really cared,” he grumbles. I almost want to laugh at the idea of his being angry at a make-believe person, but I hide my smile.

“I don’t want to talk about him anymore,” I say. “Maybe we can play cards again instead?”

He’d been teaching me blackjack, poker, and gin the past few days. I loved gin the best, but blackjack was also addicting.

“I have a better idea,” Ryder suggests. “I know we made your life a living hell, but I want to make it up to you. I know you probably think of me as a player, but I’m not just all talk.”

He reaches out, running a hand over my blanket-clad thigh. “I saw the way you looked at us that night, the night we came into your room. You wanted it just as much as we did that night. Let me make you feel good, Eva,” he says. His fingers dance over the blanket, stopping just short of pulling it down to expose my lower half.

My eyes widen and my heart beats hard in my chest. Am I truly going to let Ryder touch me again? My body decides for me, and I push the covers aside, a boldness creeping over me as I stare into his lust-hazed eyes.

Ryder lets out a low chuckle and climbs onto the bed carefully, pushing my nightdress up my body until it’s above my waist before carefully tugging down the pink lace panties I’ve got on.

He stares at me, tongue darting out to lick his lips, and I blush from head to toe but let my legs fall open for him.

With less than a second of warning, his mouth descends on me, tongue lapping out to lick a wet stripe from top to bottom.

I let out a shaky moan, and my head falls back onto the pillow, clutching the sheet under my hands. Ryder’s tongue goes to work, painting a masterpiece over my clit with every stroke, slick slowly leaking out of me as he works.

“God,” I moan, clutching the sheets harder. His nose catches the side of my clit, and one hand shoots out, gripping his hair tightly. Encouraged by my reaction, he bends my knees and dives deeper with his tongue, eating me out like he’s a starving man.

I feel myself falling over the edge before I can even think, and suddenly, I’m releasing all over his face. “Oh, god,” I whisper again, covering my face with a hand.

“Don’t worry,” Ryder says, sitting up on his heels. “It’s really hot.” He licks his fingers clean before gently replacing my panties, pulling my nightdress down, and tucking me back into bed. “Hope that at least made up for things a little,” he says.

I giggle from behind my spread fingers. “It was a good start,” I tell him. He grins.

The next day, I’m finally well enough to move around. I need to pick up some prenatal vitamins, according to Dr. Monroe, and Ryder offers to go, but I insist, telling him that I’m sick of being in bed.

In town, I stop for a fancy smoothie at a cafe, indulging my latest craving for fruit. “I’ll pay for the lady,” a man says behind me.

I turn and spot a tall man with a full beard and black-rimmed glasses wearing a rumpled suit and a badge around his neck. He’s a detective, I realize.

“Am I in trouble?” I ask, only half-joking.

“Nothing of the sort. I recognize you from the background check that Fitz asked me to run when he hired you,” the man says. “I’m Daniel Stone, detective with Havencrest Police Department but also a friend of the Everharts.”

“Oh,” I say, realization dawning. “Nice to meet you. I’m Evangeline.”

“That I do know,” Daniel says, a warm smile on his face. “You’re one of their new maids.”

“Yep.” I nod. “I’ve been there for about a month or so now.”

I half expect him to tell me good luck or joke about how the brothers can be demanding, but he beams. “It’s so great working for the Everharts, isn’t it?” he asks. I blink, taken aback.

“It is?” I ask, my voice going a little high-pitched.
