Page 9 of Until His Girl

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Drew groans, the sound reverberating through me, and kisses me back with enough passion to burn away all doubts and leave only scorched earth behind.

He slides his hands down to grip my ass, grinding my hips against his. The friction sends sparks of pleasure skittering across my skin. I whimper into Drew’s mouth and he swallows the sound, deepening the kiss until I’m dizzy from lack of oxygen.

When he finally breaks away, we’re both panting.

“Fuck, babe. I knew you’d taste as sweet as you look,” Drew rasps as he reaches between my legs, his fingers sliding easily over my soaked entrance. His eyes widen slightly. “No panties?” A wicked grin spreads across his face. “Did you plan this?”

I bite my lip as I hold his gaze. “Maybe.”

“Maybe?” He arches a brow, his fingers digging into my inner thigh. “You’ll have to do better than that.”

I swallow hard. “Yes. I planned it.”

“Big mistake, sweetheart,” he growls. “I don’t share what’s mine. I had plans to make you come in the limo. But since you’re not wearing any panties, now you have to be punished.”

My cheeks flame hotter as arousal coils tight in my belly.

I’ve never been one for games, but the intensity in Drew’s eyes and the promise of what’s to come unravels my restraint. I want this—want him—more than I’ve ever wanted anything. And if indulging his fantasies is what it takes, I’ll play along.

“What’s my punishment?” I whisper.

His breath coasts against the outer shell of my ear. “You’re going to come for me today, Eliza. As hard as I want. As many times as I want. And by the time I’m done with you, the only word you’ll remember is my name.”

Then he calls out to the driver, lowering the partition a fraction of an inch.

“Hey, Hector? Change of plans. Take us back to the office.” He gives me a wicked grin. “I’m eating lunch at my desk.”

Chapter Four


I grip the leather seat when the limo swerves, my head a dizzy mess of thoughts and raw desire.

When I sent Eliza that bullshit email about taking her out for “Virtual Assistant Appreciation Day,” I was sure she would turn me down.

Now here we are, dry humping like teenagers in the back of my limo.

Eliza tastes like heaven, her soft lips moving against mine as she grinds in my lap. I grab her hips and pull her tighter against me. I’m so fucking hard that I could drill through steel.

“So fucking sexy,” I groan as she tangles her fingers in my hair. “Love the sounds you make when you get turned on.”

Eliza only whimpers in response, her breath coming fast.

Who knew my sweet little secretary had such a wild side?

The limo pulls up outside the office a second later, tires screeching on the pavement. The back entrance to the building is secluded, meant for discreet visits—or escapes—and it’s never felt more appropriate than right now.

I throw open the limo door and haul Eliza onto my shoulder.

“Drew!” Eliza giggles as she smacks my arm. “Put me down!”

“Not a chance, baby.” I slap her ass in return, relishing her surprised yelp. “It’s time for your punishment.”

Her whole body goes rigid against me, and for a second, I worry I’ve gone too far.

But then she relaxes, draping herself over my shoulder. “Yes, Mr. Donovan,” she purrs.

Goddamn, this girl is perfect.
