Page 8 of Until His Girl

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And for some reason, I can’t help the cheesy grin that spreads across my face.

I wake up Monday morning with a flutter of nerves in my stomach. Today is my lunch date with Drew, and I still can’t quite believe it’s really happening.

Willow had an early shift at work today, so I’m on my own this morning. I roll out of bed and pad into the bathroom, hoping a hot shower will wash away my anxiety. As I step under the spray of water, a million thoughts swirl through my head.

I know it’s wrong to lust after Drew. He’s my boss, I’m his secretary. Boundaries exist for a reason.

But then there’s that elevator memory that won’t fade. The feeling of his strong arms around me, the way he calmed my panic in the dark.

Since then, an ache has set up residence between my thighs. My body craves him – his touch, his strength. He’s sparked something within me I’ve never felt before.

It’s a war between what I want and what I know is right...and right now, what I want is winning.

Once I get out of the shower, I spend an inordinate amount of time picking out an outfit.

I want to look cute without seeming like I’m trying too hard. Finally, I settle on a floral sundress and cardigan, pairing them with strappy sandals for a casual yet put-together look.

But when I glance in the mirror again, I notice the outline of my thong showing through the thin fabric of my dress.


I hate it when my panty lines show under my clothes. Not to mention that Drew will probably think I did it on purpose.

I decide to go commando, sliding my thong off and tucking it into my purse. Then, I head outside. Perfect timing, too, because just as I walk out of my front door, a sleek black limo pulls into the parking lot of my apartment complex.

My eyes widen in surprise at the sight of Drew stepping out to open the door instead of the driver. He looks even more ruggedly handsome than I remembered, his green eyes sparkling in the bright midday sun.

“Afternoon, gorgeous,” he calls out as he holds out his hand to help me inside the car.

Does he call all of his staff gorgeous?

“Hi, Drew.” I give him a shy smile, slipping my small hand into his much larger one. “Thanks for picking me up.”

“Of course,” Drew replies as he glides onto the seat next to me. “Just think of it as one of the many ways I plan to show my appreciation today.”

I swallow hard. One of the many ways?

“I thought we’d start by trying that new Italian place on Main Street for lunch,” he continues nonchalantly as the limo pulls out of the parking lot. “I hear their Bolognese is excellent.”

“That sounds good,” I reply, trying to sound calm despite my jittering nerves. “I’ve never been there before.”

“That’s what makes it an adventure.” He grins at me from across the seat. “And speaking of adventures, how are things going on the volunteer front at the opera? Opening night is this Saturday, right?”

I blink in surprise. He remembered?

“Um, things are going really well,” I reply. “My sister actually sent me a video from the dress rehearsals last night.”

“Can I see?”

I pull out my phone and show Drew the video of the singers on stage, their powerful voices soaring through the theater. “I can’t wait to hear it live on opening night,” I say dreamily. “Even just watching the rehearsal video, it’s like the music just carries me away. “

“Is that what you want?” Drew murmurs. “To get carried away?”

I look up and meet his gaze, shocked by the hunger I find there.

This is dangerous territory, but I can’t bring myself to care. All I want is to get lost in the moment and explore whatever might unfold next.

I don’t think. I act on instinct alone, tangling my fingers in his hair and pulling his mouth down to mine. The kiss is hungry and demanding, fueled by months of pent-up longing.
