Page 6 of Until His Girl

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For a moment, we’re both silent, Heath studying me curiously. Then he finally nods in agreement and walks away.

As he leaves, my mind drifts back to Donovan Enterprises—the empire that my father and his brothers built from scratch.

The empire that my brothers and I now run together.

As triplets, we’ve always had an uncanny knack for being in sync, which can be both a blessing and a curse—like nosing into each other’s business when least wanted.

I turn and make my way to my office, shutting the door behind me. My hands find their way to my hair, raking through the strands as I pace back and forth like a caged animal.

Eliza Parker. She’s been hiding behind that screen for months, her voice a soft melody in my ear during conference calls—polite, professional, untouchable. And now I’m burning for her, craving the taste of someone I shouldn’t even be thinking about.

The complications are endless. Her family hates my guts, and she’s my goddamn assistant. The risk is monumental.

“Fuck,” I growl under my breath.

I sink into my leather chair, elbows on the desk, fingers pressed to my temples. Think, Drew. There has to be a way to get closer without crossing lines that could screw us both over.

A slow grin spreads across my face as the perfect plan takes shape.

I grab my phone and start typing.

Chapter Three


“Yikes, how long were you trapped for?” my best friend Melanie asks as she pops a cheese cube into her mouth.

“Twenty minutes,” I reply with a groan. “But it might as well have been twenty years.”

My other best friend, and current roommate, Willow, laughs and reaches for a cracker. “It wasn’t that bad, was it?”

I take a sip of water, trying to soothe my still-dry throat. “Well, normally, I can manage. Except my boss was trapped with me.”

“Wait, the hot boss?” Melanie’s voice spikes to a pitch that earns us a few curious glances.

“Yes, the hot boss,” I hiss, glancing around to see if anyone overheard. Leaning closer, I reply quietly, “Now, would you please keep your voice down?”

Melanie giggles. “Sorry. But come on, you have to admit it’s kind of a romantic setting.”

“Romantic?” I raise an eyebrow. “Getting stuck in a small metal box with no air conditioning or cell service is your idea of romance?”

Willow grins mischievously. “Well, it’s definitely a bonding experience.”

I roll my eyes. “More like a claustrophobia-inducing nightmare.”

It’s Saturday night, and my friends and I are sitting in a corner booth at the Pitcher’s Brew, a local bar in town owned by Melanie’s boyfriend, Jake. The place is packed, as usual, and the music is loud enough to make conversation difficult. But I’m still trying to avoid broadcasting my embarrassing elevator ordeal to the whole bar.

Melanie pats my arm sympathetically. “So, what did you and the hot boss talk about for twenty minutes?”

Before I can elaborate further, Jake walks up to our table, interrupting our conversation.

“Sorry to keep you ladies waiting. Place is packed tonight.” He gives us a sheepish grin and pulls out his notepad and pen, ready to take our orders. “What’s the poison tonight?” His gaze dances over each of us before landing on his girlfriend. “How about we start with you, gorgeous?”

Melanie blushes. “I’ll have a margarita.”

Willow taps her chin, glancing at the cocktail menu. “I think I’ll go with a mojito.”

Jake writes it down and turns to me. “And for you, Eliza?”
