Page 5 of Until His Girl

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“Hey, before we get out of here,” I start, scratching the back of my neck, “I’m Drew, by the way. Drew Donovan.”

“Eliza.” A small smile plays on those pouty lips that have driven me crazy since the lights went out. “Eliza Parker.”

Parker. The name slams into me like a sucker punch. Parker as in...

No, it can’t be.

My brain scrambles to make sense of it, but there’s no mistaking the wide-eyed innocence staring back at me.

“As in, my secretary, Eliza Parker?” The words tumble out before I can stop them, each one hitting harder than the last.

Her nod is timid, almost apologetic, and it dawns on me—of course she’s my damn secretary. The soft voice over conference calls, the impeccably organized emails... How did I not see it?

“Fuck,” I mutter under my breath. She should be off-limits.

She is off-limits.

I furrow my eyebrows in confusion. “Baby, what are you doing at the office on a Saturday?”

Eliza blushes at my words, then blinks at me as if the answer should be obvious.

“You emailed me, Mr. Donovan. You said you needed the reports by the end of today.” She bites her lip. “The Wi-Fi at my apartment is out, so I had to come here to finish my assignment.”

Damn. I did send that email. “Right... well, those reports can wait until Monday,” I tell her, trying to ease the tension in my voice.

The elevator doors groan open, and we’re rescued from our awkward confinement. For a moment, we stand there in silence, both of us unsure what to say next.

“Well, um…,” Eliza breaks the silence with a shy smile, her voice barely above a whisper. “It was nice to finally meet you, Mr. Donovan.”

I clear my throat before responding, “Likewise.”

“I’m going to head out, but I’ll have those reports for you on Monday.”

“Thank you, Eliza. Have a good weekend.”

As she walks away, I watch her retreating figure disappear around the corner.


“Who’s that?” My brother Heath’s voice cuts through my thoughts as he appears in the hallway. He’s got that smirk on his face, the one that says he’s spotted something interesting. His eyes trail after Eliza, and I feel a possessive heat flare up inside me.

“None of your fucking business,” I bark out before my brain catches up with my mouth.

Heath holds up his hands in mock surrender. “Easy, bro. I was just teasing.” Then he smirks. “Although, if you’re going to kick my ass over a woman, the least you could do is tell me her name.”

“Her name is Eliza,” I snap. “She’s my virtual assistant.”

Heath quirks a brow. “What’s she doing at the office?”

“Nevermind that.” I quickly change the subject, eager to steer clear of this dangerous territory. “Who handles our elevator maintenance?”

“Jim from Technical Services. Why?”

“Give Jim a raise.”

Heath looks taken aback for a moment, then lets out a short laugh. “For what? Didn’t you just get stuck in the elevator?”

“Just do it.”
