Page 3 of Until His Girl

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Even though I’m twenty-two, I’ve never been great at talking to guys. I’ve never even had a boyfriend before. And unlike my sister who is a confident, social butterfly, I’m the girl whose palms sweat at the mere thought of making small talk with the opposite sex.

Suddenly, Drew looks up and his hazel eyes lock with mine.

Heat rises to my cheeks as his gaze rakes over me. I have no idea what he’s thinking right now or whether he even likes what he sees. All I can think about is the traitorous wave of lust flooding through my veins.

Something flares in his eyes as he continues to take me in, and I clench my thighs together, trying to ignore the ache building between them.

No. No way. I am not going there. Not with my boss, and definitely not with a Donovan.

I force a polite smile when I come to a stop in front of him, trying to ignore the way my body hums with his proximity.

The elevator dings as the doors sliding open, and Drew motions for me to step inside.

As the doors close, I reach out to press the button for the top floor. I glance at Drew, but he’s not looking at me. He’s staring straight ahead, his jaw clenched and his brow furrowed. My palms, meanwhile, feel slick with sweat.

Ugh, what is wrong with me?

I’ve never reacted this strongly to a man before, let alone my boss. I need to get a grip, to remember who I am and who he is.

But as the elevator climbs higher, I can’t shake the feeling that everything is about to change. That this moment is the start of something I can’t control. And part of me doesn’t want to.

Suddenly, a jolt ripples through the elevator.

I let out a yelp of surprise, and Drew’s eyes snap to me when I lose my balance.

He shoots his arm out, catching me mid-stumble, and the elevator shakes again, more violently this time. There’s a groaning sound of metal on metal as the ground shudders.

“Fuck,” Drew growls under his breath, using his free hand to slam the emergency button on the wall.

Panic rises in my throat. “What’s happening?”

The lights flicker, plunging us into momentary darkness before stuttering back to life. I feel my stomach drop when we lurch to a stop.

A muscle in Drew’s jaw ticks. “We’re stuck.”

Chapter Two


Under any other circumstances, the idiot responsible for this elevator malfunction would be out on their ass before they could say “severance package.”

But today, I’m willing to cut them some slack.

Because I am officially stuck in our office elevator with my future wife.

My heart races as I take in her long dark hair cascading down her back, her sexy curves, and those gorgeous pouty lips.

She’s young. Probably too young. It’s written all over her face. In the uncertainty of her posture. The way she fidgets with the hem of her sleeve.

But fuck if that doesn’t add fuel to the fire churning in my gut.

The age difference should be a stop sign, but it feels more like a challenge.

“How long do you think it will take for them to rescue us?” The woman asks as she licks her lips nervously. My cock stirs as I imagine those lips wrapped around it, and I bite back a groan.

“Depends.” I rub the back of my neck, buying myself a second to get a grip. “Could be minutes. Maybe longer, depending on what the issue is.”

“Oh no. I was afraid you were going to say that.” She presses herself into the corner and clutches at the railing behind her. Her chest rises and falls rapidly as her breaths come shorter and faster.
