Page 2 of Until His Girl

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“Trust me, I won’t forget. I’ve gotta run, though. I’ll talk to you later, okay?”

“Okay. Love you.”

“Love you too, sis.”

I hang up, feeling a mix of relief and guilt. I hate keeping secrets from my sister. But I can’t risk my family finding out about my job at Donovan Enterprises... not yet, anyway.

In a flurry of motion, I finish getting ready.

Since I work from home, my wardrobe is a bit limited. So I opt for the only pieces that could pass as office wear: a crisp white top, a soft pink cardigan, and a beige skirt.

The skirt is snugger than I remember, hugging my curves tightly and ending just above my knees. It’s shorter than I’d prefer for an office setting, but it will have to do. Plus, it’s Saturday. The office should be empty anyway.

As I navigate the quiet streets of Fit Mountain, I try to push away the anxiety threatening to bubble up inside me.

Working for my family’s rival wasn’t part of the plan. But when the marketing firm I worked for suddenly went under a few months ago, I had to scramble for a new job. And as much as I love my sister, the idea of working with her and her boyfriend, Wes, at Parker & Sons felt suffocating.

I needed to branch out and find my own path.

So, when the opportunity to be a virtual assistant landed in my lap, I jumped at the chance. The fact that Donovan Enterprises just happened to be my first client was an unexpected twist of fate.

I drum my fingers against the steering wheel, my thoughts turning to the notorious Donovan triplets. Drew, Heath, and Blake—a trio of burly, bossy alpha males who always seem to get what they want. Especially when it comes to business.

They’ve been outbidding Parker & Sons left and right lately, snatching up contracts and clients like it’s their own personal shopping spree. It’s enough to make my dad’s blood boil. The Parkers and the Donovans have been feuding for generations, and this latest power play has only fanned the flames.

My stomach flutters with nerves and anticipation as I pull into the parking lot of Donovan Enterprises.

Taking a deep breath, I step out of the car and approach the entrance, ready to face whatever awaits me.

The automatic doors slide open with a soft whoosh, and I enter the sleek lobby. Relief washes over me when I see a receptionist sitting at a desk. This is uncharted territory for me, and I’m clueless about where to go.

“Good morning,” the woman chirps. “How can I help you?”

“Hi, I’m Mr. Donovan’s virtual assistant,” I explain. “My Wi-Fi is down at my apartment, and I need to use the internet here at the office.”

She gives me a reassuring smile. “No problem, I’ll just need to see some ID.”

I show her my company badge.

“The elevators are just around the corner, past those large glass doors.”

Gratitude floods through me, and I thank her and make my way toward the elevators. As I walk, my eyes wander around the lobby. I can’t help but marvel at the modern elegance surrounding me—all clean lines, gleaming surfaces, and tasteful art pieces.

But when I round the corner, all rational thought suddenly flees from my mind.

The hottest mountain man I’ve ever seen is leaning against the wall beside the elevators.

He’s tall and broad-shouldered, with dark brown hair and a thick beard framing his chiseled jaw. A fitted gray T-shirt stretches over his huge biceps while gray sweatpants hang low on his hips.

My breath catches in my throat as recognition dawns on me.

It’s… my boss.

I’ve never actually met Drew in person. We’ve only exchanged emails and Slack messages. But in every picture I’ve seen of him, he’s always buttoned up in a suit. He looked good. There’s no denying that.

But those pictures are nothing compared to seeing him in the flesh.

It’s like he has an aura around him. He’s so overwhelmingly masculine that every feminine instinct within me sits up and takes notice. A surge of self-consciousness washes over me as I start to approach him.
