Page 35 of Gideon

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“They won’t bother us,” I said.

Liss turned her head, nuzzling into my hand.

“You probably wouldn’t mind an audience, would you?”

She closed her mouth around the head of my cock, the warm, wet heat of her tongue pressed beneath the crown at just the right spot to make every muscle in my body clench.

I trailed my fingers down the line of her spine. With Liss on her knees before me, I had the most exquisite view—the curve of her ass on display, the arch of her back. I couldn’t wait to plump her up with breakfast in bed and lazy morning sex until her hips were plush and her stomach was soft.

I didn’t give a damn if my entire club paraded through my bedroom right now. Let them look. Let them watch as she took my cock and we claimed each other.

“Hands on the headboard, baby,” I said.

Liss delivered a quick kiss to the corner of my mouth and turned around, kneeling on the mattress as she gripped the headboard. I would have preferred missionary to watch her face when her pussy stretched around my cock, but my shoulder wouldn’t be able to tolerate it. I didn’t want to collapse on top of her.

I retrieved a condom from the nightstand drawer, and tore the packet open, rolling it on. Despite my lack of serious relationships, and my scattered history of hook-ups, I couldn’t shake the habit of being prepared. Just as a precaution, I squeezed a few drops of lube into my palm, giving my cock a few tugs to coat it. I had a feeling Liss’s previous experiences in the bedroom didn’t have the girth I did if she deemed them boring.

I pressed my chest to Liss’s back, her skin faintly warm, and I nuzzled my face into her neck. She reached behind her and took my wrist, guiding my arm around her waist.

I slotted the tip of my cock inside her pussy. She sucked in a breath and wiggled back against me. I placed my hand on her hip with a squeeze and slowly pushed in.

Liss groaned and dropped her head back on my shoulder. Jesus Christ, she was so hot and tight.

“Tell me if it’s too much,” I said.

“It’s perfect.”

I hummed, pinching her shoulder with a playful bite.

“I knew you could take every inch like a good girl.”

Sliding my hand away from her hip, I pressed my palm to her lower belly. When I pulled out and thrust in again, I could feel the bulge of my cock deep inside her. Liss’s mouth dropped open and her eyes closed with nothing but pure ecstasy on her face. No pain. No fear. Only bliss.

“I’ve never…felt so…fucking full,” she gasped.

I smiled and sucked a bruising kiss into her neck. Her pussy squeezed like a vise.

“I bet you’ll be insatiable after this, won’t you, sweetheart? One taste of an older man’s cock buried between your thighs and you’re ruined forever, is that it?”

Liss clamped her teeth into her lower lip, but she couldn’t quite strangle the needy sound that escaped her anyway. My strokes turned harder, deeper.

“Don’t stop, don’t stop,” she rambled.

Anchoring my hands on her hips, I drew back just far enough to see my length—slick with her juices—gliding in and out of her pussy.

“You’re mine now, baby,” I said. “I’ll keep you stuffed with cock to make sure that pretty little head of yours is worry-free.”

Liss sagged against the headboard, slipping down until her face was in the pillows. I bent over her, burying my cock balls-deep, grinding and grinding. She shuddered beneath me as she came. I wedged a hand between her thighs, pressing against her messy clit. Her whole body stiffened underneath me, and the wrecked sound she made would have alerted everyone in the damn neighborhood what we were doing if she hadn’t muffled herself.

“That’s it, baby, that’s it,” I murmured, kissing her back. “Come all over my cock and milk me dry.”

I managed a few more sloppy thrusts, working Liss through her orgasm. Fresh shock waves shuddered through her. I tipped over the edge a moment later, clutching her hips to hold her in place as I finished.

My orgasm had barely faded when the pain slammed into me, radiating from my shoulder down to my fingertips. I grunted and eased myself down to the mattress. Liss’s fingers strayed over my chest. I reached up and took her hand, kissing her knuckles. Then I tugged her closer, draping her body on top of me.

“Wow,” Liss breathed.

“Boring?” I asked, crushing her tight against me.
