Page 34 of Gideon

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Liss dug her fingernails into my wrist. The wet squelch of her pussy betrayed just how much she was enjoying herself.


She broke off with a moan when I slotted a third finger inside her.

“Good,” I said. “As long as you’re with me, you never will be. Clear?”

“Y-yes,” Liss managed to rasp.

I curled up against her g-spot with relentless pressure. Her thighs twitched closed. I clucked my tongue.

“Keep your legs open,” I said.

Trembling, Liss spread her legs. Seeing my fingers buried knuckles-deep inside her pink pussy scratched a feral itch in my brain.

“Pinch your nipples,” I said.

Without hesitation, Liss cupped her tits, rolling her nipples and pinching them.

“Harder,” I said.

She obeyed, pinching harder until her nipples flushed. Her walls fluttered around me. I picked up the pace until her slick dripped down my fingers, coating my palm.

“I’m—close,” Liss said, with her breath caught in her throat.

I withdrew, pulling my fingers out as I leaned over her. My shoulder burned at this angle, but it was worth it to see Liss’s whole body deflate with a whine.

“What the hell, Gideon? Why did you stop?”

“Do you want me to fuck you?” I asked.

Liss pushed her hips up, fumbling at my belt buckle.

“Obviously. Why do you think I’m naked and soaked and panting like a cat in heat?”

I grasped her wrist and pulled it away from my belt.

“You can have my cock on one condition.”

Liss stared up at me, waiting.

“No more running,” I said softly. “If you stay, you’re my woman. Can you handle that?”

Liss hitched her leg around my hip, pressing her heel against the back of my thigh.

“I think the question you should be asking is: can you handle me? I’ll keep you on your toes, Big G.”

Goddamn. She’d never used my road name before. With the low light bathing her naked body in a faint glow, and the thick scent of her arousal hanging in the air, the urge to claim her and make her mine become all-consuming.

“Then put your money where your mouth is, sweetheart,” I said.

Liss scrambled closer, tugging at my belt buckle. I knelt in front of her, threading my fingers through her hair as she unzipped my fly. Her lips quirked up in a little smile when she pressed a kiss to my hip and pulled my jeans down.

“Holy fuck,” she murmured, caressing the length of my cock. “I knew you were carting around heavy-duty equipment.”

She lowered her head, flicking her tongue over the tip. My cock was fully hard now, arching up toward my stomach. Liss gave my balls a squeeze, rubbing her thumb over them until I thrust forward.

The faint murmur of voices echoed from the other room. Liss’s gaze darted to the door. I brushed my knuckles against her cheek.
