Page 97 of Retribution

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Grabbing my calves, I hold my legs, effectively spreading myself for him. Still waiting for something, I don't know what, Bennet hovers his mouth barely an inch above my skin, puffing hot breaths down my body and over my pussy. Squirming, I'm about to beg him to touch me, kiss me, fuck me, anything. But then he climbs back over me, bends over my head to remove the pillows. I can hear the rustling of the ties, and I think he might tie my hands to the headboard.

Excitement courses through my veins, but that excitement turns to confusion when he doesn't reach for my hands.

He's not trying to tie my hands to the headboard at all. He's tying my feet to the headboard.

Bennet moves my body and ties me up so that I'm flat on my back. He ties my legs open in a wide V and, secured to the headboard on opposite sides of my head so that I am nearly folded in half. My arms are then tied to my ankles.

My heart is beating erratically as I feel Bennet moving around on the bed. He pulls the comforter out from beneath my body so that all that's left on the bed is the fitted sheet and me, spread and exposed.

I feel the bed dip around my head and then feel Bennet's knees at my shoulders. His hands caress down my body as he lays across me, his cock hitting my face in warning.

“Open, Six.”

Barely able to breathe as it is, I open my mouth wide, allowing his cock to slide once more down the back of my throat. This angle allows him to thrust deeper into my throat, but the position has another surprise. While Bennet has his cock buried in my mouth, his mouth also lands between my legs.

While his hips thrust into my mouth, his tongue is thrusting into my throbbing, oversensitive pussy. His nose rubs against my entrance when he sucks my clit into his mouth and it doesn't take me more than a couple of seconds to detonate. Without the ability to clench my legs, move, or even hold my breath, the orgasm is more intense than I expect it to be. My scream is muffled by the large cock in my throat before he pulls out of me.

My breaths are too loud for me to hear where he is once he moves off the bed, but I feel when he crawls back onto the bed to settle at the base of the V my legs are spread to. He licks me in one long stroke, from ass to clit.

My arms pull uselessly at the restraints, but I can't move any part of my body other than my head. “Too sensitive,” I whine as Bennet plays in my folds like there's candy hidden in there.

He stops, but only for a moment, and only to shut me up. He kisses me deeply, tangling his tongue with mine so I can taste my arousal, before shoving my panties in my mouth and then using another tie to gag me. My cries are muffled as he resumes his tongue thrashing.

He licks and sucks until my muffled cries are loud enough to let him know something big is about to happen. I can feel a hot flood of liquid trickling from my body right as he adjusts on the bed. He inserts his thumb into the trickle, spreading it up and using it to circle over my clit.

Another orgasm tears through me violently as Bennet thrusts into me, the unexpected intrusion hitting deep. I feel like I'm being split apart as he fucks me, hard and fast. My muffled moans are being pushed from my body with each thrust.

Bennet loops one arm beneath my ass, lifting my hips. The slight change in position hits a sharp spot inside me that sends me careening over an edge I wasn't expecting. I'm dangerously close to peeing, and I want to call out a warning, but my cries are muffled. I can't control any of my body's faculties. A spark travels down my spine and back up to my toes, and there's nothing I can do to control the wave that overtakes me. Then Bennet pinches my over sensitized clit and I scream so loud and high that the gag can't even muffle it enough not to be heard across the house.

Bennet bends over my body, his arms braced on either side of my head. His hips roll and undulate with his thrusts as my inner muscles continue to clamp down, pulsing and squeezing until he cries out. Slamming into me one last time, he rocks against me, riding out my orgasm as he reaches to release each tie from my arms and legs.

My legs come down, my hips stretched and sore, to wrap around his hips as he continues to move inside me.

“Fuuuuck,” he moans as he pulls the blindfold and gag from my face, looking down at me with an exhausted and almost pained expression. “I can't stop. I never want to stop.”

Instead of softening, his cock grows hard again, each push inside me squelching our combined releases around the edges of his shaft. Hooking one leg around him, I flip us over so that I'm on top.

My hips are sore and I'm over-sensitized to the point of discomfort, but I don't want to stop either. I roll my hips, grinding down on his never-dying erection. Bending forward, I press my breasts into Bennet's face as I reach for the ties that are still attached to the headboard, slipknots still conveniently in place. He lets me slip them over his wrists, tying him down.

Sitting up, I steady my hands against his chest and lock my feet over the front of his thighs so I can push myself up and down his shaft. The rhythm finds me, and before I know it, I'm bouncing up and down, riding his cock until another orgasm runs through me and I can't move anymore.

His arms still attached to the ties, Bennet shifts me under him, his arms bound across each other. He uses the leverage from the bindings to drive into me, the ties cutting into his wrists. My hands grip his ass, pulling him deeper.

Sweat drenches our bodies, dripping off his hair, face, and chest as he thrusts into me with slow, firm strokes. He takes my mouth as he comes, and I swallow his breathless moans, tears leaking from my eyes.

We collapse in pure exhaustion after we're finally able to release Bennet's arms from the ties. They'd tightened so much they rubbed his wrists raw and bloody. Covered in sweat and tears and cum, we lay wrapped around each other, our limbs too useless to move.

As we're drifting off to sleep, my head on Bennet's chest, movement grabs my attention. Bennet groans.

“Ignore that.”

“How is it still…”

“I don't know, but the damn thing is going to fall off. Don't give it any attention.”

With great effort, Bennet rolls over onto his stomach, his arm around my middle. We finally succumb to the exhaustion and fall into a deep sleep.

