Page 96 of Retribution

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“Rule number two, no talking back. You only speak when I ask you a direct question or instruct you to say something.”

My face scrunches, and I'm about to say something, but his hand wraps around my mouth. His breath sends shivers down my body as he talks against the shell of my ear.

“No. Talking. Unless I ask you a specific question, or you'll be punished. The only exception is to tell me to stop. If at any point you are uncomfortable or don't want to continue, you can always let me know. Nod that you understand.”

I nod, clenching my thighs together at the low, demanding tone of his voice. I stay still as Bennet gathers my hair into a ponytail and ties it off.

“Good girl. Now, take off your clothes.”

Obediently, I slip out of the denim shorts and pink t-shirt I changed into before lunch. I unhook my bra, letting it fall to the ground. When I go to step out of my panties, Bennet stops me.

“I'll take those.”

Holding them out blindly, they are grabbed from my hand.

“Did you just smell my panties?”

No response.

Well, I guess he is Jackson's brother, after all.

My hands are suddenly yanked behind my body and I'm pushed down onto the bed. My legs are bent behind me, each wrist tied to the opposite ankle, before I'm spun around. I end up face down at the edge of the bed.

“If you're going to mouth off and break the rules, I'll just have to put that mouth to use, now won't I?”

My lips part, taking a breath to respond, but then his thick, hard cock is unceremoniously shoved into my mouth. Surprised, I gag and fight the impulse to bite down. Holding my ponytail, Bennet pulls out a little to let me get my bearings, but then shows no mercy, fucking my mouth.

I have no control. My shoulders pulled back, arms bound to my ankles behind me. The position curves my spine and takes away any ability to balance and adjust myself. The only thing I can move is my head, and he is holding it, forcing my neck to stretch.

His cock hits the back of my throat in a punishing rhythm before he pulls out, a string of drool drawing down my chin. He releases my ponytail and my face hits the bed again. I wipe my mouth on the covers as he releases the ties on my ankles.

“Lay back on the bed.”

I can't help it, I think of saying something sassy again. For example, how exactly do you expect me to move from this position tied up as I am?

But the truth is, I am too turned on to do anything other than comply. I figured out how to get him to punish my mouth. Now I'm paying attention to see what I have to do to get him to punish my aching pussy.

I try my best to turn over, but I just end up flopping around in a very unsexy manner. Chuckling, Bennet shows me pity and unties my hands.

Turning over, I push up onto my knees and turn around towards the middle of the bed. I make a show of stretching out my back before crawling just a few steps in. Before I can lie back, a hard smack lands on my ass.

A yelp escapes me at the sharp sting of the unexpected slap. The sting quickly turns to heat, and I imagine a bright red handprint popping up on my pale skin. I hope the actual visual does as much for him as it does for me.

“Don't think I don't know what you're doing, Six.”

Biting my lip, I shrug my shoulders in a show of innocence before leaning back on my elbows, the position jutting my breasts out.

I feel the bed bow as Bennet climbs onto the bed, hovering over me. I feel his face get close to mine and I lift my chin, expecting him to kiss me, but he just pulls my bottom lip into his mouth and bites down. Not hard enough to draw blood, but hard enough to make his point.

Then he pushes me back so my back is flat against the bed, using his hips to widen my thighs.

Yes, God, finally.

But he doesn't do more than run the underside of his shaft through my folds, making me ache even more. Ignoring my whimpers, Bennet presses his shaft against me while pushing my legs up against my body.

“Hold your legs out like this,” he instructs me.
