Page 9 of Retribution

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My hand is the first to reach out, caressing the length of her body, settling beneath her breast, my thumb brushing lightly over her nipple. Luis bows his body over her to kiss her mouth while Lukas and I each lick, nip, and suck at her breasts. Micah runs his tongue up the inside of her thigh and over her hip, a tiny smirk on his lips as she squirms.

Six writhes between us, her hips twitching as we tease her mercilessly. Her skin is deliciously warm and smooth beneath my hand as I run it over her stomach towards her sex, touching her everywhere but where I know she wants it most.

“Are you wet for us, pretty girl?” Luis asks her.

My middle finger dips between her folds, running my finger slowly up her center. She whimpers.

“So wet,” I say, adding my index finger and rubbing gentle circles over her clit before dipping them inside her.

Her hips jerk, pressing against my hand in a silent plea.

Removing my fingers from her warm wetness, I move to suck her juices from my fingers, but offer them to Lukas instead. He puts his mouth around them and sucks. A shiver of pleasure runs down my spine, low moans coming from both of us. I don’t think my dick has ever been this hard.

Six's pupils are blown, her cheeks flushed as she watches Lukas suck my fingers.

“Micah should really get a taste,” suggests Lukas, moving down the bed to get behind Micah, guiding his head down between Six's legs.

Micah runs his tongue along Six's slit. When he hits her clit, she sucks in a breath, biting her lip as she watches Lukas sink his fingers into her. He slowly pumps two fingers in and out while Micah licks her. Her head falls back against Luis as her breaths come in short pants.

The enticing way her chest rises and falls has me licking and nipping at her hardened nipples while Luis whispers dirty things in her ear.

“Do you fantasize about all of us touching you at once, pretty girl? Do you want to see us all cum over your sexy body, filling all your holes and making you cum with us until you can’t breathe?”

“Oh god, yes,” she says, making Luis chuckle.

“Lukas, do you think you'd want to touch Micah while he's licking our girl?”

Her eyes widen as Lukas smiles and moves his hand from her pussy to Micah's thick cock, causing Micah to groan into Six.

“I know what she wants to see,” he says as he moves behind Micah. He positions Micah's ass up in the air, nuzzling his head back to work on Six. As Micah licks and sucks her clit, Lukas bends down and starts going to town on his ass.

Heat washes over my body as I freeze in place, watching Lukas eat Micah while he eats Six. I've all but forgotten how to move. My eyes are locked on the erotic scene in front of me. I've never in my life seen something so fucking hot.

My whole body jerks in surprise when Six's hand wraps around my cock, her little fist working me up and down as we watch the action. It could not possibly get hotter than this.

Of course, then I'm proved wrong as Lukas produces a bottle of lube, working his fingers in Micah's ass. Micah has to come up for air when Lukas lines himself up and thrusts into Micah, seating himself with a shiver. As Lukas sets a steady pace, he pushes Micah back down to Six's pussy.

Her hand tightens as she tenses, her head tossed back and mouth open. She has a death grip on the bottom of my cock that nearly makes me cum with her as I watch her hips grind against Micah's face. Her breathy moans turn into louder cries of pleasure.

Six's body shakes with aftershocks as Lukas stills, grunting his release. When he pulls out, Micah falls back against him, his thick cock leaking.

With a whispered encouragement from Luis, Six sits up and crawls over to Micah, licking the drips of pre-cum off the tip before taking him entirely in her mouth. He lets out a strangled cry, already pushed to the edge.

Six's head bobs up and down on Micah, her ass pushed up in the air right in front of me and Luis. Her pussy is dripping down her thigh and I can't not touch her. My tongue laps up every bit of the wetness running down her leg and sucks at her sopping folds until every drop of her first climax is clean.

Micah shouts his release and Six swallows him down before turning around and crawling over me. She straddles my body, lining me up and then sinking down maddeningly, deliciously slowly as she lets out a low moan.

“Fuuuuuck Six, you feel so good.”

Her hips move, rolling and lifting while she gets comfortable and finds a rhythm. Her climax comes fast, her pussy clenching hard as she cries out. The rippling of her inner walls pulls out my own orgasm and I come hard, thrusting my hips and pulling her down against me almost brutally as she calls out my name.

She collapses against me, breathless and sweaty, for only a moment before she is eyeing Luis. His arousal is obvious, but he shakes his head.

“Luis, don't be shy,” she croons, crawling off of me and over to his lap.

“I'm not shy. I figured you had enough last night.”

“Never. It'll never be enough.”
