Page 10 of Retribution

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He growls into her neck. “After what I just watched, you won't be able to walk when I'm through with you.”

She levels him with a stare. “Do your worst.”

Luis snaps into action, spinning her around and bending her over in a flash. He holds her there with one hand on her back while he releases the anaconda, thrusting into her with one swift move that hurts to watch.

Six lets out a strangled gust of air, a look of shock on her face when he doesn't give her a moment to adjust before he pulls out and slams into her again. Her eyes close, her forehead creased in pain. It's almost enough for me to stop him, but as his thrusts increase pace, the noises that come from her are definitely more than pain. Mixed in with the rhythmic slapping of skin against skin are guttural moans and nonsensical cries of pleasure. A sheen of sweat covers Luis' forehead, his eyes glazed as he watches himself piston in and out of her.

Something about the fact that I lubed her up with my cum and the knowledge that he's pushing it back into her is overwhelmingly sexy. The mere thought of it is making me hard again.

The room fills with the sounds of slapping skin, grunts, and moans coming from all around me. Taking my eyes off Six, I notice Lukas is pounding into Micah almost as relentlessly as the assault happening on Six beside me.

I fist my dick, still slick with our cum, and slowly begin to pump as I watch everyone around me.

“Look at your men, pretty girl. Look how hot you make us.”

Luis grabs a handful of her hair, forcing her head up to look around her. Her mouth parts as she watches us, her eyes glazed over with heat, pupils blown. Her gaze locks with mine and I pump faster, watching with rapt attention as her tongue darts out to wet her lips.

“Do you want Jackson to fuck your mouth while I ruin your pussy, pretty girl?” He releases his hold on her hair, making her slump forward.

Six can only whimper, reaching out to me. With the slightest amount of hesitation, I position myself in front of Six. She swallows my cock to the hilt almost immediately. I was worried about hurting her, but she slams her throat against my shaft, spurred on by Luis' sharp thrusts.

Gathering her hair up, I hold her head steady so I can watch my cock disappear between her pouty lips. When I'm positive she's enjoying herself, I move more, thrusting myself into her mouth and finding a comfortable rhythm with Luis' pounding.

My position in front of Six has pushed me close to Micah and Lukas. When Micah's arm brushes against my hip accidentally, I make an involuntary noise of surprise and pleasure. Micah tentatively runs this hand up the inside of my thigh from behind me, testing the waters. His movements are gentle, clearly looking for consent, but the pounding behind him causes his hand to slip and run right across my crack and hit my balls.

I moan loudly, which makes Micah brave. He cups my balls from behind, squeezing them and using his thumb to push into the sensitive skin behind them.

My entire body erupts in heat, fireworks flashing behind my eyes. I'm not even able to give Six a proper warning other than my choked shout before I'm shooting hot cum down her throat, gagging her as she swallows.

Micah moans his release, as Lukas grunts, holding him tightly as they both come. The sounds of the pleasure all around her bring Six to a climax. She is thrown over the edge, screaming out, when Luis reaches down and pinches her clit. Her face falls down into the covers, which muffle her intense screams as Luis grunts.

“Fuck. Fuck. Fuuuck, Six. So… fucking… tight.” He can barely move or breathe as his eyes close and his body convulses a little, mingling his cum with mine as Six milks his giant cock.

Everyone collapses where they are a sticky, sweaty pile of weakened limbs and heavy breathing.


A loud buzzing breaks through my sleep-addled brain, rousing me from perhaps the deepest sleep I've ever experienced. Considering all the stress and craziness that we've been through, I'm surprised I could sleep at all. Last night really took it out of us, because everyone is still passed out.

Everyone except Luis, who runs out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around his waist to answer his phone.


He puts his hand over the mouthpiece. “It's Tony,” he whispers loudly.

Lukas stirs at the sound of Luis' deep voice, and I push Jackson's shoulder to wake him up before crawling over to nudge Six.

Luis switches the phone over to speaker so we can all hear the conversation.

“Brenda called me yesterday. I wasn't going to call you back—Bennet's big on privacy, you know. But I happened to already be working on hacking the security system at the warehouse in Raleigh. I got in a couple of hours ago and I saw some pretty disturbing shit, so I figured working together on this would be our best bet.”

“Best bet at what?” Asks Luis.

“On getting him out, I hope.”

Once Six is fully awake and realizes what's happening, she runs over to the kitchen island where Luis has set the phone. Her body is trembling beneath Lukas' white t-shirt.

“Did you see him? Is he there? Is he okay?”
