Page 61 of Retribution

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No one is eating yet when I walk into the room. Lukas is nowhere to be seen, probably still in the bedroom waiting out the activities happening in the living room. I hear it before I see it, Six's pants and gasps, the little whines she makes as she gets closer to orgasm.

Peeking my head out, I spot them at the kitchenette table. Luis is sitting in one of the dining chairs with Six straddling him and riding him like a jockey. He is helping lift her up and down his enormous cock, thrusting his hips up to meet her.

Neither of them is paying attention, so neither of them notices me as I slowly retreat into the spare bedroom. I'm reaching to close the door when I hear a “psst!” Lukas is peeking out from the main bedroom, beckoning me over.

Only wearing a towel, and half hard again, I creep quickly across the living room and through the door.

“You are all killing me,” Jackson groans. He's laying back against the pillows, but I notice the tent the blankets make.

Lukas is laughing, still dressed in his short scrub pants but holding a towel. “I was going to grab Six to see if she wanted to help comfort our patient, but it seems she's busy.”

“It doesn't matter, anyway. The fucker won't go down. Not gonna lie, I was jerking it hard listening to the three of you. Couldn't help it. Sounded like some sexy-ass Human Centipede action and I’m mad I missed it. You couldn’t have brought that in here for us to watch?”

Laughing, I grab a plastic basin from a cabinet and fill it with warm water in the bathroom. I set the water, along with a small bar of soap and a washcloth, on a rolling cart and pull it up beside Jackson's bed. Lukas nods his understanding and grabs a stack of towels from the bathroom.

“Ah, yeah, thanks, man. I was going to be embarrassed the next time Levi comes in here.”

Pulling the blankets back, I swat Jackson's hand away when he tries to reach for the basin. Lukas hands me a couple of towels from across the bed. While I set the towels across the bandages on Jackson's thigh, Lukas removes his hospital gown.

“What's this?”

“We feel bad for waking you from your nap and getting you all…stimulated. So I think a little sponge bath is in order.” I smirk at the way his eyes get wide, his gaze darting between Lukas and me.

Dipping the washcloth into the warm water and wringing it out, I hand it to Lukas. He runs the cloth down Jackson's stomach, across his uninjured thigh, and all around his erect shaft. Jackson's dick twitches with every pass, growing larger and harder. Lukas gives me a tiny wink, signaling my turn. While Lukas continues to wipe the cloth across Jackson's chest and abs, I sink my hands in the water and lather up with the tiny soap bar.

With a hand slick with suds and water, I wrap my hand around Jackson's dick and slowly work my hand up and down, twisting my hand around the head and back down to the shaft.

Jackson pants and moans as I do a very thorough job of cleaning his dick. As his moans increase, I move my hand faster and squeeze harder. I use my other hand to drip more water over his crotch before I fondle his sack, making sure that it gets a meticulous cleaning as well.

One hand pumping his shaft and the other squeezing and fondling his balls, Jackson jerks his hips, grunting against the pain it causes him to move. Instead, he is forced to lie back and just take it, his hands white knuckling the support bars on either side of the hospital bed.

“Fuck, Micah. Yes, like that. Oh god, I'm going to come. Shit…”

His balls tighten in my hand as his body tenses, a rope of cum shooting up as I continue to stroke him. Lukas uses the cloth to catch the semen and wipes away the suds. Using another clean cloth, I rinse him off, gently stroking him through his orgasm.

Jackson's head hits the pillow, his breaths short as he comes down. “Holy fuck.”

Smirking, Lukas asks him, “feel better?”

“Ha! Yes, much—Can I, uh, reciprocate?” He asks, eyeing our erections.

“Honestly, I'm not even sure how I can maintain an erection after earlier,” I say, frowning down at my dick, which is trying to escape my towel.

Jackson and Lukas laugh, but I'm serious. I think my soul left my body.

There's a tiny knock at the door as we are covering Jackson back up, and Six comes in carrying a tray of food. She's dressed in a pair of cotton shorts and a tank top. That is not helping my situation, but I try to get my mind off my dick and clear away the basin and washcloths so we can use the table for food.

“Luis talked to Levi on his way in. He said eating this is fine but don't overdo it,” Six says as she sets the tray on the table and passes Jackson a to-go container of food.

Lukas and I excuse ourselves to grab some clothes.

The front door is open, and Luis is in the hallway signing for a package. “Centrifuge is here,” he announces, closing the door behind us.

“I'll text Dr. Franks,” Lukas says, pulling on a shirt.

He looks a little odd in a t-shirt and jeans. I'm so used to seeing him in slacks and a button up. Or one of his vests. The t-shirt is form fitting across his shoulders, and as much as I love Lukas exactly the way he is, including his usual clothes, I have to admit that he looks good dressed this way.

Luis passes us each a container of food and we head into the bedroom to eat with the others. Six has moved all the chairs between the two beds so she can sit between Bennet and Jackson.
