Page 60 of Retribution

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His body quakes with the force of his orgasm, slamming into Six as she cries out through her own climax. Pressing Micah into her body, I lean forward and grab her behind her knees, using the leverage to pound into them both. I thrust into them harder and faster, my body smacking against Micah's ass with a wet slapping sound until my release hits me like a truck. I come so hard I can barely choke out a cry as I explode.

I pull out of Micah slowly, my cum dripping from his ass. I pull them both down with me as I collapse onto the floor. We lay there in a tangled pile, trying to catch our breath, unable to speak as we come down.

Not wanting to move, we lay there and doze until Luis knocks and announces his return.


Every time we're all together, in any combination, I swear it's the most intense. But this beats anything I've ever felt in my life.

The sensation of having Six's walls clench around my cock as Lukas hits my prostate just right is all-consuming. Every fiber of my being, every last single cell of my body, erupted. It was like an atomic bomb exploding from the inside, like rays of sunlight erupting from my spine and shooting down my limbs.

My body is so limp afterwards that I can't even move to cover up. It's all I can do to stay conscious, so I just lay here, even when Lukas pulls on a pair of pants to let Luis—please, let it be Luis and not some hospital staff person—back into the room.

Luis looks around at the discarded scrubs, the pool of fluid smeared across the coffee table, and my useless, naked body laying spread-eagle between the sofa and the coffee table.

“What did you do to Micah?”

Six giggles, pulling one of the large scrub tops over her head as she makes her way over to Luis, who is setting bags on the kitchenette table.

“Want us to show you?” She asks, kissing him on the cheek.

He grabs her, pulling her into his body and tickling her until she cries that she has to pee. He lets her go, but swats her ass as she walks away, laughing.

Finally pulling myself up to a sitting position, I look at Luis helplessly. He shakes his head and laughs.

“I'm going to go check on Jackson,” Lukas says, pulling a shirt on before he disappears through the bedroom door.

“You alright?” Luis asks me teasingly.

“More than alright, man. Pretty sure I died a little. In a good way.”

He chuckles and throws me a bag.

“I got each of us a pair of jeans, two pairs of sweatpants, and a pack of five t-shirts, and socks and boxer briefs.”

“What's in the rest of the bags?” It looks like he bought an entire store.

He shrugs. “I panicked choosing stuff for Six.”

When my legs are finally stable enough to stand, I realize that I've just been sitting here with my legs wide open, completely naked and sticky with sweat and cum. I suppose we're all just really comfortable with each other now, because Luis doesn't even act like he notices.

“I'm going to go lay in the bottom of the shower and let the water run over me until my legs don't feel like jelly anymore,” I say.

“Well, don't be too long. I also bought a metric fuck ton of lo mein.”

My stomach growls. “Sounds good.”

Six is emerging from the shower when I walk into the bathroom. Despite being drained within an inch of its life, my cock still twitches when she walks past me in a towel.

“Luis bought you some clothes. Pretty sure he bought everything in the store.” I laugh.

She's standing in the doorway watching me climb into the shower, biting her lip.

“Don't look at me like that, baby girl. You're going to be the death of me.”

She giggles, walking away and leaving me to my shower.

The hot water pours life into my limbs again, and I stay in there probably a little too long. I'm sure the food is cold by now, but honestly, I think I'd enjoy the hospital food at this point. I feel like the day after a championship game—sore and ravenous.
