Page 27 of Retribution

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“Fuck, baby, you're so wet.” Micah's hand, wet with their juices, trails around behind her. He fingers her ass and she curves her back, pushing her ass out as he touches her.

“More,” pants Six. “Please, God, more.”

I reach over into my messenger bag that is lying on the floor of the passenger seat. Pulling out a small tube of lube that I now carry around with me everywhere, I toss it back to Micah.

“Fuck. Are we really doing this in the car?” Micah asks as he pulls off his pants.

Six looks over at him and contemplates for a moment before crawling over to settle herself on Micah's lap, impaling herself immediately. Micah moans loudly, tossing the lube to Jackson and laying back as much as he can.

She's smart. Jackson isn't quite as thick as Micah is, and he's already proved himself a fan of ass-play. Leaning forward, he licks her crack from the base of Micah's cock to the top of her ass. She mewls and wiggles.

Jackson drips a little of the lube down her crack, massaging it around her tight hole as she begs.

“Jackson, please. I need to feel you both.”

We've experimented with the idea of double penetration, but it isn't something we've tried yet. I think all of us are still concerned about hurting her, but she's begging for it now. She needs to get out of her head as much as we do.

Despite already being slick with her juices, Jackson pours a handful of the lube and strokes himself, coating his dick until it's slippery.

Luis leans forward and grabs Six's hair, pulling her to kiss her mouth as Jackson pushes inside her.

No one moves at first. Even I have frozen, my eyes dancing back and forth between the scene behind me and the road. I'm not sure I can focus enough, deciding to pull over onto the side of the highway. Thank goodness for tinted windows.

After a brief moment of adjustment, Six moves against them. Her face is red and her breaths are shallow, her eyes locked on Luis, sweat breaking out over her forehead and down her back. Jackson and Micah look like they are holding their breaths, possibly holding back the urge to move or come.

Six closes her eyes and moans as she gets used to both of them filling her up. I've now turned around completely, my earlier anxiety of being caught completely forgotten as my hand finds my dick, stroking as I watch them.

“Okay. Yes. Fuck me, please.” Six drops her head onto Micah's shoulder. Her thighs are trembling.

My voice comes out strained. “Let go, Six. Let them take care of you.”

With a sigh, she goes limp, allowing them to hold her body between them, slowly alternating thrusts. Her panting turns to gasps. As the pitch of her cries increase, so does the movement of their hips, until they are nothing but a writhing pile of sweat and moans.

“Fuck, I'm close. Your ass is so tight.” Jackson is gritting his teeth, sweat drenching his hair. He palms her ass, spreading her cheeks apart so we can see his slick cock sliding in and out of her.

“Come for us baby, come for us and we're gonna fill you up.” Micah snakes his hand between their bodies and rubs her clit as they both increase their thrusts.

Six's head is thrashing. “No, no, no, it's too much. I can't.”

Luis grabs her hair again, pulling her head back so that she has no choice but to look at him. “Feel them, pretty girl. Feel how they fill all the empty space in your body.” His voice drops as he presses his lips to her ear. “Cum on their cocks and make them fill you up, pretty girl. I know you want it.”

He moves her head around to look at me. “Look at Lukas while you cum all over their hard cocks, pretty girl.”

Six's eyes roll back as she detonates, screaming out her release. Her entire body convulses as both Micah and Jackson follow her, thrusting into her as they empty themselves into her tight little body.

Despite having come so recently, my own ejaculation is so forceful that it spurts across the seats, hitting the passenger window.

Thank God we're only half an hour away from our destination. Not only are most of us a mess now, but I feel like I could sleep for days.


I barely pull my pants back on before we're slumped over and asleep again. I wake up as we are driving up a steep driveway. It's still midday, but the weather is overcast and dreary. Paired with the deep catnap I just took, it feels much later in the day than it is.

“Where are we?” I ask softly.

Jackson and Six are still asleep, curled together. Jackson pulled his pants up, but never got around to zipping his fly or buttoning, so it looks like a snake is trying to escape the top of his jeans.

I can't believe we just pulled a D-P on Six in the back of a damn minivan. I'm looking forward to trying it again in a more spacious environment, that's for sure.
