Page 26 of Retribution

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I can feel my lip swell as I wipe blood off my chin. You'd think being punched in the mouth would settle me down a little, but I'm more turned on than ever. I feel almost feral with the amount of lust rushing through my body.

Six stares at my cut lip with worry, but when her gaze locks on mine, her eyes widen. My chest rises and falls with my heavy breaths as I stalk towards her. She doesn't look the least bit afraid and doesn't even attempt to take a step back. Her pupils blow and she launches herself at me.

I catch her and pull her body tight against mine, her legs wrapping around my waist. My face is against her chest, her sports bra soaked with sweat and blood. The gash on my lip only makes it worse as I nuzzle my face into her, walking until her back hits a tree. She lets out a little gasp as her back collides with the rough bark, but she doesn't cry out or complain. Instead, she grips my hair, pulling my head back and crashing her mouth against mine. A jolt of pain sends shock waves right to my dick when she sucks my swollen lip into her mouth and bites down.

It's like an animal takes over me. She makes me feel wild. Holding her against the tree, I tear her sports bra and shorts from her body. I'm not even sure how or when my own shorts hit the ground, but I slam into her in one hard thrust that makes us both cry out.

I fuck her against the tree like a beast, growling and biting. Her nails dig into my back, crying out with each rough thrust, her back scraping against the bark. My lip is bleeding so much that drops of it are rolling down our chests. The sight of it rolling down and mingling with the wetness between us sends me over the edge and I rut into her so hard that I'm surprised we don't knock the whole tree down.

“Oh. God. Jaaackssooon…” Six's words and pants come out in bursts as I thrust violently. I know her back is going to be even more torn up than her chest where she hit the branch, but I can't stop myself and I don't think she wants me to. Her cries are coming just as fast as my grunts and when I feel her pussy clamp down on my dick, I scream out almost as loud as she does as I shoot more cum than I knew I was capable of deep inside her. I come so hard it feels like multiple orgasms, and by the end of it, I am merely rocking into her. As I rock against her clit, I can feel her start to flutter again.

I'm not about to leave my girl wanting, so although she pouts a little when I pull out of her, she is more than a little surprised when I drop to the ground and pull her down so she is hovering over my face. I love that it doesn't even occur to her to resist. She just drops her dripping pussy right over my mouth to sit on my face.

My own cum pours over my face as I thrust my tongue inside her, holding down on her hips and encouraging her to grind on my face. Holding onto the tree for balance, she rocks onto my mouth as I tongue fuck every drop of cum from her slick cunt and then suck on her clit until she's shaking. Just when I feel her body tense, I bite down gently on her clit and listen to her screams echo through the woods.

I don't care if I never come up for air. I'd gladly die this way.


Nervous is not a strong enough word for how I'm feeling right now. On edge is an understatement as well.

Luckily, these nerves have me wired more than any amount of espresso ever could. Which is a good thing, since everyone else is asleep right now as I drive the van towards Raleigh and our potential imminent doom.

I look over at Six, curled up in the front seat, her breaths deep and even. I hope she's dreaming about something good for once.

After we packed everything and went over the plan a dozen and a half more times, we all tried to get to bed early, but I don't think anyone got much sleep. Especially Six. I swear every time I cracked my eyes open, someone else was touching, licking, or fucking her. Not that she seemed to mind. In fact, it felt like she was making the rounds to each of us, giving and taking comfort.

I wasn't able to settle down and really sleep myself until I found her crawling up my body and sliding down my cock. She was still wet with Micah's cum. I had just watched him bend her over the couch. Watching them has become my new favorite thing, and the way she looked me right in the eye as he took her from behind drove me mad with lust.

Just thinking about the way her eyes flashed and her body jerked with each thrust, the way Micah's abs rippled as he fucked her. Then the way she rode me, using me for her own comfort and pleasure, has me painfully hard all over again. I try to adjust myself, but at least the strain in my pants is taking my mind off some of my panic.

I'm focused on the road, breathing deeply. In through the nose, out through the mouth. We will not panic today.

I let myself think about how warm and wet she felt when she slid down my hard length, allowing the memory to distract me from our destination, when I feel a hand gently run up my thigh. Startled, I look over at Six, who is not only awake but zeroed in on the bulge in my pants.

My eyes flit up to the rearview mirror. Everyone else is still asleep. Jackson and Micah are each resting against the windows on their respective sides, and Luis is stretched out across the third row.

My cock twitches when Six's hand rubs over my hardness. I can't help but buck my hips as she unbuttons my pants and drags the zipper down, releasing my cock. Bending over the center console, she takes me in her mouth. Her tongue swirls around the head and over the slit of my cock before she takes me fully into her throat, bobbing up and down. Her enthusiasm is almost as good as the feeling of hitting the back of her throat, the vibrations of her soft moans making me hiss out my breath.

Her ass is tantalizingly up in the air and I wish I weren't on a highway right now so I could bury my face in it. The memory of a few nights ago, when I licked her ass while she perched over Micah's face so we could both eat her at the same time, has me biting my lip.

Her thighs are tightening as she squeezes them together, and I just can't help myself. Keeping my eyes firmly on the road, I take one hand off the steering wheel and pet her head as she bounces her throat off my cock like she doesn't need to breathe ever. My hand trails down her spine and under the waistband of her leggings.

I trail my fingers over her ass and sink them into her heat, thrusting into her with two fingers, and then three, until she is rocking back against my hand. Six works my cock into her mouth with vigor as she fucks herself on my hand. Now that my fingers are sopping wet, I trail them up to her ass again and rub her tight little hole. With my thumb just barely breaching her ass, I return my fingers to her pussy and finger fuck her until I feel her walls squeezing and she near chokes herself moaning on my cock. I spasm, my hands slam back onto the wheel before I lose control of the vehicle. My knuckles are white as I squeeze the steering wheel, sucking in a shaky breath, fighting to keep my eyes open and not cry out, trying not to kill us or wake anyone as I come deep in the back of her throat.

“Fucking shit.” I hear Jackson whisper from the seat behind us.

Six giggles as she sits up, wiping her mouth. She kisses my earlobe before crawling into the back seat.

Adjusting the rear-view mirror, I thank the stars for a relatively open road while half my attention is on the action happening behind me. Six is kissing Jackson as he helps remove her leggings. The commotion wakes Micah, who quickly shakes himself out of his sleepy state to stroke his hardening erection through his track pants.

I hear a zipper being let down and a groan as Six sinks down onto Jackson's lap. She bounces up and down on his cock, holding on to the “oh shit handle” and riding him roughly while Micah reaches forward to remove her shirt.

My gaze catches on Luis, who is also now awake. I can't see his lap, but the movement of his arm is telling, his eyes hooded as he watches Six’s tits bounce while she rides Jackson's cock.

“Touch her, Micah.” Luis instructs in a gruff voice.

Micah moves closer to lick Six's neck while he rolls her nipples between his fingers before his hand moves south to touch her clit. My cock jerks a little at the idea of him touching Jackson's cock as it moves in and out of our girl's wet pussy.
