Page 13 of Retribution

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My arms link under her knees, spreading her thighs wider and lifting her ass off the table, my thrusts coming harder and faster.

“Yes, oh God, Micah!”

Her breath catches as her walls clench down around me, tighter than I could have ever imagined, squeezing out my climax. My grunts are primal, practically rutting into her as my dick pulses against the tight grip of her pussy and my orgasm erupts like a bomb.

I'm breathing heavily like I ran a marathon, sweat drenching my tank top and dripping from my face. Six wraps her legs tightly around me, holding me inside her as she comes down from the aftershocks. My dick is twitching against the rippling walls of her pussy.

Leaning over her with my elbows propped up on either side of her head, I kiss her deeply.

“I love you too, baby girl.”

She giggles, the movement of her body effectively pushing my softening cock from her body. I pull out and help her sit up, giving her a questioning look but chuckling at her reaction.

“What's so funny?”

“Well, you have to say it now, don't you?” I bark out a laugh in response.

My chest rumbles with laughter as I hug her close. “I thought it would be better to show you.” I drop another kiss on her mouth. “I probably do love you more now though. That was…intense.”

She smiles widely at my admission. “I know exactly what you mean.”

“Come on, let's go get you cleaned up and see if we can help at all.”

Both of us sober at the thought. Not that we could ever forget about Bennet and everything that has been happening, but it's easy to get caught up in the moment and drop your guard. Until there's something we can actually do, the helplessness is suffocating. I imagine she is feeling it even more than I am. I'm glad I could give her something else to focus on for a little while.

As we walk up to the porch hand in hand, I notice the curtains shift. Seems we've had an audience.


Sighing, I lean back in my chair and run my hands through my hair. We aren't getting anywhere with Bennet's computer.

There's a lot of information in here that should be enough to put Adley in prison for a while, but Tony is right. Bennet wouldn't be sitting on this information if he thought it was ready. And if someone tips him off, he could seriously hurt or potentially kill Bennet. I don't think he's above it, not after watching the security footage that Tony sent over.

My heart clenches even more to think that Micah's father was about to drag him to a meeting with that monster, and who knows what kind of horrific treatment he would have been subjected to. I have a theory that the reason Micah's father has always pushed him so hard has something to do with the serum injection—the “vaccine” we were given.

I have a visceral reaction to the way they marketed their sick experiment. “Vaccine” is a sadistic name to call whatever those shots were. Vaccines save lives. All this drug seems to do is cause destruction.

I huff out a breath. My brain is overwhelmed with processing the same information over and over again, but not getting anywhere.

Twisting my head side to side to stretch out my neck, my eyes register movement through the window behind me. Shocked, I catch a glance of Micah and Six out the kitchen window. She is straddling him, my shirt bunched up around her hips to show her clearly bare ass while she rides his cock. I watch them, saliva pooling in my mouth and pants tenting, leaning back farther in my seat when Micah picks her up to lay her on the table.

Jackson notices my interest and perks up. “What's happening over there?”

My face hot with embarrassment, I consider making excuses for myself. I honestly didn't mean to watch them, but it's not like they're trying to hide anything. In fact, they're being quite loud about it now that Micah has hooked his arms under Six's legs and started going to town.

Damn. He's an animal.

Jackson looks out the window and sees what has caught my attention. “Holy fuck. Luis, come here and look at this.”

Luis, eyeing us both like annoying children, gets up and begrudgingly walks over. We shift slightly to give him enough space to see, all three of us now pressing our faces against the window like kids outside a candy shop.

“Fucking hell,” he rasps.

“How can she even handle that after last night?” I ask in awe.

“Or the night before,” Jackson snickers.

Luis slaps Jackson across his head, but his lips turn up in a smile.
