Page 12 of Retribution

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“Hey,” I whisper to Six. “How about we take our plates and eat outside? There's a picnic table out there.”

“There's a really pretty view, too.” Jackson chimes in, planting a kiss on her cheek before getting up to grab some breakfast. It’s obvious to me he’s not talking about the scenery, but I’m not sure Six catches it.

I make us both a plate and carry them outside while Six slips some sandals on. We're still in our pajamas. I’m in a pair of sleep pants and she's in an oversized t-shirt. It was the easiest thing for her to put on after getting cleaned up last night. The cabin is remote, so it's not like we have to worry about any neighbors.

Outside, the view is stunning. It was too dark to see much when we pulled in last night, so this is our first time to appreciate our surroundings. There are thick woods all around us except for an opening over a small cliff where you can see for miles. It's beautiful and serene and the picnic table is perfectly placed for us to enjoy the view while we eat. Sitting next to Six, I enjoy the warmth of her thigh close to mine as we look out over the landscape.

“This is great, Micah. Thanks for cooking.”

I give her a wide grin, making her smile back.

“There it is,” I say, pinching her chin a bit. I kiss the almost-dimple on the side of her mouth, and then place another kiss on her lips.

Turning to face her completely, I press my forehead against hers and tell her, “He's going to be okay, baby girl. We're gonna figure this out. Alright?”

A little huff of air escapes her, her eyes closing against tears that are threatening to spill over. She’s cried more today than she has since the day she woke up in the hospital.

“I love him,” she says in a breath. “I love all of you. I never got to tell him because I thought it was silly. I'd only just met you all. It makes no sense. But I do. I love you, Micah.”

My chest aches at her words. I can't even respond other than to capture her mouth and pour it all into a kiss. Her lips part and her tongue twists with mine, deepening the kiss. Wrapping my arms around her, I pull her into my lap.

Before I know it, Six is writhing in my lap, my hands running up her bare legs to knead her ass. It hadn't occurred to me she never put her silk shorts or a pair of panties on, but the realization coaxes a groan out of me that comes out almost like a growl.

My hands run back down her legs and then up again, this time sliding up the inside of her thighs. Her legs automatically spread a little wider for me and I brush a thumb over her slit, a barely there touch but enough to feel that she is soaking wet for me. I break the kiss to lean back a bit, pushing her shirt up over her hips so I can see her.

Her perfect pussy is glistening, and as I run my fingers through the slick lips, she purrs. My fingers play with her, dipping into her center and rubbing circles over her clit until she is panting.


She says my name like a plea as she reaches down between us to run her hand over my erection. My hips jerk into her hand when she pushes it into the waistband of my sleep pants to wrap around my hard cock. A moan escapes my throat at the pressure of her warm hand squeezing and pumping me.

Six pulls my cock fully from my pants, the movement of her hand pushing my shaft over her wet folds. Her thighs tighten as a shiver passes through her body.

Pushing her chest away gently so I can angle her body away from mine, I run my hard length up and down her pussy. She leans her head back and rocks against me, her wetness coating the entire underside of my cock. Lining myself up to push inside her, I watch as just the head disappears into her wet heat.

Her breathy moans increase as I keep pushing into her bit by bit, playing with her clit until I feel her pussy clench down. Her breath stutters, as if taken by surprise. The rhythmic clenching over the sensitive tip of my cock is like nothing I've ever felt before. I'd wanted to take my time, feeling her encase me inch by inch, but I need more. I want to feel her all the way, until I'm so deep inside her I can feel her organs vibrate.

She winces and lets out a sharp hiss as she slides down, still sore from last night. With my hands on her hips, I guide her as gently as possible to sink down until she is fully seated.

My eyes clench tight. She encases my entire cock in warm, wet, soft velvet. Her walls are fluttering around me, massaging me, as she comes down from her orgasm. My arms tighten while I hold her there, reveling in this fascinating, unfamiliar sensation. She is beautiful, literally inside and out.

“Amazing,” I whisper, as she starts to move.

At first, all I can do is enjoy the view as she rolls her hips against me. She locks her eyes on mine, watching my reactions. She knows this is my first time with a woman and while I think it's sweet that she's being so gentle and accommodating, I'm a quick study. As much as she's been watching me, I've been observing every sigh and flush of her skin as she moves, learning exactly what feels good to her.

My hands grip her thighs and move her body to slide up and down my hard length, grinding her down against me slowly. Sucking her bottom lip into mine, I swallow her gasps as I increase the pace until she is panting for more.

Still buried inside her body, I stand, her legs wrapping around me to hold on. I carry her to the end of the wooden table, away from the bench, and lay her down.

My hands push the loose t-shirt over her stomach and breasts, exposing her to the summer morning as I thrust into her languidly. I bend down to flick my tongue over one of her pink nipples, sucking the stiff peak into my mouth. Her thighs tighten around me, encouraging me to give her more.

I keep my pace slow, running my hand down her sternum and over her stomach to play with her clit while I roll my hips into her. Her hips are lifting, meeting my gentle thrusts as we build toward an explosive crescendo. My fingers slow their movements over her clit, wanting to draw this out as long as I can.

There is no other sensation that could match this. Her warmth enveloping around me, muscles tensing and gripping my cock. It's beautiful and unlike anything I've ever felt before. The only thing that could make this better would be having Lukas here.

A fantasy flashes in my mind of Lukas behind me while I fuck Six, his tongue, fingers, and long cock working me while I thrust into her tight pussy. The mere thought is overwhelming, driving me wild. My hips snap harder and faster into Six.

I love the little sounds she makes as I pick up the pace, her sharp gasps and soft moans spurring me on as much as the fantasy playing out in my head. We are definitely going to give that a try.
