Page 118 of Retribution

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Opening my eyes, I can see where the surprise was left for me. Looks like these boys were prepared. There’s a bottle of lube next to the tub, and some kind of tear drop shaped object with a curved base.

Bennet reaches over for the object and puts it in my hand. It’s about the size of my hand. I can easily wrap my fingers around it. It’s wide at the base and tapered. I have a guess what this is for, but…

Looking curiously up at Bennet, I grin when he waggles his eyebrows in a very Jackson-like way. I giggle, but stop short when Bennet picks me up out of the water and bends me over the edge of the tub.

“Lukas, I was just about to introduce Six to our new toys.”

“Toys? As in, more than one?”

“Lukas and Micah got Jackson a butt plug too.”

“Aww, that’s really swee—” my words are cut off when Lukas’ face dives into my ass.

Spreading and kneading my cheeks, he licks and teases me before I feel a trickle of cool liquid drip down my crack. The toy is rubbed up and down my crack, teased inside my pussy, and then edged around my ass. By the time they push it in, I’m panting for it.

Hearing a soft moaning off to the side, I look over my shoulder to see that Micah is inserting a similar toy into Jackson. His groans make me clench, but when I do, I nearly launch out of the water.

What the fuck was that?

With a guilty smile, Bennet holds up a little trigger or remote. “It vibrates.”

Jackson’s own shout of surprise drowns my groans.

Lukas pushes the toy in a little farther until the base of it is flush against me. Then he pulls my body up to stand. It’s an odd, certainly foreign feeling, but not unpleasant. I can even walk with it in, although it certainly rubs interestingly against my insides.

Insanely curious and turned on by the noises Jackson is making, I wade over to where Micah has him bent over the tub, testing out the various vibration settings. Reaching out, I press on the bottom of the plug, which makes him jerk into the side of the tub.

Biting my lip, I pull Jackson up to face me. He squirms a little as he stands, but immediately takes my head into his hands and plummets into my mouth. My hand darts into the water to grip his cock, walking us backwards until I can find a way to get him inside me. Now.

My back hits a solid body. Luis smirks down at me before crouching down and lifting me beneath my legs. He holds me so that my back is to him, my thighs held open for Jackson.

“Now, Jackson, please,” I beg him, and he complies, lining up and sinking in to the hilt.

With Luis steadying me, Jackson holds onto my hips and drives into me, fucking me fast and hard. The water in the tub sloshes everywhere, our gasps and cries echoing off the walls. My orgasm builds, my ass clenches the plug with each delicious jolt of contact of Jackson’s balls against my ass.

Bennet, Lukas, and Micah must be working together, because both Jackson and I yelp at the same time that the vibration turns on inside me. Jackson shakily resumes fucking me, holding on to me tighter, thrusting slower and harder as his raspy moans get deeper. He chokes out a yell as he comes, and a hand snakes down between us to pinch my clit.

The sharp pinch, combined with the vibrations in my ass and Jackson’s cock thrusting into me, his balls hitting the plug, it all sets me off and I come so hard that I push the butt plug out of my body. Jackson collapses off to the side and Luis holds me against his body, pushing wet hair out of my face and dropping small, chaste kisses along my face before handing me back to Bennet. He sits on the edge of the tub with his knees open, casually and lazily stroking himself as he watches how everything plays out. His eyes on me, as the loves of my life use me like a doll and make me scream, have my nipples pebbling.

Grabbing the bottle of lube, I squirt a generous amount on my hand and turn around to attend to Bennet’s poor sex-chafed, but still beautiful, cock. It really is a work of art. Large and thick, but not scary huge like Luis—not that I don’t appreciate being torn in half occasionally, because I do, in fact I’m looking forward to it very shortly. Bennet’s cock is so smooth, with one thick vein running along the underside that makes my mouth water.

My ass is good and stretched and ready now, and I’m ready to get fucked so good I can’t walk out of here. Guiding Bennet to sit on the ledge of the tub, I straddle him and sink down, getting his cock good and wet with mine and Jackson’s last release. I only meant to tease him a little bit and get him ready to take me from behind, but he feels so good I stay for the ride.

I’m bouncing on his big cock, my feet hooked over his thighs for leverage, and it is hitting me in just the right spot. It’s so good and I’m getting so close…

Abruptly, Bennet lifts me off his cock, turns me around, and then sinks into my lubed up ass. Once I’m seated, literally sitting on his lap, Bennet pulls my thighs open and holds them there by hooking my legs over his knees. He beckons Lukas forward, but as Lukas approaches, Bennet smacks my spread open pussy.

My head throws back and a needy moan escapes me. He does it three more times in quick succession before Lukas crosses the tub to settle in front of us, and I almost come just from that.

By the time Lukas is settled between my legs, I am panting and crying for his cock. He enters me, his blessedly long cock hitting deep in my belly. I can feel where their cocks meet inside my body, the delicious stretch and friction sending chills all the way past my fingertips and toes.

I’m just a ball of nerve endings. My whole body is so sensitive and everything feels so damn good. Pleasure wracks through my body in waves the whole time they are taking me. My nerves are on fire and my limbs are like jelly as Bennet and Lukas take control of my body.

My head rolls against Bennet’s chest and I make eye contact with Luis. The way he’s watching me is primal, his eyes dark, a predator licking his lips while he watches his prey get fucked before he devours me.

Oh fuck.

