Page 117 of Retribution

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Making my way around the room, I try to show them each individually how they make me feel.

First, Micah, simply because he’s the closest to me right now. My chiseled Adonis with gorgeous amber eyes and a wide, kind smile that pulled me in the first day. It’s more than just his looks that make him beautiful, it’s his heart. The way he seamlessly fits in with every person he meets, bringing out the best in them.

Lukas, always so full of surprises. Perhaps a touch awkward and anxious on the outside, his love means all the more to me because he was so cautious with it. And hiding under his glasses and sweater vests and nerdy exterior, a caring and assertive lover that cares more about your consent and fulfillment than his own. And who knew a voice like that was also hiding under his sweater vests?

Bennet, who I know I could trust my heart, my body, and my love to. Who risked everything to keep us safe. He could own the world if he wanted to because people want to follow him. It’s more than charisma and intelligence, it’s how he sees the world, and people—the tiny pieces that make a whole. I like to think that maybe he saw our family for what it is before anyone else did, saw all the moving pieces coming together before we could have ever understood.

Luis, the first to accept me as he saw me. My big, tough, scary teddy bear of a man who would sooner burn down the world than let anything happen to me. He gave me a safe space from day one, and continues to hold my hand and keep me safe, while simultaneously breaking me in all the best ways.

And Jackson. My wide-open, playful, loving, funny man on the outside with an almost incomprehensible depth and profound emotional connection to everything and everyone around him. His love and talent know no bounds, and I know he’ll always be here to hold us through our nightmares and help guide us when we can’t see the light on the other side. I only hope we’ll always be able to do the same for him.

I make my rounds, pressing my body and lips into each one of them, giving them each a piece of my soul through the tip of my tongue and the touch of my lips. And as I make my way around the room, I leave not only my love but a trail of my clothes until I’ve bared myself to them in every way I’m able to.

By the time I make it to the steps of the tub, I’m having trouble walking, not from the exhaustion of the day or from being lightheaded, but because I’m so emotionally and physically aroused.

At the top of the steps, I turn and sit, facing all of my amazing men. Wanting to show them how I’m feeling right now, with “more than words,” I slowly part my legs and display myself for them. I trail a hand from the top of my hair, down my face and neck, over my breast, down my stomach, and through the patch of soft blonde curls. My fingers caress through my wet folds and circle the throbbing bundle of nerves at the top.

All the while, I keep my eyes on them. Slowly, they break themselves out of their glazed expressions, remembering themselves and removing their last pieces of clothing.

Spreading my legs wider, I shift my gaze to each of them in turn, watching them stroke themselves with their eyes locked on my body. The more I watch them, the more aroused I grow, my throbbing pussy wet with promise. My fingers slowly tease over my clit, but as good as it feels, I want more.

I want them.

Taking my hand off myself, I place my hands behind me, leaning back on my wrists and widening my legs. An invitation.

One by one, these gods each lower to their knees and worship my body, each differently, in their own individual ways.

Lukas is attentive, paying tribute to every infinitesimal gasp or shiver from my body. Micah is a force to be reckoned with, his tongue thrusting inside me with powerful strokes. Bennet takes control and tells my body what it wants and needs, driving me wild with lust. Luis comes at me almost violently, breaking me apart into little pieces and then putting me back together again. Jackson laps at me like a thirsty animal, always hungry for my body, my love, my cum.

Each of them tastes and teases me, bringing me to the brink, only to move to the side for the next. By the time it’s Jackson’s turn, I am primed and can’t hold on before I’m tensing up, grabbing his head and grinding shamelessly into his face as I leave wetness all down his chin.

Jackson licks his lips and tsks. “Oh, I think we can do better than that, don’t you, brothers?”

A pair of thick muscled arms pick me up from behind, lifting me as they sit on the stairs. Still facing Jackson, Micah sets me on his lap with either leg on the outside of his thighs, spreading me even wider. It reminds me of my first experience with Lukas and Micah so much that I look over my shoulder to make eye contact with Lukas, who winks as he strokes himself.

Micah lifts me up high enough to line up, letting me sink down on his thick cock, the slickness of my first orgasm letting him slide inside with no resistance. Once I am fully seated, Micah holds me around my waist and controls my body as he uses his muscular body to make me writhe against him.

Lukas’ arms come around from behind Micah and me to cup, caress, and fondle my breasts. His thumbs and forefingers roll my nipples, sending shots of electricity right down to my clit, which is now being licked again. Jackson licks and sucks at my clit, sometimes stopping to take long tongue strokes to lick Micah’s thick cock pumping in and out of me. Every time Micah moans at the contact of Jackson’s tongue on his cock while it’s thrusting inside me, I can feel my pussy pulse.

Lukas trails a hand down my body to fondle my clit while Micah is inside me and Jackson is licking us. Using two fingers, much the way Micah did our first time, he spreads the hood of my folds to expose the throbbing bundle of nerves. When Jackson wraps his lips around it and sucks rhythmically, I shatter. Micah keeps moving inside me, Lukas keeps rolling his fingers on my nipples, and Jackson sucks even harder, until all of my insides are trembling. I come so hard my eyes cross, my whole body convulsing uncontrollably as hot fluid squirts out of me. Jackson sucks it up, slurping and lapping every drop up like a dog in heat.

“Oooohhhh fuck,” Micah moans as I push back on his thrusts. I can feel my walls pulsing, squeezing him.

“Come on, Micah, feed me.” The way Jackson encourages him has my walls clenching even harder, and I call out.

“Oh my god, yes.”

Micah pumps into me a few more times, letting me ride out my orgasm until he comes. Holding me in his lap, he pulls his cock out so that it looks like it is coming out of between my own legs. Reaching down, I grasp Micah’s cock and stroke him, slick with my cum.

He groans deliciously as he erupts, and Jackson leans forward with his mouth open to catch the ropes of cum that I aim from Micah’s cock. When the stream of cum stops, Jackson buries his face between my legs to suck Micah’s cock until there’s not a drop of cum left.

Holy fuck.

I’m lifted out of Micah’s lap and into the hot, sudsy bath water, and immediately sandwiched between two large, tall bodies. Lukas stoops down to capture my mouth, while Bennet sucks and nips at my neck and behind my ear where my “6” tattoo is. When Lukas moves his mouth down to my chest, Bennet angles my face so he can take my mouth, tangling his tongue with mine so I can still taste myself.

Bennet’s erection, as funny as it might have been before, is achingly hard against my back. Reaching behind me, I wrap my fingers around it and stroke. As Bennet’s hand falls between my legs, his fingers finding their way to my already sensitive clit, my head lolls off to the side.

“We got you a present,” Bennet whispers into my ear, making me shiver.
