Page 90 of Progeny

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This isn’t fair.

He lets me roll him over so I’m on top, his circus freak dick pressed against his stomach between my thighs.

“Look at me, Luis Posa.” I use his full name, so he knows I mean business. “I’m not afraid of your monster cock.”

It’s a lie and he knows it, but we also both know he would never hurt me.

I lower my voice to an almost whisper, dropping light kisses over his neck and chest between words. “I know you’ll be gentle.” Hoping to appeal to his baser instincts, I grind my wetness along the length of his shaft, showing him how ready I am.

He doesn’t answer me with anything other than a pained groan. Sitting up, he grabs my body, flinging me down on the bed so he is on top again. His hips press against my pelvis, spreading and widening my legs almost painfully, kissing me wildly.

Releasing my mouth swiftly, he pushes himself down the bed, grabbing my open thighs and pulling me to his face. He doesn’t waste time teasing me, going in for the kill immediately so I am writhing and panting in mere seconds, heat building up in my stomach as my orgasm builds.

My breaths are short and fast, my body arching. I want to squeeze my thighs together to lessen the intensity, but Luis is relentless as he holds me down, wide open and frozen in place as he ravages me.

Without warning, he shoves two fingers inside my slick heat. I wince at the intrusion, but it sets off fireworks along my spine, an orgasm tearing through me violently. Luis releases my clit from his mouth but doesn’t lessen his assault. His fingers work me, pumping and spreading me, adding yet another finger as my walls are still pulsing. The stretch draws out my orgasm longer until my limbs are about as useless as jelly and I’m having trouble catching my breath.

The sounds coming from his hand working me over are aggressively pornographic- wet, squelchy, sloppy sounds. I think the amount of wetness between my thighs right now could fill a cup, momentarily reminding me of Jackson slurping up every bit of me like a drink. A warm tingling spreads through my lower stomach, another orgasm slowly building.

I’m interrupted from my dirty thoughts by Luis changing the position of my boneless body. He pulls a pillow down and lifts me, situating the pillow under my hips and pushing my thighs back so I am open wide and exposed. He rests one hand over my mound, his thumb rubbing tiny circles over my sensitive clit.

My hips rock, seeking more friction as tiny shocks of electricity fizzle over my clit and down to my toes. He keeps his thumb moving as he runs the smooth, hard, dripping head of his cock up and down my folds.

Lining himself up, he barely pushes inside me, slowly pulsing in and out. He plays this titillating “just the tip” game until I can’t take it anymore, rocking my hips against him harder, begging for more.

He gives me another inch or two, my body stretching to accommodate his wide girth. Another minute, another inch. Once he’s maybe halfway in, the stretch becomes intense. I wince at the pain, but I love it. He continues to circle my clit, the delicious sparks of my building orgasm easing the pain. He eases in a tiny bit more and I groan, partly in pain but also because it’s so good.

“Are you alright, pretty girl?” His voice is strained. I almost laugh because I think he might be in more pain than I am.

“We’re almost there,” he soothes. I’m too delirious and overwhelmed to respond.

The pain recedes as my body acclimates to the already impressive amount of his cock slowly driving in and out of me, his thumb still working my clit. My orgasm grows from tiny sparks to a waterfall of electricity. Luis grips my hips and thrusts himself all the way in, burying himself to the hilt as I come. I yell, loud, at the overwhelming fullness, choking on my breath.

Mouth lowering to mine, he kisses me, swallowing my cries. His hands brush the hair from my sweaty forehead as he whispers soothing words, licking a tear from my cheek. He holds himself still until my body can accommodate the intrusion. The stretching pain fades away, but the fullness, like I can feel him deep in my stomach, is intense.

A mewl escapes me as he moves, gently thrusting into me and rolling his hips. Slowly at first, my hips raise up to meet his. I start to match his thrusts, losing myself to the sensation of his cock filling me up. Sweat covers us and drips off our bodies as we move together. My nails dig into his back, and I moan loudly, letting him hear how good he makes me feel, encouraging him to let go. He thrusts harder and faster, pulling unrestrained cries from my body as I hold on for dear life.

“Oh God, Luis, oh God, yes. Ahhhh….” Loud, unintelligible noises are erupting from my throat as my body seizes. A wave of heat engulfs my body and I clench around him, crying his name, tears falling from my eyes.

Luis makes a guttural, strangled noise, his thrusts unrelenting as he pounds through the vise grip I have clamped around him.

“Jesus, Six, I can barely… so, fucking tight…” His words are shaky as his thrusts become shorter. He lets out a jagged breath, his body shuddering violently. His hips keep rolling, riding out his climax as the aftershocks of my orgasm milk him for every drop.

Still inside me, Luis keeps himself propped on his elbows, looking down at me with an unreadable expression. Tears are falling from my eyes, only because I am so overwhelmed with the depth of my feelings in this moment.

He kisses my tears and wipes them away with his thumbs, cradling the back of my head. “Did I hurt you?”

“Fuck no.” My words come out breathless and throaty. “It was just so intense. But, intense in a good way.” An amazing way. I had no idea it would be like this.

We finally catch our breaths, and I come down from my emotional rollercoaster. I’m embarrassed about my outburst, but the way he’s looking down at me like something miraculous, is likely to open the floodgates again.

“Did I hurt you?”

He kisses me, his low, rumbly laugh on his lips. “You’re amazing, Six. The absolute most remarkable person I’ve ever met.”

Nope. Don’t start. No more crying.

I wiggle, our position starting to get slightly uncomfortable. Luis sits back up on his knees and pulls out of me slowly. A gush of hot liquid, like a literal river of fluids, pours out of my body.
