Page 89 of Progeny

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I almost laugh out loud at the thought. They’ve all been so worried about taking advantage of me, but it’s actually quite the opposite.

I’ll admit choosing Luis for the job is a bit …daunting, but we have a special connection. I’ve been lusting after him since the moment I opened my eyes. He was the first one to accept me, flirt with me, make me feel like more than a pathetic headcase. Over the days, they’ve all become that person for me. Each of them gives me something different, rounding out the fantasy that is my life currently. Aside from, you know, the huge conspiracy and people hunting me for whatever my unknown role in said conspiracy is.

But Luis, he was the first.

Luis bends his head down to nip the swell of my breast, the pinch of his teeth shooting sparks of pleasure right down to my core. He flicks off the light and carries me across the room, gently lowering me to stand at the end of the bed. The bright light of the moon filters through the windows, casting the room in a dreamy glow. He stares at me like I’m something precious, his eyes burning into me as he lowers himself to kneel in front of me.

His face at my navel, he starts to undo the buttons of my high-waisted skinny jeans. He pops each of the buttons slowly-






With each button pop, my heart rate increases, my breaths becoming shorter.

Luis leans forward to plant searing kisses across my lower belly, trailing over my hip bones as he peels the jeans down past my thighs. My hands are trembling when I place them on his shoulders to steady myself as he releases each of my legs from the snug fabric, placing a kiss on each calf as he goes.

Down to just my underwear, Luis drags his hands up the sides of my legs, nuzzling his face into the front of my lace panties. His fingers trail up and down the backs of my thighs, sending chills over my body before cupping my ass in both of his big hands.

“Remind me to thank Bennet for these,” he murmurs, running the tips of his fingers underneath the edge of the dark lace.

Luis turns me around to face the bed, his face level with my ass. I flush, warmth pooling between my legs as I remember how Lukas kissed and licked Micah’s ass this morning. The eroticism of that moment has haunted me all day.

Lost in my lust and the memories of earlier today, I startle when Luis sinks his teeth into the swell of my ass cheek. His hand runs up the inside of my thigh to brush against the wetness of my panties, following the cleft of my ass as he stands. Breath escapes me.

Luis trails his mouth and tongue over the back of my shoulder and up my neck. My head turns to kiss him, turning around in his arms to face his body. My hands roam under the bottom of his shirt, pushing it up his body and over his head. Running my fingers along the V of his abs, I lower myself to my knees to unbutton his jeans, undressing him as he has done for me so many times. Trailing feather-light touches over his calves, thighs, and ass, my chest rubs along his hardening erection as I stand. My hands and mouth worship every line of his chest and back, gripping his shoulders to pull him down to kiss me again.

Our tongues and lips work in perfect synchronicity, tongues dancing against each other, every caress sending sparks down my body. Lifting me, he wraps my legs around him as he lays me down at the center of the bed, covering my body with his.

My legs tighten around him, my hips lifting off the bed in search of delicious friction. He abides, rolling his hips and dragging his hard length against my core. My arms wrap around his back, one hand running down underneath the fabric of his tight boxer briefs to grip his bare ass, pulling him harder against me as I shudder.

I’m panting, the aching between my legs begging for more friction, but this isn’t how I want to come this time. I push off his boxer briefs, and he adjusts to pull them the rest of the way off his body.

Reaching to take him in my hand, he gives me almost no time to explore before pulling away from me. Luis scoots himself lower on the bed, laying between my legs with his elbows resting on either side of my waist. He kisses and nips at my breast, running his hands up the sides of my body to push my bra over my head. He licks a delicious line from my belly button, all the way up my sternum, to my throat. My panting becomes moaning as he takes each of my nipples in his mouth in turn, rolling his tongue around the stiff peaks and giving them each a sharp bite that has me calling out.

Luis kisses along the same path he licked, this time from my neck to my navel, continuing all the way down. His hot breath and the tiniest bit of pressure from his kisses have my clit throbbing. Reaching for the edge of my panties, he slowly peels them off my body, sitting back on his knees to appreciate the view.

In the light of the moon, every line of his cut body, every swirl of ink, seems more detailed and intensified. His hooded eyes are so dark they look black, and his mouth is rubbed raw and pink from kissing. My eyes trace the ink designs on his neck, down his chest where I can still see the tiny bite mark from earlier. I don’t know why it turns me on so much to see him marked like that.

The paint on his body curls over his abs and over one hip, one of his thighs covered in dark designs. I try to admire every part of his body and not just the glaringly obvious, but eventually I can’t look away.

He is huge. The shaft is long and so thick my fingers didn’t touch when I held it in my hand. I’ve seen peeks of it before, and felt it through layers of clothing, but nothing could have prepared me to see it in all its glory.

Unable to look away, I can’t even blink as I gape at it open mouthed. I swallow harshly, worried for a moment. That thing is not going to fit inside me. I’m determined though, we’ll make it work somehow.

My thoughts must be too obvious, because he chuckles. “Don’t worry about it, pretty girl. It’s just for show today.”


“What?!” I whisper-yell at him, because I don’t want anyone to think there’s anything wrong and come running to my rescue.

He laughs, covering my body with his again. The low rumble of his laugh vibrates through my body.
