Page 43 of Progeny

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From behind, Luis brings the bra around her body, allowing her to slip her arms through the straps as he pulls it taut against her breasts. He is nearly a full head taller than her, stooping low to let his breath caress the back of her neck as his fingers lightly brush the sides of her breasts, sliding all the way around her back to hook the clasps together.

I am enraptured by her reactions as she wavers between staring back into my eyes and closing them when the light touches or the breath on her neck send shivers all the way down her body. I watch, never taking my eyes off her face, and I nod, as Luis finishes hooking the back together. Luis may be the only one touching her right now, but I’m in control and I know she knows it. It’s a heady feeling.

Safely covered by her new white underwear, she brings a hand up and presses down on the gown I was using for a drape, signaling for me to drop it, giving me permission to look. I drop my eyes over her body, and all of the scars and bruises and marks do nothing to mar her beauty. If not for the bandages wrapped around her head, I might be tempted to forget why we’re here and test her boundaries in a major way.

I have a visceral reaction to seeing her in those white cotton briefs. Her nipples are hard beneath the fabric of her bra, her chest rising with her panting breaths. It would be impossible for me to deny my attraction to this woman.

Shaking myself out of a fog, I refocus on the job at hand, reaching back and handing the sweatpants to Luis. He kneels low again, his face inches from the curve of her ass, to pull her feet into the legs of the pants. She rests her hands on my shoulders to balance herself. A barely audible whimper escapes her when Luis pulls the pants up her legs, his stubble lightly scraping the skin of her side as he ties the drawstring. I pass Luis the shirt, slowly spinning her around to face him, my hands on her hips to help her balance. He smiles down at her as he brings the neck of the shirt over her head, and she puts her arms through the straps.

My hand brushes over her neck as I release the long plait of her hair. She presses into my touch as Luis’ hands brush over her shoulders and down her arms. She sighs. Her pupils are blown, gooseflesh covering her body. She looks blissed out and aroused, and my sick mind wants nothing more than to take advantage, to press her against my body and ravage her mouth. Instead, I guide her forward into Luis’ chest. He folds her into a hug, brushing his fingers over her back and arms.

I grab the socks and shoes from the bag and return to their sides. Bringing one arm around her waist, I lift her up and set her down on the bed, her legs automatically spreading to accommodate my body standing between them. I brush one hand over her face and down her jaw, and then step back to let Luis finish dressing her.

Looking back before I open the door and slip out, I catch her eyes in a heated gaze and watch her take a deep breath. Then I break the spell and let everyone else in so we can get ready to go. Everyone is in place and it’s time to move.

Jane Doe

The very air in the room is thick and heavy. Every brush of Luis’ fingers feels magnified a thousand times, his barely-there touches radiating over my entire body. It’s like I am made of nothing but tiny electric shocks, and I feel like I’m in a fog as these two absolute gods dress me like I’m some kind of doll.

The look in Bennet’s eyes as he watches me, gauging every reaction, causes heat to pour into my core and overwhelm my senses. He looks me directly in my eyes, purposefully not touching or looking at my body. Like he’s allowing this to happen, allowing Luis to touch me, allowing me to feel this way.

The whole process is slow and seductive, these two men working together to make every one of my nerve endings spark to life. Every movement is so deliberate that it almost tricks me into thinking that it’s all in my head, the heat and want in their eyes.

Logically, I am aware that the only reason they are helping me step into my own underwear is because I cannot do it myself. But somehow, they have taken something that felt embarrassing and pathetic and turned it into an entire scene.

But then, in a blink, the bubble pops and the door opens, letting the real world slither into my little fantasy world. I feel like I’ve been underwater and I’m finally coming up for air.


What’s it going to be like to live with these people? I’m going to need a lot of new underwear because I am soaked.

Luis finishes up slipping on my lace-less sneakers when Nurse Irene comes in first and hugs me with tears in her eyes, slipping me her phone number in case I ever need anything. Dr. Franks shakes my hand and wishes me well, assuring me that I am in capable hands. I thank him for everything, especially for being so willing to step out of line and risk his own career just for me.

They file out, Dr. Franks shaking hands with each of the guys as he leaves. Micah and Bennet walk back in, Micah tossing a black bundle at Luis. Bennet checks his watch and confirms we have five minutes before we start moving, and then they all start stripping.

No, I really mean it. This isn’t some kind of daydream I’m having. They are actually removing their clothes. I just sit there, dumbstruck and wide-eyed, not sure where to look, or if I should be looking at all.

Micah is directly in front of me, stripped down to a pair of deep blue boxer briefs. His body is perfection, like he was carved out of stone. His dark brown skin is glistening over rippling muscles, I didn’t even know muscles moved like that just doing normal activities. He catches me looking at him and shoots me a saucy wink.

My gaze immediately averts but then catches on Luis. He is standing way too close, considering that he’s almost completely naked. That, and I’ve spent the last ten minutes close to combusting over the way he put some panties on me. His body is lean but surprisingly fit, covered from his chin all the way down his torso in artwork. My eyes follow the ink all the way to the V of his lower torso, a small trail of hair leading down to a very low-cut pair of burgundy boxer briefs. The bulge there is… surprising. Who would have thought? Damn.

I have to look away, not wanting to get caught staring with my mouth wide open and a mixture of desire and intimidation on my face.

Since I’ve looked at everyone else, I allow my eyes to flick up at Bennet, who is staring directly at me as he takes his time pulling up a pair of black scrubs. I don’t miss his toned thighs, but I don’t get a chance to explore much as he pulls the pants up over his black boxer briefs. God I love boxer briefs. Bennet is yet another image of perfection, not as muscular as Micah, but toned, abs flexing as he pulls on the black shirt.

Before I can really process what is happening and enjoy the show, it’s over and I’m surrounded by three devastatingly handsome men all wearing black scrubs. Bennet collects their clothes in a large tote bag that he slings over the handlebars of the wheelchair, while Micah grabs my hand and helps me to sit down, placing my feet on the little stands. Luis comes forward and slides a grey beanie over my head, covering my bandages.

And just like that, Bennet grabs the handles of the wheelchair, and we’re moving. The plan is happening. I know we aren’t expecting any sort of trouble or interference, but it’s still terribly exciting and my heart is pounding.

Before we reach the end of the hall, Bennet announces that the cameras are down, picking up the pace as we board an elevator and ride it three levels down. Luis separates and heads out a different way, brushing my arm as he goes. We follow a labyrinth of hallways until we’re in a section that doesn’t seem to be used anymore. Micah pulls out a badge and runs it through a slot at a large door, and it opens up to blinding sunlight.

Once my eyes adjust, I see that we are headed down a ramp where Lukas is waiting in a dark-tinted black minivan. The doors slide open as we hustle down the ramp, the wheelchair stopping next to the closest door. Micah helps me in the van as the wheelchair is whisked away.

Dizzy from excitement, or from moving too fast, I scoot over to make room as Bennet climbs in the third row and Micah sits next to me. The doors close and Lukas maneuvers the car around, driving through a parking garage and out to a gate where a large arm blocks the entrance. There is a pause where I think my heart is going to come out of my throat, but then the gate arm raises. A large grey 4x4 pulls in front of us, and we turn out onto the main road.

“Is that Jackson?” I ask nervously.

“Yep, and I can see Luis about two cars behind us,” Lukas answers, looking at the rearview mirror.
