Page 42 of Progeny

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Both mine and Luis’ phones chime, alerting us that we’ve received a message.

Lukas: A minivan?

Bennet: It’s inconspicuous.

Jackson: Oh, now I see why you wanted Lukas to drive.

Lukas: What is that supposed to mean?

Jackson: …

Jackson: Are you wearing your sweater vest?[1]

Luis snorts from across the room, and I shrug, chuckling. From a primarily visual perspective, Lukas does look the most likely of the five of us to drive a minivan. He also happens to have the cleanest driving record. It is what it is.

From the corner of my eye, I see she has finished her pancakes, pushing her plate away like she’s possibly overfull. I should feel guilty that she fed herself to the point of being uncomfortable, but it gives me an undeniably delicious thrill.

Leaning down to grab the tray, I plant a light kiss on top of her bandaged head, leaning down close to her ear. “Good girl,” I praise her in a low whisper.

Gooseflesh spreads across her arms, and I walk away feeling way too pleased with myself.

I take the tray out to set on the nurse’s station just as Micah and Dr. Franks arrive. They are talking as they walk, already going over some of the medical procedures. I reenter the room after them and watch as her face brightens upon seeing Micah.

Micah reaches over to fist bump Luis

“Is he wearing a sweater vest?” Luis asks, a sarcastic grin on his face.

Micah just laughs, but turns his attention to our girl and gives her a quick peck on the cheek.

“Who are we making fun of?” She asks, missing the inside joke.

“Lukas,” we all answer.

When I say that she beams, I mean her entire face lights up and her mouth opens in surprise. “He came?!” And her mouth breaks out into a huge, toothy grin when we all nod. I love seeing her so happy.

“Careful, Doll, you don’t want to split your stitches,” Micah says, touching right beside the cut on her bottom lip with a toothy grin of his own, before walking out to talk to the doctor.

While Dr. Franks and Micah are in the hallway discussing her care plan, I open one of the shopping bags that was delivered yesterday.

I pull out a simple, casual outfit. She looks excited to wear real clothes. Nurse Irene tries to shoo us away from the room so she can get her patient dressed, but she is called away.

“She shouldn’t bend down, so she’ll need a lot of help getting dressed,” she tells us, and we assure her we can handle it. After all, it’ll be all on us once we leave.

I close the door and flip the blinds, approaching the bedside with Luis. She looks a little apprehensive, like she’s being stalked, so I decide to back off a bit and let Luis take charge.

Well, sort of.

“Start with the panties,” I suggest, trying not to make it sound like an order. Luis grabs the white briefs and gives me a look. That eyebrow is inherited, I decide. I shrug innocently.

Tucking the briefs into his hand, Luis first helps her stand up. She is obviously mortified, but her embarrassment quickly turns to something else as Luis lowers to his knees in front of her.

She watches him with a glazed look in her eyes as he helps guide each of her feet through the leg holes and then slowly pulls them up her long legs. He’s trying to be respectful, only the very tips of his fingers are even touching her skin, moving slowly, only looking up at her face instead of where his hands are currently headed. Her wide eyes and heavy breaths betray that his light touch is affecting her.

I lean back against the wall and run my hand over my mouth, settling my fist on my chin as I watch her reactions. Just as he reaches the part of her legs and hips that are under the hospital gown, scrunching it up over her hips as he covers her most intimate parts, she notices me watching and unconsciously bites her bottom lip. She winces slightly, pulling on the wound, but she doesn’t stop. It looks like she’s using the pain to redirect her arousal and that does bad, bad things to my insides.

My cock jumps so hard her eyes notice the movement, tracing the entire length of it through my pants. She slowly brings her heated gaze back up to mine, blowing out a shaky breath as Luis starts to untie the extra hospital gown. I track the piece of clothing as Luis pushes it gently off her shoulders, down her arms, letting it fall to the ground. When he moves behind her to untie the first gown, I straighten up and stalk over to them, picking up the white bra and passing it to Luis.

We work in tandem, taking care of her on the base level, but every movement is slow and sensual. We coordinate every movement perfectly. Undoing the last tie behind her neck, he passes the garment to me on either side of her shoulders. I slowly peel the fabric away from her body, holding it up to shield her and never once looking away from her eyes.
