Page 37 of Progeny

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I clear my throat. “I know you don’t know who you are or where you came from, but the more I get to know you, the more I don’t care about that. You’re… special.”

She sits wide eyed and stares. The moment becomes heavy, and I find myself leaning in closer to her. I desperately want to kiss her, but I think of all the reasons I shouldn’t. Instead, I pick up her hand and press my lips against her fingers, the top of her hand, and then her palm as she reaches out to cup my jaw.

Her eyes dilate. I watch as her tongue darts out to wet her bottom lip, and she leans forward slightly. I’m probably two seconds from losing my resolve, but Bennet chooses that moment to walk back into the room. He doesn’t seem to notice how we jump slightly apart, his eyes lost on his phone as usual.

He holds up a couple of bags and announces we’ve had a delivery. It seems Bennet has taken it upon himself to order a few things, including a brand new tablet that he immediately starts setting up.

“Now you can play as many puzzle games as you like,” he says.

I grin a little at the look she cuts me, and then she avoids my eyes while she tries not to laugh.

He also ordered a few articles of clothing, most of which he says he had delivered to the B&B, but he holds up one bag of clothes that he hopes she’ll be more comfortable to wear tomorrow for the move. As he says this, he gives her a knowing look and a wink, which makes her blush furiously. I look at her curiously, but she shakes her head.

“Please don’t ask,” she mutters.

And lastly, he ordered dinner. I’m surprised at his thoughtfulness when he hands me a container too, and we all eat in companionable silence. She proclaims lo mein noodles as her favorite food and I’m happy to see her eat a good bit before sitting back with a satiated sigh.

Thanking Bennet, I clear up after dinner while he shows her how to use her tablet. He’s sitting on one side of her, downloading and playing different games until she settles on one.

I go to sit in my seat next to her on the opposite side of the bed, but she grabs my arm and pulls me to sit next to her too. I make eye contact with Bennet, who shrugs, and I adjust the IV tubes as we shuffle around a bit to get comfortable. The bed is pretty large, and she is rather small, but we’re not small guys. Luckily, we’re both fairly lean as well, because we’re able to box her in somewhat comfortably and watch her play until she rests her head on Bennet’s chest and links her hand through mine, falling fast asleep.

Bennet looks over at me and it’s my turn to shrug. Neither of us is willing to disturb her, so we both lean back and eventually fall asleep ourselves.


This evening was a complete awkward disaster.

All of our firsts are scattered around this house like autumn leaves. Even after all the paint and moving and decorating, I still see him everywhere. It makes it impossible to focus and try to maintain any semblance of normalcy.

Just having him in the house, in that bathroom, in that shower. My thoughts were distracted by how much I wanted nothing more than to go to him and remind him what he left behind. I paused in the hallway, surprised to see the door slightly ajar. I listened to the water run, jealous that it gets to touch him.

I found myself literally leaning against the wall, breathing in the soft scent of his peppery shea body wash as it rolled out on the steam like a sentient being meant to torment me, when I heard a constrained moan.

The tiny guttural but stifled sound caused a wave of heat to enclose over my body, and I stood there, frozen, completely unable to function. I stayed that way until the timer for the oven started beeping and I realized with absolute terror that the shower had stopped.

Not wanting to get caught being a creeper, I quickly and quietly hurried to the kitchen, pulling the chicken out of the oven and setting it on the counter. Then I made a beeline for my own shower.

Shucking my clothes into the hamper, I started the water and stepped into the shower. As the water hit my overheated skin, I closed my eyes and palmed my near painful erection. I wondered what Micah was thinking about as he pleasured himself in that shower. If he too was reliving each sacred memory. Staying up all night, kissing and caressing into the early morning hours. Exploring each other’s bodies as we learned every ridge, dip, and curve.

My mind drifted to the memory of the feel of his skin against mine, slippery with soap and water. The deliberate way he trailed his tongue down my body. The heat of his mouth as he took me deep into his throat. The softness of his short-cropped curls as I ran my fingers through his hair, gripping the back of his head as he bobbed up and down on my cock. The feel of his tight ring the first time I pushed inside him. The smooth hardness of his perfect, thick, veiny cock as I took him in my fist and pumped him while I licked his crack. The taste of his cum as I licked it off my fingers.

Locked in my memories, I shuddered out my own release, shooting hot semen all over the tiles of the shower wall. Remembering the pure lust and how empowered I felt to bring such a man to ruin, and to feel him ruin me. Those first days of our newfound relationship were a whirlwind of hormones and exploration. It was the most amazing time of my life, not just because of the constant sex, we were insatiable - but because of the deep love we felt for each other.

When I returned to the kitchen, he had taken over and chopped up veggies to make a salad. He filled some large bowls with the salad while I mixed together some dressing and added some extra seasoning to the chicken, slicing it and putting it on top of the dishes. We worked like a well-oiled machine, a team that has carried out these tasks hundreds of times before, falling into easy habits even after so much time. The utter ease of it made me want to cry.

After dinner I excused myself to go to bed, not having gotten much sleep over the past couple of days. I wanted to hear about his life, about school and how he’s been doing. I needed to talk about the girl. But I couldn’t sit there and force anymore small talk, too exhausted to hold all of my emotions in. Of course, I couldn’t sleep, either. I tried reading, but I couldn’t focus. And I’ve just been laying here ever since, staring at the ceiling.

As I lay here processing, obsessing over every tiny detail, I make a decision. I have a chance to be brave rather than sticking my head in the sand. I love Micah, and whether or not I want to admit it there might be something with this girl.

I’m going tomorrow.

Flinging off the covers, I get up and start packing a bag. I must be moving around louder than I think, because as I’m rummaging around in my closet looking for a particular chess set, I hear a soft knock at the door.

Micah walks into my dimly lit room, looking around at my clothes and things all over the bed, a small suitcase open and half full with too many pairs of socks and underwear.

I like to be prepared.

Micah grins, pretending not to notice my tendency to over pack essentials. “You’re coming then?”
