Page 32 of Progeny

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“What do you want, then?” He was going to make me say it.

I hesitated. “Kiss me again?” I said, my heart beating erratically and causing my words to come out more timid than I actually felt.

Lukas wasted no time, closing the distance between us. He breathed in for a split second, like he was savoring my very breath, and then crushed his lips against mine.

If I had thought at all that the atmosphere of the secluded clearing had created the magic between us, I was wrong. A surge of feeling, like the tingly heaviness that happens when you hold your breath for too long, spread over my entire body. Each movement of his mouth, slow and careful at first, and then devouring, set fires across my body.

I opened my mouth, wanting to give him more access, and suppressed a moan when his tongue found mine. He pulled me closer, my body too overwhelmed to do anything more than melt into him. He let go after a while, staring down at my swollen lips, his eyes glazed and hooded.

“Was that, okay?” He asked, sounding as shaky as I was feeling. All I could do was nod.

“Are you sure, because I can pull back or stop or…” he trailed off. I realized that he might be mistaking my lack of words for apprehension.

“No, I just… I feel…” But I couldn’t find the words. Instead, I threw myself at him.

He fell back against the cushions with a groan, and I chased his tongue with my own until I couldn’t tell whose breath belonged to who.

He rolled me beneath him on the couch, separating my legs with his knee and gently grinding into me. Feeling the hard length of him through his pants, my own dick swelled and strained against my jeans. My hands wandered restlessly, caressing and running down his arms, making my way down to his ass. I pulled at him, trying to close any possible distance left between us, lost in my excitement.

Pulling his hips down against mine, I thrusted up, encouraging him to grind against me, moaning when he complied with my needy wordless request. My moan must have spurred something in him because he did it again, thrusting his pelvis against mine and slowly pivoting his hips to slowly push his entire length against my own. I nearly choked and lost it right then, letting out a sound that could only be described as a strangled mewl.

Lukas broke our kiss and rested his head against my shoulder, breathing heavily against my neck. Slowly, he lifted his weight off my body and stared down at me, his hooded sleepy eyes searching mine like he was waiting for something, perhaps checking to make sure I was ready to go farther. Always checking in on my comfort, my consent…

To answer, I reached up and pulled his face back to mine. I kissed him slow and deep, both assuring him I was okay, while also letting him know that this wasn’t something I was taking lightly. I knew he needed to know that I was a willing partner in this, that he wasn’t pressuring me by any means. Holding him close, I pushed with my other arm, turning us sideways so we were facing each other.

I pulled back to gaze at him, giving him a small smile as he laid his head on my arm. For a while we just lay there, catching our breaths while I ran my fingers over his face, up and down his arm, and over his hip. Watching him closely to make sure everything I was doing was okay, I slowly crept my fingers over the solid length of him, feeling him twitch through his pants.

The movement spurred me on, and I dipped a finger below his beltline and slowly ran a finger from his hip to his navel, stopping at his belt buckle. Resting my forehead against his, I glanced down to unbuckle his jeans. Both of our breaths were speeding up again, my heart thrumming wildly as I put the flat of my hand inside the front of his open pants and palmed his hard-on through his underwear. His hips jerked a little, pushing into my hand as he claimed my mouth again.

Emboldened by his response, I slipped my hand under the elastic of his boxers and grasped him. His skin was hot, smooth, and slick with pre-cum. It was a little odd getting the angle right, given that I had only done this to myself before, but I positioned my hand as best I could and gripped him harder, pumping him slowly. His head fell back against the couch, his hips jerking into me. His moans increased as I experimented with how tight to squeeze and how to move, changing my speed accordingly. Settling into a rhythm that seemed the most pleasurable based on his breathing and moans, I watched him come undone.

His head pressed into my shoulder, hips thrusting into my hand as he came in breathless spurts, hot cum coating my hand. I marveled at how it made me feel to make him feel good, and I never wanted to stop. That was the moment I was truly done for, and I hadn’t even experienced my own pleasure.

Lukas took a second to come down, kissing me madly, until he slipped off the couch and pulled me into a sitting position. He removed his shirt, wiping my hand and his stomach clean. Settling himself between my knees, he kissed me hard as he ran his hands up my sides, pushing my shirt up my body. As I finished pulling the shirt over my head, Lukas undid the button on my jeans, slowly pulling the zip down. Once my pants were open, he pulled my throbbing cock out of my boxer briefs.

“Jesus, you’re perfect,” he whispered. I have never, to this day, felt so powerful and sexy and turned the fuck on.

He grabbed my pants at the top and pulled them off my body, taking my boxer briefs with them. By this point I was harder than I’ve ever been in my life, my cock quite literally throbbing with the force of the blood flow and my violently beating heart. I watched him wide-eyed, not daring to move in case I exploded before either of us were ready. He dipped his head and tentatively licked the underside of my cock, following the ridge of a vein to the head.

I made a pained sound that caused him to look up. “Was that… okay? I’ve never…”

“You’re perfect, everything’s perfect,” I whispered breathlessly, “I’m just so close...”

Assured he wasn’t doing anything wrong, he wrapped his fingers around the shaft and used his thumb to rub across my dripping tip. I laid my head back against the couch, breathing erratically, trying to calm down. Obviously, I’d touched myself countless times, usually imagining a similar scenario, but it was astonishing how foreign, how amazing, it felt to have Lukas touch me in real life. My wildest dreams couldn’t compare.

My body nearly jerked off the couch when I felt his mouth on me. I looked down and watched in awe as Lukas lowered his face, closing his mouth around me and sucking in his cheeks as he came back up. He did it again, going a little farther down, and again, until I felt the back of his throat. As he came back up, his eyes lifted to mine and all the air left me as I felt my body tighten, too close to hold back any longer.

“Lukas, I… I’m going to come.” He bobbed his head a few more times, his eyes on me as he came off my cock, sucking the tip so hard I heard a little popping sound when it released from his mouth. Then he brought his hand back up to grab the base, forming a tight fist and pumping me until I exploded, nearly seeing stars as hot ropes of cum splashed over my lap.

Finally coming down from the most intense pleasure I’d ever felt, I looked around at the mess I’d made. At first, I was a bit embarrassed, but Lukas used his shirt to wipe away the worst of it. When he was done, he climbed back up on the couch to pull me against his chest. We laid there on the couch for who knows how long, just holding and learning about each other.

As the memory flashes through my mind, I hold my bag in front of me to hide the evidence of my arousal. I stand there awkwardly for a moment, afraid to look at Lukas in case he guesses the direction my thoughts have traveled. My eyes dart around the room.

“I like what you’ve done with the place,” I tell him.

“Thanks. It was time for a change.”

“You, uh… you probably want to get a shower. The guest room is my old room, so you can throw your stuff in there and use the bathroom across the hall. There’s still a closet in there with towels and such. Most everything is in the same place.”
