Page 44 of Head in the Game

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He hums noncommittally. It's a sound he makes often around me, and it makes my dick harden in anticipation of what he might do next.

Although it's happened once before, I don't think I’ll ever get used to the sight of Bryant Nicks getting down on his knees for me. He swallows my cock in one move, and I let out a string of curses, slapping my hand against the tile to steady myself.

With the water hitting my chest and rolling down my body, Bryant sputters, gags, and takes loud breaths as he works my cock. The sounds only make it better, sloppier, nastier. The fingers he pushes into my ass have me crying out.

"I'm close," I say, expecting him to edge me like he normally does. Instead, he doubles his efforts, adding a third finger, fondling my balls, and hollowing out his cheeks to suck me harder. "Ahh, fuck!" I cry out as I spasm and spurt, pumping cum into Bryant's willing mouth.

He pops off my cock with his mouth full of cum, but distracts me by spinning me around and pressing my hands to the wall. Fuck yeah, I know what he's telling me. But he says it anyway.

"Hold on, baby," he says after he spits the load of my cum down my ass crack. He rubs his length into the mess, lubing up his cock before slamming into me.

This time I'm ready for him, stretched and pliant from his fingers. My back arches as I bend as low as I can, trying to give him that perfect angle. His thrusts are fast and hard, and the way he pounds against my prostate has me ready to blow again. I'm going to need to hydrate at the rate I'm going today. He growls and I think he's coming, but he doesn't stop, he just slows. He keeps himself inside me, pulling my back against his chest and pressing me against the shower wall. He rolls his hips, still thrusting into me with slow, rolling movements that make my eyes roll back in my head.

"One more. Come for me, Jack," he demands, and I fucking whimper like a baby when he wraps his hand around my cock and pumps another orgasm out of me.

When he pulls out of me, it's all I can do to hold myself upright. We get washed up and Bryant hands me a towel. Outside the bathroom, he hands me a bottle of water, which I gulp down gratefully. The silence is awkward, and I know I need to leave, even though everything in me desperately wants to stay. I want to lie next to him and watch tv or talk, to fall asleep with his warmth wrapped around me, and then wake him up by choking on his morning wood. I know I can't, though. That's what a boyfriend would do. It would not only undermine what this is about, it would also put us at risk of getting caught. This is not a relationship, and I'm not his boyfriend.

Apparently, the guys are all coming back from their swim, because it's loud in the hallway.

"I'll have to stay until they settle in," I say awkwardly.

He gestures to the bed and turns the television on. We lay against the pillows in just our towels, watching ESPN. He gives me a proud look when I'm mentioned during a college football recap, and the announcer says I'm the number one player to watch, and they even launch into some of my future prospects. My chest swells with both pride and sadness, because although my future will be starting soon, something else will be ending at the same time.



I wake up to a warm body pressed against mine and groan. He smells different. The hotel shampoo washes out the spicy scent of his normal body wash, but underneath the generic floral smell, it's still Jack, and he still smells like sex to me.

My blood rushes, and my cock stirs. We must have fallen asleep watching TV, which isn't good, but it's still dark outside, which means we aren't in trouble. Yet.

It also means I can wake him up however I want before I send him on his way.

My mouth trails over his shoulder blade, across his strong bicep, and up his neck, enjoying the opportunity to explore him while he’s asleep. He starts to stir, and I bite his ear.

"Time to wake up, baby," I grumble in his ear, my voice raspy from sleep.

That's the second time I've unintentionally called him that, but he doesn't react, so maybe he doesn't notice? What he does notice is my cock pressing against his bare ass cheek, and he rolls his hips back into it. I press my cock between his cheeks and he groans.

I abandon his warmth for only a moment, reaching over to my bag that I left on the bedside table. Either I'm stupid or I'm just prepared, because at the last minute, I threw a bottle of lube into my small duffel. I'll examine the repercussions of that later. For now, I fill my palm with the slippery liquid and coat my cock in it before teasing Jack's puckered hole and pushing in with two fingers. I take my time stretching and fingering him until he's definitely awake and edging towards release.

He looks over his shoulder with sleepy eyes, barely visible in the beam of light from a nearby streetlamp, and kisses me. It's slow, and tender, and deep, tugging on my heartstrings as fiercely as it does my cock. In the bare hours of the morning, I can still pretend to be half asleep, and for a short time, I can allow myself to relax and just enjoy whatever this is between us. He said it—this is a diversion, something to keep things interesting. Only right now, it feels like more.

Instead of bending him over and dominating him the way I normally do, I want to look at him and kiss him. Rolling him on his back and settling myself between his legs, I angle his hips with a pillow and press my cock inside, entering him slowly. He moans as his body stretches to accommodate me. When I'm buried to the hilt, I roll my hips, luxuriating in the feel of the tight ring of muscle squeezing me.

I move in slow, languid thrusts, and Jack pulls me against his body. Our kiss starts deep and gentle, but it grows hungrier and more fevered as we move against each other. My abs contract with the ache in my chest, and then my balls as his little moans and breathy pants turn me on, but I hold off, wanting him to come first.

With a quick bite and lick of his bottom lip, I set myself up on my knees and grip the hard muscle of his thighs, pressing his knees up against his chest.

"Fuck," he pants, as I roll my hips into him again, building to a quicker pace as I begin to lose control. My hands tighten on his thighs, digging into his skin, marking him the way I want to mark his entire body. I watch, in the growing light of early morning, as my cock slides in and out of him.

"Fuck," I agree, echoing him as my eyes threaten to roll back in my head. The sight of my cock disappearing inside of him is making it hard to hold myself together. I grit my teeth. "Touch yourself, Jack. I want to watch you cum."

With a breathy moan, he reaches down and grabs his cock, pumping in time with my thrusts.

"That's right baby, come for me. Come all over me."

I'm not able to hold off until he's done. The squeeze of his ass around my cock, and the way his eyes lock on mine, glazed over with pleasure as his orgasm overtakes him—it's all too much. My orgasm hits me out of nowhere, and I come with a shout, thrusting deep. He spasms around me, my name on his lips almost setting me off a second time.
