Page 45 of Head in the Game

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"Yes, Bryant, Fuuuuck," he cries, and his cum splashes against my abs and his.

I close the distance between our bodies, pressing our torsos together and smearing the cum between us as I take his mouth. I keep moving inside him until my dick softens, smiling at the way Jack whimpers when I pull out of him.

We lay there for a few minutes, staring at each other, touching, kissing. Until it's too light outside to ignore. I send Jack to the shower without me in case it gets one or both of us started again. I'm like a fucking teenager around him, insatiable.

The team plays their best game ever, and we dominate the Wildcats in their own territory. Jack is on fire, and I can't wait to watch the recaps of this game later. While Jack was simply on the radar before he came to Groveton, he's now at the top of everyone's list for the most talked about player this season. He's a fucking star, and even though he's only a junior, there is no doubt in anyone's mind that he is destined for greatness. There's a lot of talk about whether he'll announce his draft intentions or stay to finish his degree. I should talk to him about making an official statement, and maybe we can hold a small press conference after our next home game.

I think about what Tuck said, and spend a little too much time imagining how I could persuade him to stay here longer. For the team.

For me.

The players are pumped after the game, and they're still jazzed up by the time they get on the bus. Coach Sanders decides to ride with the cheer bus, probably because he's been chatting up their coach for the last six months, which leaves his seat open. The team decides Jack should get the honor of sitting up front instead of near the bathroom, so he ends up across from me in Tuck’s seat. I try not to stare at him the whole time while he shoots the shit with Alex and Francisco, who are sitting behind him. We stop for barbeque in Oklahoma, and after lunch, everyone's pretty tired and docile. One of the guys hooks up another movie, and they all zone out on some action flick I haven’t seen.

I pull out my phone, hiding it behind the screen of my laptop.

BN: You played well today.

JP: Thanks. Started with a good morning ;)

BN: That it did.

JP: What are you doing tonight?

I don't answer, but my eyes flick up to his in confusion.

BN: Sitting on a bus, mostly.

JP: I mean after.

BN: It'll be after 3AM by the time we get back to campus.

JP: And everyone will be too tired to notice if I follow you home.

My lips quirk.

BN: Aren't you tired?

JP: Are you? Do I need to give you a break, old man?

I look up at him with a raised eyebrow.

BN: Is there any part of the last 48 hours that makes you think I can’t keep up?

Jack lets out a throaty laugh, which gets the attention of the guys behind him.

"Yo, lover-boy, who you texting?" Alex says, reaching to grab his phone.

I nearly have a heart attack, but Jack thankfully swats his hand away and tucks it into his back pocket. "Dude, mind your business!" He laughs it off, but I can see the tension in his shoulders.

"That's what he said to Mike this morning, when he walked in after five, freshly showered and a love-struck grin on his face. Won't tell anyone where he was."

Jack’s eyes cut over to where I'm sitting, and I know he knows I'm listening, but I am still their coach, so technically I should be picking up on the conversation and punishing him for being out of his room after hours. Instead, I'm pretending to be engrossed in some footage of the game, turning up the volume slightly so they don't think I'm listening.

"Apparently, you've never gotten your dick sucked in the shower. You should try it."

Alex leans forward excitedly, lowering his voice, but not enough to actually keep his conversation private. "Dude… Was it that receptionist? She came looking for you at the pool."

"She was fucking hot," Francisco says. "Unbuttoned the top few buttons of her blouse and had her lipstick right and everything, looking for you."
