Page 36 of Head in the Game

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And that's it, right there.

I'll fall.

I'm a forty-eight-year-old man, falling for a twenty-year-old fucking college student. A male student, at that. My student. Someone I'm supposed to be molding into a better football player, not my personal fuckboy. But along the way, he's become more than that. He's an obsession. The dangerous next step on this slippery slope is a four letter word that I barely ever even uttered to my wife when I was married.

"I should go." I'll take something to hold in front of me when I leave this room. Maybe none of the students in the hallways will notice the massive erection I have.

I can't even stand up straight.

"No," Jack says defiantly, following me when I stand up and blocking the door. "I know you want to fuck me. Do it. Fuck me, Coach."

He turns around, putting his hands back on the door where they were before. His ass, his perfect fucking ass—muscular and round and wanting—pushes against my groin and I groan. I swallow, fighting back the heat that pricks at the back of my eyelids. I want him so badly I'm almost in tears over it, but this can't happen.

I step away from him, anger rising at the want burning inside of me. "Jack, I–"

"Please, Bryant. I want you. I need you."

Fucking hell. For all that is fucking holy, he had to say my name like that. Pleading. My name. I'm not even sure that I've ever heard him say it before, but it's my undoing. I stagger forward like a drunkard, curling my body around his and trying to gain some control.

"You want me to fuck this perfect, round ass, Perry?"

"Yes, Coach."

Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.

"Don't you move those hands."

My cock is still wet with his cum that I was rubbing into myself, but I spread his cheeks and spit directly on his crack, watching it trickle down. I rub the wetness into his hole, pushing my fingers inside and spreading him, spitting inside before I replace my fingers with the head of my cock. After spreading large beads of my pre-cum over his hole, I push just the head inside before retracting. I’m hypnotized, fascinated by the view of my cock breaching his ass and pulling back out. But Jack gets impatient and pushes back, forcing a few inches of me in all the way. He gasps and we both still for a moment.

He's so fucking tight, his body tensed up like a piano wire. "Relax," I tell him, forcing myself to slow down when what I really want to do is drive myself home. I reach around and fist his hardening cock, squeezing the head and getting him worked up again before I start to move.

I pull almost all the way out, and then thrust back in, giving him another couple of inches. Then I do it again. And again, until I'm fully seated. He's panting. I'm sweating. I stroke his cock and roll my hips until he seems accommodated to my size.

"I thought you were going to fuck me?" He challenges, biting back a moan.

"You're a fucking brat, Perry."

Still, I give him what he so clearly wants. Letting go of his cock, I push his shoulder blades down so his face is pressed against the door and his ass is stuck out as far as it can be in his standing position. I straighten my body behind his and grip his hips, pulling all the way out before thrusting all the way back in. The breath whooshes out of him and he grunts, the sound somewhere between pleasure and pain.

Fuck, I like that.

I pull out and plunge into him again, harder this time, picking up speed until he's all but bouncing off my dick and hitting the door with each thrust. He's moaning and grunting and crying out as my cock hits against his prostate, and I can feel the way his asshole clenches, telling me how close he is to coming again.

"Fuck, yes," I growl, driving into him relentlessly, spurred on by the sound of my skin slapping against his.

Shit. The music has stopped. I don't know how long the only sounds in the room have been my pelvis slapping against his ass, his face rocking against the door, or his rhythmic grunts. But I can't fucking stop, my hips moving of their own accord as I chase a release that will damn me for eternity.

Jack jerks against me and I wrap my hand around his mouth, muffling his screams as his cum paints the door.

"Fuck," I grunt into his shoulder, biting down into his skin to muffle the sounds of my own pleasure, emptying myself into Jack as his tight ass milks me for every stream of cum.

I'm so fucked.



It's been five days since I've seen him.
